Trump-Endorsed Candidate for Lieutenant Governor Takes Shots at Weak Georgia Republicans

A Trump-endorsed candidate vying to become Georgia’s next Lieutenant Governor Saturday blasted weak Republicans during a rally held by the former president in the Peach State.

“I’m running [for Lieutenant Governor] for a lot of the same reasons that Herschel Walker is running for United States Senate,” State Senator Burt Jones (R-Jackson) told the crowd of about 5,000. “Because I’m sick and tired of weak-kneed Republicans. I serve in the State Senate [and] I’ve seen them fold on tax issues, I’ve seen them fold on educational issues, I’ve seen them fold on law enforcement issues and I didn’t just see them fold on election issues in 2020, but I saw them run and hide under their desk in 2020.”

“And we cannot have that because the elections, ladies and gentlemen, could have been so simple to fix,” he said. “They could have been so simple to investigate. But so many of the people in leadership did not want to do that, and I can tell you right now, if you elect me lieutenant governor, we’re going to restore confidence in our elections process.”

Trump has endorsed Jones’ campaign to replace Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan (R), who is not seeking reelection.

Jones’ campaign echoed his Saturday message in talking with The Georgia Star News.

Jones’ “election integrity platform is to simplify the elections process and restore trust and transparency into our elections,” a campaign spokesman said.

Jones wants to see the following measures taken to protect election integrity:

-Eliminate drop boxes
-Return to paper ballots
-Return more control to local elections boards, away from Secretary of State
-Empower investigative bodies such as GBI

HB 1464, which would give the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) more investigative powers, is already in the works in the General Assembly

Jones also blasted Duncan, who is infamous for his defiance in the face of Trump’s 2020 election fraud claims.

Duncan started a group, GOP 2.0, to oppose the Trump wing of the Republican Party.

“Geoff Duncan’s 2.0 group is nothing but a grift and vanity project to draw attention away from his disastrous record as Lieutenant Governor,” he said. “The voters of Georgia are tired of self-serving career politicians who want the spotlight and a paycheck—but don’t care about the needs or struggles of real Georgia families.”

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Pete D’Abrosca is a reporter at The Georgia Star News and The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Burt Jones” by Burt Jones.

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