TRUMPDATE: Latest From the Team Trump Virginia Campaign for October 27


Welcome to the Tuesday edition of our daily Virginia Trump campaign update! We will provide our readers with daily updates on the Trump Virginia campaign from today to November 3 (and after…if need be!).

It’s officially seven days until the election on November 3 – and four days until early voting in Virginia closes.

President Trump spoke at rallies in Pennsylvania on Monday before traveling back to Washington to swear in Judge Amy Coney Barrett as an associate justice on the United States Supreme Court. Barrett was confirmed by the United States Senate earlier in the day and sworn in during a ceremony at the White House in front of family, friends and distinguished guests.

Barrett joins Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch as the third Trump appointee to serve on the nation’s highest court.

The successful confirmation is another pivotal promise kept by the president in his first term, with one week to go until the polls close.

Members of the media also heard from Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien, who provided an update on what the campaign is doing in the final days of the 2020 presidential campaign.

We continue to show a tightened race,” Stepien said. “Polls matter less these day because more and more votes are being cast every single day.”

Stepien said it wasn’t surprising that early votes would favor Democrats, but he noted that in battleground states, Florida in particular, the data says that it’s a six-point margin. He pointed to the low return rate for absentee ballots as one of the main reasons.

Stepien also laid out the president’s travel agenda for the next few days. President Trump will be in Michigan, Wisconsin and Nebraska today, with stops in Arizona and Nevada on Wednesday.

“Our calendar reflects what the official pathway to 270 electoral votes is,” Stepien said.

In Virginia, the Team Trump Virginia campaign is in maximum overdrive. Volunteers will continue to knock on doors and get people to the polls between now and November 3. The campaign will focus its attention in heavily populated areas like Richmond, Hampton Roads and Northern Virginia then fan out to the more rural areas.

What we’ve been saying for months is ground game matters,” Stepien said. “Seeing the results of the grassroots operation, which is the largest in American political history, we continue to see positive trends every single day.”

Check back every day for more Trump Virginia campaign updates! If you want to join the volunteer team or if you need signs email Fredericks or Justin Rice.

Justin Rice: [email protected]

John Fredericks: [email protected]

To Donate to our Virginia campaign click here.

For more information, or to sign up to become a volunteer, click here.

The Trump Campaign in Virginia Needs Poll Watchers! Don’t let them steal the election! Get paid, too!

For information email: [email protected]

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Photo “President Trump” by The White House.











John Fredericks is the publisher and editor-in-chief of The Virginia Star.
He is also a Trump 2020 delegate and the chairman of the Trump Virginia Delegation.

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