TRUMPDATE: Latest from the Team Trump Virginia Campaign for November 6


Welcome to the Friday edition of our daily Virginia Trump campaign update! We will provide our readers with daily updates on the Trump Virginia campaign from today to November 3 (and after…if need be!).

We are in Election Day +2, and the nation is currently still awaiting results in several key battleground states.

Joe Gloria, the Clark County, Nevada voter registrar, briefed the press on Thursday to update the vote counting process and an idea of when the nation can get an idea of more concrete numbers on the presidential race in the state. Gloria believes the bulk of the mail-in ballots in the state will be counted by the weekend. However, Gloria said by law they will accept ballots postmarked November 3 until Tuesday, November 10.

Currently Democrat Joe Biden leads President Trump in the Electoral College race 264-214. A Joe Biden victory in Nevada would give Biden the necessary 270 electoral votes to become the 46th President of the United States. But the campaign believes there’s a pathway to win the six electoral votes in Nevada, and the margin of victory could be 5,000 votes.

But the Trump campaign has launched lawsuits in numerous battleground states in order to halt the counting of votes and for ballots received after November 3 to be disqualified.

Lawsuits have been launched in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia seeking that the counting of ballots be stopped, while the campaign has sought a recount in Wisconsin.

The campaign believes that if a resolution can’t be found in the courts, or in the Supreme Court, before electors are seated on December 14, it would then fall on Republican-controlled state legislatures in those states, including in Arizona.

The campaign believes the call for the state of Arizona will be reversed, and Trump will be awarded the 11 electoral votes. Outlets had previously called the race for Biden, and there are over 400,000 votes outstanding, with 282,000 outstanding in Maricopa County. But the campaign believes if they win a majority of those outstanding ballots, that will be enough to swing the count in the president’s favor.

There’s a level of optimism in which the campaign believes the president will be victorious in Georgia, North Carolina and Alaska, which would give Mr. Trump an additional 34 electoral votes. The president leads in Pennsylvania, and those 20 electoral votes would draw Trump even with Biden at 268. So the winner could very well be determined by the certified results in Nevada and Arizona.

Check back every day for more Trump Virginia campaign updates!

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Photo “President Trump” by The White House.











John Fredericks is the publisher and editor-in-chief of The Virginia Star.
He is also a Trump 2020 delegate and the chairman of the Trump Virginia Delegation.


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