Tina Smith Endorses Joe Biden, Calls Trump ‘Chaotic and Self-Serving’


Sen. Tina Smith (D-MN) endorsed former Vice President Joe Biden on Sunday in the race for the Democratic nomination.

Smith said that Biden has shown “he has the heart, the experience and the values to lead us forward as president.”

“I trust him to do what’s right for the state and country I love so much. I believe we’re at a turning point in America and we must turn toward more justice, freedom, and opportunity for everyone, not just for those who are rich and well connected. We need Joe right now because he understands what people’s lives are like, and he’ll put people first,” Smith said in a statement posted to Twitter Sunday afternoon.

Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) also endorsed Biden last week after she suspended her presidential campaign.

“Texans, we need to unite our party and our country, and do it not just with our words but with our actions. It is up to us, all of us, to put our country back together, to heal this country, and then to build something even greater. I believe we can do this together and that is why today I am endorsing Joe Biden for president,” Klobuchar said at a Dallas, Texas rally on the eve of Super Tuesday.

Biden won Minnesota’s Democratic primary by almost nine percentage points over Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), who beat Hillary Clinton in Minnesota in 2016.

Smith said she will “proudly support any Democratic nominee over President Trump, whose chaotic, self-serving presidency is hurting Minnesotans every day.”

“With Joe at the top of the ticket, I believe we bring people together to win the presidency and elections up and down the ballot. We can take back the Senate and say goodbye to McConnell’s cynical efforts to obstruct progress and put special interests before people’s interests,” she continued.

Republican National Committee spokesperson Preya Samsundar said “Smith and Biden look to leave Minnesotans out in the cold with a ban on fossil fuels and a promise to eliminate hundreds of thousands of blue-collar jobs across the country with their support of climate change policies like the Green New Deal.”

“In their push to support socialist policies, Tina Smith and Joe Biden are reminding folks just how out-of-touch they are with the needs of Minnesota families,” she said in a statement. “Unfortunately for Smith and Biden, Minnesotans know what’s at stake and will reject this radical agenda in November.”

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Anthony Gockowski is managing editor of The Minnesota Sun and The Ohio Star. Follow Anthony on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].







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One Thought to “Tina Smith Endorses Joe Biden, Calls Trump ‘Chaotic and Self-Serving’”

  1. joeknows

    Not real bright Tina.
