Minnesota DFL Applauds Biden’s First Year: ‘Minnesotans Better off Today Than Last Year’


The Minnesota Democrat Farmer-Labor (DFL) Party released a statement this week commemorating President Joe Biden’s first year in office, saying that Minnesotans are better off today than they were last year.

DFL Chair Ken Martin said in a statement, “In just one year, President Biden and congressional Democrats have saved lives by getting vaccine shots in arms, helped create millions of jobs, and made infrastructure investments that are critical to America’s future.”

Martin continued, “They made all of this progress no thanks to obstructionist Republicans in Congress. There’s no question: Minnesotans are better off now than they were a year ago thanks to President Joe Biden.”

The press release from the DFL lauded Biden for the “first majority non-white Cabinet in history” and for having the “most diverse Administration in history.” It also shared Biden’s accomplishment of having the “most significant…economic impact of any first-year president.”

The DFL also outlined what it believes are other Biden successes, like lowering the unemployment rate, having the “greatest year of job creation in history”, and for having the lowest child poverty rate in 2021.

The Minnesota Republican Party had a different view on Biden’s first year. In a statement to The Minnesota Sun, Minnesota Republican Party Chairman David Hann said that Minnesotans are “seeking the highest inflation since the 1980s.”

He said, “Since President Biden’s inauguration, Minnesota families, workers and businesses are seeing the highest inflation since the 1980s, mounting supply chain crises, a crime wave of historic proportions and more.”

Hann blamed Democrat policies for the issues, saying that Republicans are ready to “win 2022.”

“Though Biden campaigned on a message of unity and a return to normalcy, the country is more divided than ever, and the Democrats’ failed policies are squarely to blame. Republicans in Minnesota and all over the country are energized and ready for the opportunity to win in 2022 to get our state and country back on track,” he said.

Dr. Neil Shah, a Republican 2022 gubernatorial candidate, appeared to agree with Hann’s statement. Shah posted on Facebook saying he could “really go for a mean tweet right about now,” and shared a graphic depicting the inflation that Americans across the nation are facing.

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Hayley Feland is a reporter with The Minnesota Sun and The Wisconsin Daily Star | Star News Network. Follow Hayley on Twitter or like her Facebook page. Send news tips to [email protected].





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2 Thoughts to “Minnesota DFL Applauds Biden’s First Year: ‘Minnesotans Better off Today Than Last Year’”

  1. John Bergh

    This is just propaganda lies. No one is better off this year than last.

  2. Truthy McTruthFace

