Former President Trump Praises Arizona Election Audit


Former President Donald Trump released a statement on Thursday praising the efforts of the forensic audit in Maricopa County, Arizona.

The ongoing examination is utilizing a third party firm to focus on roughly 2.1 million ballots that were cast in the state’s population center.

“Arizona Senate hearings on the Maricopa County Election Audit is devastating news to the Radical Left Democrats and the Biden Administration. While this, according to the Senate, is preliminary, with results being announced at a later date, it seems that 74,243 Mail-In Ballots were counted with “no clear record of them being sent,” Trump said — reacting to information presented by the firms.

While pointing out the several irregularities that have occurred in Arizona and other states, Trump also took aim at the statewide results.

“The irregularities revealed at the hearing today amount to hundreds of thousands of votes or, many times what is necessary for us to have won. Despite these massive numbers, this is the State that Fox News called early for a Biden victory. There was no victory here, or in any other of the Swing States either,” he argued of the perceived mistakes.

Further, the former president questioned the large resistance to the audit — arguing the audit seeks to provide full transparency.

“Maricopa County refuses to work together with the Senate and others who are merely looking for honesty, integrity, and transparency. Why do the Commissioners not want to look into this corrupted election? What are they trying to hide?” Trump questioned.

In an additional example of the resistance, the information presented at the hearing today comes as Democrats in the federal government are moving to cast doubt on the audit results. On Wednesday, the top two Democrats on the House Oversight and Reform Committee announced that they are launching an investigation into the forensic audit of ballots.

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for the Star News Network. Follow Cooper on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected]


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