Georgia Voting System Chief Gabriel Sterling Blames Rep. Taylor Greene for Runoff Election Losses


A member of the Georgia Secretary of State’s office attempted to shift the blame to President Donald J. Trump and his supporters, including a newly-elected congresswoman, for the GOP’s failure in the U.S. runoffs in the Peach State.

“The drop off in GOP turnout from Nov to Jan was driven by Trump and most prominently in areas represented by Doug Collins and Marjorie Taylor Greene. These folks cost the GOP two senate seats and control of the Senate. Giving Biden and Dems a free hand,” Gabriel Sterling, the Secretary of State’s Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial officer said on Twitter. In the runup of the 2020 election, Sterling served as the state’s Voting System Implementation manager.

Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler, both Republicans, lost their runoff elections to Democrat challengers on January 5.

Freshman Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene fired back at Sterling.

“Morons like you are responsible for losing GA’s 2 Republican Senate seats. You ran a Nov 3rd election that was stolen [because] you idiots at the SOS mailed out millions of absentee ballots to any one and everyone while GA was an open state. Then you counted ballots on Dominion,” she said.

“It was all of you who arrogantly sat on your ass, refusing to listen to the people who pay for everything, and changed nothing to these scam elections that turned Georgia’s 2 RED Senate seats blue,” she continued.

Taylor continued, saying that Georgians risked their livelihoods to sign sworn affidavits claiming election fraud existed, which they did under penalty of perjury. Had they lied, they could have been jailed, a point that remains unaddressed by those who claim the elections were conducted without fraud.

“So little Gabriel, you can tweet all the stupid lies you want, but mark my words, Republican voters in Georgia know exactly who they are blaming. It’s not Trump. And it ain’t me,” she said.

Sterling is notorious for his fierce defense of Georgia’s election integrity, despite questions that continue to linger after the largest vote-by-mail operation in American history.

As reported by The Georgia Star News, the chain of custody documents for 500,000 absentee ballots from the November 3 election were never produced.

The state even appeared to break its own rules regarding the transportation of absentee ballots from drop boxes to election officials.

The Georgia Star News reported:

An analysis of ballot transfer forms from Cobb County reveals that 78 percent of the more than 89,000 absentee ballots from drop box locations, required to be “immediately transported” to the county registrar according to Emergency Rule of the State Election Board for Absentee Voting, took more than one hour to be transferred to election officials.

State Election Board Emergency Rule 183-1-14-0.8-.14 relative to securing absentee ballot drop boxes was adopted by the State Election Board at the July 1, 2020, meeting.

“The ballots from the drop box shall be immediately transported to the county registrar and processed and stored in the same manner as absentee ballots returned by mail are processed and stored,” the rule mandates.

A lack of transparency marred the state’s begrudging audit its election results. The Georgia Star News sent several requests asking the Secretary of State’s office to enlighten the public about the audit process, to no avail.

Twitter later suspended Greene’s account for 12 hours.

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Pete D’Abrosca is a contributor at The Georgia Star News and The Star News Network. Follow Pete on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Marjorie Taylor Greene” by Marjorie Taylor Greene and “Gabriel Sterling” by Gabriel Sterling







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