Biggs Slams Fauci as ‘Coward’ for Resigning Before Republicans Can ‘Hold Him Accountable’

After Dr. Anthony Fauci announced that he will resign from his positions as chief medical advisor to President Joe Biden and head of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Disease (NIAID), one U.S. congressman from Arizona says Fauci will still be held accountable by a potential Republican Congress.

“Dr. Fauci is conveniently resigning from his position in December before House Republicans have an opportunity to hold him accountable for destroying our country over these past three years,” said Representative Andy Biggs (R-AZ-05). “This guy is a coward.”


Biggs followed up with a further tweet.

“Make no mistake, my colleagues and I will hold Dr. Fauci accountable whether or not he remains in public office,” he said.

Republicans have the opportunity this November to retake the majority in the U.S. House and U.S. Senate, which would give them significantly more power than they have in their current minority status.

Other House Republicans from Arizona had similar messages for Fauci.

“House Republicans will hold Dr. Fauci accountable for authorizing gain-of-function research in Communist China and encouraging authoritarian COVID mandates that destroyed millions of Americans’ lives,” said Rep. Debbie Lesko (R-AZ-08).

Even the minority leader of the U.S. House of Representatives said the GOP will look into Fauci’s actions if the party retakes power.

“Dr. Fauci lost the trust of the American people when his guidance unnecessarily kept schools closed and businesses shut while obscuring questions about his knowledge on the origins of COVID,” said House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA-23). “He owes the American people answers. A [House GOP] majority will hold him accountable.”

Fauci has been at the center of the political controversy surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic.

He favored mask mandates to protect against the virus, but a compilation of 150 studies shows that masks are ineffective in stopping the spread of the virus.

Fauci was also one of the main proponents of lockdowns, which Johns Hopkins University said did more harm than good, and did not stop the spread of COVID-19.

Finally, Fauci demanded that the American public at large take the COVID-19 vaccine, which was produced rapidly and relatively untested compared to most other vaccines.

Those vaccines, pitched as “safe and effective,” and in some cases mandated by government authorities and large corporations, were not effective in preventing the virus, according to more than 40 sources.

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Pete D’Abrosca is a contributor at The Arizona Sun Times and The Star News Network. Follow Pete on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Andy Biggs” by Gage Skidmore. CC BY-SA 2.0. Photo “Anthony Fauci” by The White House. Background Photo “U.S. Capitol” by Martin Falbisoner. CC BY-SA 3.0.


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5 Thoughts to “Biggs Slams Fauci as ‘Coward’ for Resigning Before Republicans Can ‘Hold Him Accountable’”

  1. Rumplestiltskin

    What we need is a 2nd Nuremberg trial, and everyone who had a hand in trying to destroy America through this contrived and fake virus Planidemic need to be given their last rights, as it were.

    Everyone is now aware that it was American labs who were doing this gain of function research and then funding labs all over the world when the Obama administration had supposedly put a stop to Gain-Of-Function research in America.

    You can bet the CIA and other governmental agencies also have a hand in that debacle.,

  2. James P Forbes

    Just put him in jail for perjury. He lied under oath the the American people and congress. We have the video and while he’s sitting in jail we can dig up everything else. Fauci should not spend another day as a free man.

  3. Phenry

    Oh PLEASE… is he DYING at the end of the year or something?

    You can hold him accountable for his human rights abuses… lets not pretend top play that game, if he’s alive and breathing he can and MUST be held accountable.

  4. Noneya

    It’s about time the Tennessee Star had their eyes and ears opened about the pandemic and that criminal.

    Now they should report on the tens of thousands of deaths and injuries in the young and old from the shot.

  5. Greg Miller

    I’m pretty sure there’s no statute of limitations for Genocide.
