Coach Londa Rohlfing of Patriot Academy Talks Campfire Revival, Teaching American Constitution, Rights and Liberties

Live from Music Row Monday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. – host Leahy welcomed Patriot Academy Coach Londa Rohlfing to the newsmaker line to discuss Campfire Revival, a new program hosted by Kirk Cameron, designed to teach an accurate account of the nation’s founding and ensure knowledge of American rights and liberties.

Leahy: On the newsmaker line right now, Londa Rohlfing. She’s with the Patriot Academy and We the People of West Tennessee. There’s a new project out there called Campfire Revival. Londa, welcome to The Tennessee Star Report.

Rohlfing: Thank you so much for having me.

Leahy: Tell us about the Campfire Revival.

Rohlfing: This is part of the Patriot Academy, and I guess We the People of West Tennessee.

Leahy: That sounds to me like it’s an outgrowth of a Tea Party movement from back in 2009 or so.

Rohlfing: I would say that’s true, but Patriot Academy is just addressing the desperate need for the people to learn the Constitution. We have had our rights disappear because we don’t know and defend them.

So Patriot Academy has wonderful classes. One that I’ve taught several times here in the Jackson area is called Biblical Citizenship for Modern America.

They have another one called Constitutional Life, another one called Constitutional Defense, and now this new one, called Campfire Revival with Kirk Cameron.

Leahy: So it’s, and you can go to this Campfire Revival. It’s Tell us about this new Campfire movement that Kirk Cameron put together in cooperation with the folks at Patriot Academy.

Rohlfing: Well, if I understand it, Kirk Cameron was at The Ark in Kentucky, as was Rick Green. They knew each other and kind of started talking.

And then Rick became aware of this wonderful Campfire Revival class that Kirk Cameron had going on and dispersing it throughout the country.

Well, Rick Green with Patriot Academy has this wonderful system of over 12,000 coaches like myself all around the country offering their classes.

So it was just a God thing, and they hooked up together and they started this class on a national basis. It started last week on Monday.

But if you go to and click on the registration tab there, I will be more than happy to send you a recording link of last Monday’s class.

And then, of course, you will be told where to go tonight at 7 p.m., and it lasts just till 8:30 p.m. to be a part of the national class this evening.

Leahy: Rick Green is a former state representative from Texas who’s put the Patriot Academy together, and the Patriot Academy has a series of things where they have classes, et cetera. Can you provide us with more details on what this Campfire movement actually does?

Rohlfing: Yes, it’s really a guide through the accurate beginnings of America, and it reveals the life-giving secrets and forgotten covenants, and all at the same time it’s setting a roadmap for today so that we can defeat the darkness that’s come about our country and to restore a passion for liberty.

Leahy: Now you’ve held one of these already?

Rohlfing: The Campfire Revival, this is my first time through it, but as a coach, I can access all of the recordings anyway, so, of course, I avail myself of that opportunity.

When I say a national class, what I mean is that in this case, Kirk Cameron, Rick Green, and also Mark Meckler, who is head of the Convention of States movement, conduct this class.

So they’ve got like, some chitchat at the beginning and then some questions and answers at the end. And then in the middle are these recordings from Kirk Cameron’s class, the Campfire Revival. So you’re … getting all of this wonderful information about the real founding of our country as a covenant with God, on the part of the pilgrims.

Listen to the interview:

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Tune in weekdays from 5:00 – 8:00 a.m. to the Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy on Talk Radio 98.3 FM WLAC 1510. Listen online at iHeart Radio.


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