Voting Group Says Atlanta Schools Doubling Down on Left-Wing Indoctrination

The largest high school in Atlanta has partnered with a far-left group to implement the progressive agenda in schools, and now will partner with the same group to register students to vote, according to Greater Georgia, a right-wing voter registration group.

“With over 2,000 students, North Atlanta High School is the largest public high school in Atlanta. If they truly cared about civic engagement, school administrators would invite a range of groups to help register this tremendous number of future voters, instead of turning groups away,” former U.S. Senator Kelly Loeffler, chairwoman of Greater Georgia, said in a Wednesday press release. “The truth is, Atlanta Public Schools are not interested in civics, or basic voter registration. Instead, they are working with the liberal New Georgia Project to indoctrinate and transform students into progressive activists. In their quest to turn Georgia blue, APS and NGP will silence those that don’t promote their ideology. Every parent deserves to know what is being taught to their kids – and reject the partisan indoctrination that is replacing real civics education.”

The saga began when the parent organization of the Atlanta Falcons, AMB Sports & Entertainment, teamed up with Atlanta Public Schools and The New Georgia Project (NGP) to launch a “democracy” class back in August of 2021. That partnership largely flew under the radar, until it was exposed by Greater Georgia in March.

NGP was founded in 2014 by far-left gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams.

The intention of the school’s partnership with NGP is clear – to churn out Democrat voters.

“We are incredibly proud to join this effort with our partners in action to educate and inform our youngest voters and soon-to-be voters in Atlanta,” said Kendra Cotton, the COO of New Georgia Project, when the partnership was announced. “In 2020, Georgia made history by activating a diverse coalition of both voters of color and first-time voters. Inviting our youngest generation to be active participants in the civic process is a necessary step to not only ensuring that we are training up the state’s next generation of progressive champions, but also reaffirms our commitment to uplifting the voices of all Georgians.”

Now, according to Greater Georgia, NGP will host a voter registration drive at North Atlanta High School, and the right-leaning voter registration group says it is not invited.

“On April 1st, North Atlanta High School advertised that NGP would be on its campus registering students to vote,” the Wednesday press release said. “When Greater Georgia reached out and asked for the same access to support registration efforts, the school refused – citing the existing partnership with NGP and declining to allow Greater Georgia on campus to register students for the remainder of the school year.”

By leaving the right-leaning group out of the voter registration drive, the public school is “reaffirming its commitment to working exclusively with liberal organizations in the effort to indoctrinate students and recruit them for far-left activism,” Greater Georgia says.

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Pete D’Abrosca is a reporter at The Georgia Star News and The Star News Network. Follow Pete on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Background Photo “North Atlanta High School” by North Atlanta High School.


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