Arizona Senate Candidate Blake Masters to Speak at Trump Rally

Blake Masters for Senate


Blake Masters, a Peter Thiel confidant and candidate for U.S. Senate, will speak on Saturday at the Phoenix rally featuring former President Donald Trump.

The “Rally to Protect Our Elections” is meant to highlight the ongoing efforts by Arizona state senators to conduct a forensic audit of ballots to ensure their integrity.

The event is scheduled to host numerous speakers throughout the day, including Arizona gubernatorial candidate Keri Lake and Trump headlining the event.

Masters will seemingly use the platform to increase his name recognition with potential voters and underscore his “America First” message that he produced in the video that announced his candidacy.

“This country used to work. Now it doesn’t. The Biden administration is a train wreck, and Mark Kelly is nowhere to be found. We have to take this seat — and the United States Senate — back,” the Arizona native said in a video.

In his campaign, the young entrepreneur has struck an unapologetic populist tone similar to that of Trump and Ohio Senate candidate J.D. Vance — who, like Masters, was gifted $10 million from Thiel.

Additionally, while Trump has yet to endorse one of the half dozen Republicans running for the nomination, the former president has criticized candidate and Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich for his perceived lack of action.

“The lackluster Attorney General of Arizona, Mark Brnovich, has to get on the ball and catch up with the great Republican patriots in the Arizona State Senate. Arizona was a big part and Brnovich must put himself in gear, or no Arizona Republican will vote for him in the upcoming elections. They will never forget and neither will the great patriots of our nation,” Trump said in a statement.

An endorsement from Trump would seemingly clear that path for any of the declared candidates.

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for the Star News Network. Follow Cooper on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Blake Masters” by Blake Masters. 







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