Stephen K. Bannon’s WarRoom Partners with The Star News Network to Promote Hyper-Local News and Shatter the Establishment’s Power

Steve Bannon

Live from Music Row Monday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. – host Leahy welcomed WarRoom: Pandemic’s Stephen K. Bannon to the show to discuss the new WarRoom: Battlefield program which has partnered with The Star News Network to promote hyperlocal news at the national level.

Leahy: We are joined on the newsmaker line now by my very good friend and now strategic partner, Stephen K. Bannon. Good morning. Steve Bannon!

Bannon: Michael Patrick Leahy. Thank you for having me on, sir.

Leahy: Well, great to have you on. Of course, last night we made some news. We announced a strategic partnership between Stephen K. Bannon’s WarRoom. Has been operational there since October 2019.

You’ve had what, 140,000,000 podcast downloads? You’re the number one, the most-viewed live program in the country from what I can tell. And now we have a strategic partnership. You’ve got this hyper-local strategy.

We’re going to cover that. We’ve been covering that around the country at the state and local levels. What’s your thinking on why this makes sense?

Bannon: Here’s what is clearly moving the needle politically and really culturally in the country is to take the country back. It’s been really a focus at the local level. You’ve seen the moms taking over the school boards.

You’ve seen people volunteering to become election officials starting to vote and take over election boards. You’ve seen this concept called the precinct committee strategy where people go and volunteer to be precinct committee. And it’s taken over the Republican Party.

The thing that is powerful today is it’s what happened at the local level. And so at WarRoom, we’ve built our reputation on doing capital markets, economics, geopolitics, and really providing a platform for these movements on a national basis. Quite frankly, we love The Star.

We love Star News, particularly the reason you’re in 11 really key states right now. You’re expanding out to 20. So it makes sense to partner and start to use the assets you’ve got. The people you’ve got. The stories you’re breaking.

We’ve got a platform that can really make those stories national stories and get some money in. So I’m doing it simultaneously with John Fredericks, also starting to expand out on AM radio. He just bought a station up in Pennsylvania.

We’ve also got all these streaming services, Mike Lindell’s FrankSpeech. We’ve got GETTR, Rumble. Our streaming services were all over the place. So it just makes sense right now, particularly for 2022.

We have a unique opportunity, Mike, to really destroy the Democratic Party as it exists if we turn out the vote. And so that’s what this whole effort is about – provide a platform for that.

Leahy: Stephen K, Bannon’s WarRoom is on multiple platforms, the John Fredericks Radio Network. He owns stations in Virginia and Georgia and Pennsylvania, and he’s expanding.

He’s our partner with The Star News Network and a partner in those states where we also have digital news sites. Then you’re on from, what is it, 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Eastern time?

Bannon: Yes. Right now we’re on 10:00 a.m. to noon for the morning show. And then the after we come back, traditionally, 5:00 to 6:00. Now we’re expanding out another hour, 6:00 to 7:00.

Leahy: And that other hour will be with John Fredericks Radio.

Bannon: It’s going to be radio and streaming services.

Leahy: Wow!

Bannon: Just like we do the show today. Yes, but the second hour in the evening is going to be called WarRoom Battleground. It’s specifically going to focus on hardcore political news. It’s going to be the political news that’s happening in Michigan and Ohio and Pennsylvania, Georgia, Virginia, Tennessee, and Arizona.

There’s a bunch of big stories breaking over the weekend in Arizona already about this precinct committee strategy, how they had an emergency meeting of the legislature out there, passed a bill, and [Governor Doug] Ducey signed it all in one day that outlawed the precinct committee strategy out there.

So that’s going to be a huge story. There’s tons of stuff going on in Pennsylvania right now. Lots of polling coming out across the country about how the Biden administration is imploding. Look, we want to expand the show, expand WarRoom for one more hour in the evening and focus on the hardcore politics of 2022 because I think, particularly people associated with the Trump movement, with MAGA, America First, and conservatives, have had a belly full of the direction of the country, given the stolen election of 2020.

And people put their shoulders to the wheel. We have a unique opportunity where the polling is right now, everywhere in the country regarding Biden and also the policies of the Democratic Party. And as you can tell, down in South Texas, we just had a primary down there.

We had overwhelming support from the Hispanic community. So we have a unique opportunity to shatter the Democratic Party this year. And that’s what this show is going to be about.

