National Political Editor Neil W. McCabe: National Guardsmen Who Refuse Vax Face Possible Dishonorable Discharge, Loss of Gun Rights

Wednesday morning on The Tennessee Star Report, host Leahy welcomed The Tennessee Star’s national political editor Neil W. McCabe to the newsmaker line to discuss his recent interview with National Guard Captain Mickey Shelton and how those that refuse the vax remain in limbo with the possibility of dishonorable discharge.

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Gulbransen Joins Host Leahy to Talk Tennessee AG Selection Process and Call for Governor Lee’s Pick, Gibson to State Her Case

Tuesday morning on The Tennessee Star Report, host Leahy welcomed official guest host Aaron Gulbransen in-studio to talk about the AG selection in the state of Tennessee and the unanswered calls for comment by Governor Lee’s alleged pick for new AG, Brandon Gibson. Leahy and Gulbransen later called for Gibson to come on the show and state her case.

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President of Network of Enlighted Women Karin Lips Advocates for Part-Time Attorneys, No Longer Required to Take State Bar in Tennessee

Friday morning on The Tennessee Star Report, host Leahy welcomed the founder of the (NeW) Network of Enlightened Women, Karen Lips to the newsmaker line to discuss the organization’s recent call for part-time attorneys not to continuously take the bar due to their part-time status and create a more family-friendly policy in the state of Tennessee and others.

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Senate Majority Leader Jack Johnson Supports Keeping Tennessee National Guardsmen That Refused Vaccine Mandate on Payroll, Attorney General Process, and His Campaign

Jack Johnson

Wednesday morning on The Tennessee Star Report, Leahy was joined on the newsmaker line by Tennessee State Senate Majority Leader Jack Johnson, to discuss his advocation for the Tennessee National Guardsmen who refused the Covid-19 vaccine to maintain on payroll, the process in which the state attorney general is picked, and his campaign efforts.

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National Political Editor Neil W. McCabe Catches Up with Former Speaker Beth Harwell at VIEW PAC Event in D.C.

Wednesday morning on The Tennessee Star Report, host Leahy welcomed The Tennessee Star’s national political editor Neil McCabe to the newsmaker line to discuss his attempt at an in-person interview with Beth Harwell Tuesday night at the VIEW PAC fundraiser in Washington in her absence at The Epoch Times Nashville debate.

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