Minneapolis DFL Chair Devin Hogan Says Burning Third Precinct ‘Act of Pure Righteousness

Devin Hogan


The Minneapolis DFL Chair Devin Hogan said in an op-ed that the burning down of the Third Precinct last summer was an “act of pure righteousness.” Hogan wrote a column in the Southside Pride, that said lighting the precinct on fire was a “genuine revolutionary moment.”

In the op-ed, titled “The cops started it,” Hogan makes his case for the violence that occurred in Minneapolis in May of 2020 after the death of George Floyd. He said, “They [police] killed George Floyd and took every opportunity to escalate, agitate and make things worse.” He went on to say that “The cops are rioting and the people are responding.”

Hogan explained his view of how events unfolded. He said, “People hid behind bus shelters and moved dumpsters into the street to protect themselves from the unpredictable violence, sometimes setting them alight.” Hogan claimed police officers were shooting non-lethals “indiscriminately” and “unprovoked” and “non-stop,” calling it “the Boys in Blue showing off.”

He also touched on some of the looting that occurred. “The Target across the street wouldn’t let protesters into the store to purchase posterboard and markers to make signs. It got looted. Brand new flatscreen TVs and other detritus were used to build more barricades,” he wrote.

Hogan said through “the lens of anti-racism and decolonization” all the things that happened “unfolded in unsurprising ways.” He wrote, “The people declared themselves ungovernable and unilaterally took their power back.” Hogan said that the actions were “genuine liberation” and encouraged readers that “the work continues.”

He closed his op-ed with a call to action. Hogan wrote, “This is our job. Minneapolis must answer the call. For real this time. For real for real. Do it for the kids.”

Hogan came under fire for his comments and doubled down, tweeting that “the truth hurts.” Some DFL lawmakers even criticized his position and said that he was not speaking for the party. However, DFL State Senate WHIP Jason Isaacson retweeted Hogan’s official media statement regarding the op-ed, where Hogan said “fetishizing decorum over substance is a hallmark of white supremacy.”

Isaacson tweeted out Tuesday morning that he would “never ever endorse violence as a solution to our problems. That is simply not how a democracy works.”


In another tweet, also doubling down on his statements about the riots, Hogan shared that he will be writing a column weekly and that “Accurately describing reality is not a call to violence. ”


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Hayley Tschetter is a reporter with The Minnesota Sun | Star News Network. Follow Hayley on Twitter or like her Facebook page. Send news tips to [email protected].
Photo “Devin Hogan” by Devin Hogan. 








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9 Thoughts to “Minneapolis DFL Chair Devin Hogan Says Burning Third Precinct ‘Act of Pure Righteousness”

  1. […] According to the Tennessee Star, Hogan issued another tweet announcing he will be writing a weekly column for Southside Pride. […]

  2. […] According to the Tennessee Star, Hogan issued another tweet announcing he will be writing a weekly column for Southside Pride. […]

  3. […] According to the Tennessee Star, Hogan issued another tweet announcing he will be writing a weekly column for Southside Pride. […]

  4. […] According to the Tennessee Star, Hogan issued another tweet announcing he will be writing a weekly column for Southside Pride. […]

  5. […] According to the Tennessee Star, Hogan issued another tweet announcing he will be writing a weekly column for Southside Pride. […]

  6. Sally

    Domestic Terrorist…..

  7. James Betteley

    Sir, if you truly said this, you are an idiot.

  8. LM

    Looks like there is some division as to what the “truth” is. A large portion of us still support law enforcement. I suspect that the behaviors so glorified by Mr. Hogan will not be allowed to continue unchecked. If the government won’t stop it , the people will.

  9. Truthy McTruthFace

    these people are mentally ill.
