Republican Governors Association Ad Boosts Brian Kemp in Georgia Gubernatorial Race

Brian Kemp of Georgia

The Republican Governors Association (RGA) launched a new ad to boost Governor Brian Kemp against his rivals in the Georgia gubernatorial race.

The new video, entitled “Results,” targets Democrat Stacey Abrams for seeking “fame,” while Kemp worked to enact policies to help residents of the state.

According to a release from the RGA, the 30-second ad will air across the state in the Atlanta, Savannah, Macon, and Augusta media markets.

“Stacey Abrams traveled everywhere but Georgia in search of personal fame and fortune, ignoring the people she claims to want to represent,” added RGA Spokeswoman Maddie Anderson. “Governor Brian Kemp is a battle-tested leader for Georgia’s hardworking families, who lowers taxes, tackles crime, and gives parents a say in their child’s education. For Kemp, it’s always Georgia first. Stacey Abrams cannot say the same.”

While not mentioning Republican opponent David Perdue, the video touts Kemp’s conservative credentials. The narrator argues the governor has helped residents by “lowering taxes and creating good paying jobs, easing the burden at the gas pump, giving parents more control of their kids’ education, fighting to reduce crime.”

At the same time, Kemp’s campaign has targeted Perdue, whose failed campaign allowed Democrats to gain control of the U.S. Senate.

Kemp’s campaign blasted Perdue’s campaign for failing to commit to a debate against the governor.

“On March 9th, former Senator David Perdue said he would ‘absolutely’ debate Governor Kemp, but his campaign has yet to publicly commit to any of the four primary debates the Governor agreed to participate in for weeks ago,” said Cody Hall, Kemp’s Director of Communications. “Perdue has known the dates for a month now. His campaign should answer a simple question: will he participate in all four primary debates?”

Numerous polls have shown Kemp maintains a lead over Perdue and Democrat Abrams if the incumbent secures the GOP nomination.

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for The Georgia Star News and The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Brian Kemp ad” by GOPGovs.


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