Minneapolis Residents to Call 311 Instead of 911 for Property Damage and Theft


Instead of calling 911 to report crime, Minneapolis residents are now being told to call 311 if the crime is not currently in progress or if it is non-violent. The 311 line is staffed by civilian city workers who will take complaints and file reports instead of having Minneapolis police officers dispatched. Some residents have reported up to a 30-minute wait time on the 311 line.

The program went into effect on June 14. This effort is in response to budget cuts at the Minneapolis Police Department and trying to shift some of the “administrative” work away from the police department. Having residents call 311 is part of the Minneapolis initiative to provide alternatives to policing. The city website reads, “This is a service change aligned with the City’s work around seeking alternatives to police response.”

If a non-violent crime has occurred and includes property damage or theft, residents of the city of Minneapolis are to call 311 to make a report. The 311 line is open Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Residents can only file complaints between 8 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. during the 311 line business hours. According to CBS Minnesota, seven new call center employees were hired to handle the volume of calls.

If a resident needs to make a report outside of the time frame when Minneapolis 311 takes them, they are asking that the resident call back another time, leave a voicemail, or file an online report.

The city said that it will monitor the results of the program throughout the next year.

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Hayley Tschetter is a reporter with The Minnesota Sun | Star News Network and The College Fix. She graduated with a degree in Communications from the University of Northwestern-St. Paul. Send news tips to [email protected].








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One Thought to “Minneapolis Residents to Call 311 Instead of 911 for Property Damage and Theft”

  1. Roger

    I live in California but the situtation is the same across this entire country, called SCE our local power company on May the 13th and was on hold for 93 minutes, I hung up. Called on June the 16th and was on hold 28 minutes, they hung up, both times I was told the delays was due to improvements to their billing system. I went to the PUC web sight to loge a complaint several times and the web site was busy and timed out. Do you think maybe it is getting to the point where things are falling apart?
