Steve Bannon Talks Georgia Recount and the Search for Truth in Alternative Media Sources


Live from Georgia Monday morning on The John Fredericks Show –  live weekdays on WNTW AM 820/ FM 92.7 – Richmond, WJFN FM 100.5 – Central Virginia, WMPH AM 1010 / FM 100.1 / FM 96.9 (7-9 PM) Hampton Roads, WBRG AM 1050 / FM 105.1 – Lynchburg/Roanoke and Live Weekdays 6-10 am and 24/7 Stream –  host Fredericks welcomed political analyst and host of War Room Stephen K. Bannon to the show.

Fredericks: And without further ado coming to you live from Dahlonega, Georgia at the Smith House. 10 cities in 10 days. Dalton tomorrow. Joining us now
Steve Bannon is the host of the War Room. This show has gotten internet, I got to tell you folks War Room is now the number one listened to radio-TV show around the world and in America.

10 to noon every day on The John Fredericks Show. Monday through Saturday. He’s also on Real America’s Voice channel 219 on the dish. Also on Newsmax at 11 pm. He’s getting all over the place. Because look you can’t get the truth out except for Bannon and shows like mine. And Steve is with us now. Steve, great to have you with us.

Bannon: Hey, thanks for having me, John. It’s fantastic that you’ve got this 10 city tour waking people up to how they’re trying to steal this down to Georgia.

Fredericks: You know steve it’s unbelievable. If we don’t do this nobody will. I sent you a text earlier today and thanks for looking at it. I’ve now got to get the news on a federal judge ruling from an Australian newspaper based in Sydney. Like it’s blacked out in the US. What is going on with this censorship?

Bannon: I think it’s a disgrace. but you know the truth will come out. There’s a lot that has been happening overnight. In Georgia, I think a huge win for Lin Wood. You’re going to have him on your show to talk about it. I think the stunning thing when people read this article is the state of Georgia actually argued against the American people to turn over and to basically freeze in place these machines because they argued about the proprietary software to try to protect the proprietary software of a vendor.

I mean it’s the most outrageous argument I’ve ever seen in my life. This article should be read in detail. I hope Lin goes into it when he’s on. But it shows you the lengths that these bureaucrats in Georgia and these are Republicans are going to protect people actually getting to these machines and finding out exactly what went on. I mean to argue that you can’t freeze the machines in place because it’s the potential of you know people finding out about their proprietary software is outrageous.

That’s just not a consideration when we’re talking about an election of the president of the united states. And I think it shows you how far off these Georgia officials are and why people have to rise up right now and say under no circumstances are we going to wipe those machines and reset. I don’t know why this focus is on January fifth right now on the runoff when we have unfinished business on this presidential election. Because if this is not sorted out they’re just going to cheat again and steal the Senate race. So I think this is very important to get to the bottom of.

Fredericks: You know what? that what you just said is what I’ve been saying for two weeks here. because all of the focus is on the Senate race. steve all they’re going to do is steal it again. I mean this is as plain as it knows on your face. They’re going to go through the same thing. Stacey Abrams already mailed out 850 absentee ballot applications. They’re going to do the same thing. They got the same machines. But let me ask you this.

If you’re Secretary of State Republican Brad Raffensburger, Jeff Duncan, Brian Kemp by the way, who wouldn’t be here without Trump. Wouldn’t be governor. Why wouldn’t you want all this out? Why wouldn’t you want the machines to get looked at? Why wouldn’t you want the forensic study? Why wouldn’t you want the absentee ballot envelopes matched with the signatures? Why wouldn’t you want to prove that the election was clean? Why are you hiding it? Can you answer that question, Steve Bannon?

Bannon: Well this is why Joe Biden you know all this phony rhetoric about wanting to bring the country together. Wanting to unify the country is complete it’s complete nonsense. If you look across the country if you look from Wisconsin to Georgia and you know in Wisconsin where they’ve been caught red-handed. They’ve been caught red-handed on this on this recount. And they’re going to go into court today or tomorrow and file with over 100,000 illegal ballots. So in Wisconsin, they got it. And then in Georgia, they got it.

Fredericks: So all we’re doing in Georgia with the second recount is recounting the same potentially fraudulent ballots. Why are we even doing that? What is the purpose of this?

Bannon: You’ve got to get to the signature match and you’ve got to get into these machines. and it’s going to take probably Lin Wood or somebody or Sidney Powell or one of these other campaigns lawsuits to do it. The reason they did it in Wisconsin you had to do the recount to be able to set up and actually get
all the information you needed.

Which they got. I mean Matt Braynard and the people working at the Amistad Project, Phil Klein, and others have been able to gather this information. And I think what’s going to happen in Wisconsin is going to be pretty devastating. Also today you’ve got this hearing in Arizona. In Arizona, they’re going to walk through all the details. All the details of what’s going on.

Fredericks: So in the hearing, I think it was on Wednesday before we started getting away for Thanksgiving in Pennsylvania the republicans in the Senate had a hearing. And one of the things that I just I couldn’t find in the news is when Giuliani asked the question that there were 1.8 million applications for absentee ballots. That means you mailed in an application to get a ballot back. There were 2.5 million absentee ballots that came in. How do you have 700,000 absentee ballots that nobody got? Why wasn’t that a headline on Fox News?

Bannon: How about a Republican to working points. Why is it not out there being pushed every day? I mean this one thing’s in the war room we pride ourselves in is really getting down to the facts and putting that forward. And that’s why I think there’s a huge appetite for shows like this right now because people are just not covering things. I mean the Wednesday Gettysburg presentation I think was an inflection point that changes the dynamic. That’s why you have the Arizona hearing today.

That’s why you have so much activity down in Georgia. that’s why but find out like today in Pennsylvania if they don’t extend this session or vote on this resolution to send the electors it could be off or not. You may just have to depend upon the courts in Pennsylvania or the or the federal courts. So this battle is a battle that’s going on 24 hours a day seven days a week. And it’s obviously not being covered by the mainstream media. But there are great alternative media out there that’s covering that non-stop.

Fredericks: Steve I want you to spend just a moment here diverge for a second and spend a moment on the complete collapse of Fox News. I mean I can no longer watch it because it’s all about Joe Biden’s the president and all these democrats on. his cabinet. What he’s going to do? I mean they will not cover any of this as if it didn’t exist. I mean even last night at 10 p.m a judge rules in Georgia Judge Batton reversed himself then reversed himself again and puts the temporary injunction on wiping the Dominion voting machines clean until Wednesday when they can have a hearing with Lin Wood. That’s a great victory that they got. No coverage. What is going on with Fox?

Bannon: Look I think the Murdoch’s have made a business decision. and you know they’re capitalists. They made a good business decision 25 years ago to focus on the unserved market of the right. I think their logic is from CNN and MSNBC have been so radicalized they see a big opportunity in the center and that’s what they’re doing. I mean they’re just not interested in covering things related to Trump or particularly things related to this to the stealing of this election.

And look people have other alternatives. not just have one american news network and Newsmax. You have many other alternatives to go through. And I think the coverage from the radio right now has been pretty amazing. It’s been the investigative apparatus. The scoops people are getting having to connect the dots. People are well served. But you have to go find these things. It’s not marketed now. I think you are seeing any interest or support because all the viewership is up. The site traffic is up. People are very engaged in the story and they want to get to the facts. People need to get over the fact that the Murdoch’s made a business decision and you’ve just got to move on.

Listen to the full show here:





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