Leahy: And you first highlighted the importance of the precinct strategy. This is a fellow I’ve known for well over a decade, Dan Schultz. He’s an attorney based in Arizona. But he said, look, half of the precinct committeemen slots in the Republican Party are empty. Let’s have MAGA folks take those over.

But in an exclusive story that we published just a few hours ago at the Arizona Sun-Times and at The Star News Network, our own Neil W. McCabe has this story, “Precinct Strategy Founder: ‘I Am Shocked’ Arizona Decimated Precinct Committeemen Slots” – here’s the lead, Steve.

Let me get your reaction. In a shocking demonstration of bipartisan unity and dispatch, an emergency bill radically altering party precinct representation was filed, passed both GOP control legislative Chambers, and was signed by Republican Governor Doug Ducey, all on Thursday. This looks to me, Steve, to be an assault on the precinct strategy.

Bannon: It happened five days after President Trump came out and endorsed the strategy. President Trump came out, endorsed it. Mike Lindell came out, endorsed it. A lot of people that involved all of the grassroots levels came out and endorsed it, along with President Trump.

And five days later they have an emergency meeting. This is a state that hasn’t been able to get the decertification. They’ve already had a forensic audit that shows that the Biden electors must be decertified because it is too confusing out there about what happened to be able to certify the electors. They’ve had the information and – particularly Rusty Bowers, who is the Speaker of the House out there

They’ve had the information and haven’t moved off the dime because there are a couple of votes short in both. I think one vote short. Bowers, they’ve got the votes in the House, but he won’t move the bill.

But as soon as they see President Trump’s involvement in a precinct strategy to put his shoulder to the wheel for all the MAGA guys to start men and women without having to be donors, he can go join the Republican Party as a precinct committeeman and actually have power. Five days after the endorsement, they have an emergency session where they passed this bill.

It just shows you the fix is in when  it comes to establishment. And that’s exactly why we’re expanding out to this other hour of the show and partnering with The Star News Network. You’ve got the resources.

McCabe is one of the most sophisticated guys around. You’ve got a great team. We love The Star News Network.

We just want to help you guys take it to the next level and really use that as an information tool that can get the word out to voters everywhere.

Leahy: That Arizona bill was really jammed through. It’s got really bad anti-grassroots,  and even anti-democratic participation – small “d” – elements to it. Now, before the precinct committeemen, there were one for every 125 voters in a precinct.

Now it’s only just one. Basically, they’ve gotten rid of 50 in each precinct. Then it changed the process by which committee members are selected. It was an elected position. Now, under this law, it will be an appointed position. It is absolutely an example of the establishment empire striking back.

Bannon: The establishment is totally eviscerated because they understood that the people of the precincts were showing up in droves. Citizens that had a belly full of this, were showing up and wanted to participate in this kind of democratic process to get into the Republican Party and actually get some power.

They totally eviscerated that. Completely eviscerated. It shows you the fear that they have of grassroots participation. These people don’t want the MAGA movement. They don’t want your audience participating, actually having power.

What’s stunning about it is the speed at which it moved. This is a legislature that can’t get anything done out there. But this one, they had bipartisan support. Boom! Let’s get this. Also because the Democrats see the ability.

They want to tamp down the MAGA movement, also. The other thing is that the people that were supposed to be on the side of the precinct strategy and be on the side of MAGA sit there and go, ‘Oh, we didn’t really read the bill.’

Now, this is what’s most outrageous about it. The people that should have prevented it are claiming now they didn’t really understand the bill or read the bill yet they voted for it in an emergency session.

Leahy: That sounds a little weird to me.

Bannon: I’m telling you it’s going to create a firestorm out there. And this is the type of thing we need. We need to continue to show working men and women, the middle class, the working class in this country that the establishment of both parties has zero interest in you participating and you’ve got to force your way in.

And once you force your way and you get real power. So that’s one of the reasons we want to partner with The Stars. You’ve got the resources. There was a lot of dust kicked up on Friday and Saturday about that story that you guys went in with McCabe and got the exclusive and did a fantastic story.

And that’s what we’re going to promote on WarRoom today. This and the truckers are the two biggest stories along with the war that’s metastasizing in Eurasia.

You bring resources and assets that you get on stories in places like Wisconsin, Michigan, and Tennessee that need to get promoted to the national level.

Listen to the full interview here:

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Tune in weekdays from 5:00 – 8:00 a.m. to The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy on Talk Radio 98.3 FM WLAC 1510. Listen online at iHeart Radio.
















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