Georgia Election Official Gabriel Sterling Reveals Woman Used His Voting Address After a Month of Defending Election Integrity


Voting Systems Manager Gabriel Sterling revealed on Tuesday that a woman used his address to vote in the general election and request an absentee ballot for the runoff election. Sterling learned of the fraudulent voting after he received a flier from a voting organization reminding the woman, Meron Fissha, to return her absentee ballot.

“The Lord moves in mysterious ways,” remarked Sterling on the matter.

Fissha later admitted to Fox 5 that she’d voted but hadn’t updated her address. Fissha also claimed that she lived and worked in Atlanta, though Sterling asserted that Fissha’s current residential address is in Maryland.

Sterling also shared that Fissha had sold him the home in 2018 – not recently.

“The woman I bought my home from over 2 yrs ago trying to vote from it absentee,” wrote Sterling. “I’ve filed [an] official challenge to stop her from casting an apparently illegal vote. Not a glitch, she signed an oath stating she lives here to vote. That’s a false swearing.”

However, Sterling refused to call the action voter fraud.

“Illegal voting is how I’d classify it. Fraud implies a greater conspiracy,” stated Sterling. “Another irony, Fair Fight sent her a reminder to get the absentee she requested in quickly. They sent it to her name… my address. The Fulton Elections Board has acted and stated that my challenge to the qualifications of the woman attempting to vote from the house I purchased from her 2 years ago meets probable cause.”

Fair Fight is a voting rights organization founded by Democratic activist and failed gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams. Another voting rights organization founded by Abrams, The New Georgia Project, was one of four groups under investigation by the secretary of state’s office for voter fraud.

Although some doubted that the woman under investigation had intended to vote illegally, Sterling clarified that the woman had done so after not living at the address for years.

“It’s over 2 years. over 2 full election cycles,” wrote Sterling. “She illegally votes in races here…she signed a sworn oath saying she lived in my home. I followed the process available to me under the law…I challenged her ability to cast a legal vote.”

Others argued that it was a glitch in the voting system. Sterling refuted those claims as well.

“Not a glitch, she signed an oath stating she lives here to vote. That’s false swearing,” wrote Sterling. “[T]his person vacated this residence permanently. Moved elsewhere. Knowingly. Then signed an oath stating it was her residence. That’s illegal. It’s a felony in fact.”

Shortly after Sterling filed his election challenge, election officials voted to approve it.

“The Fulton Elections Board has acted and stated that my challenge to the qualifications of the woman attempting to vote from the house I purchased from her two years ago meets probable cause,” explained Sterling.

One of the board members voted against accepting Sterling’s challenge of the voter.

“Who was the one who thinks this didn’t meet probable cause,” responded Sterling. “I mean that’s ridiculous.”

In the aftermath of the general election, Sterling has blamed President Donald Trump for “inspiring people to commit potential acts of violence” by discussing voting irregularities and voter fraud affidavits.

Sterling has also consistently defended the election results, even guaranteeing that the general election was the most secure in Georgia’s history.

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Corinne Murdock is a reporter at The Georgia Star News and the Star News Network. Follow her latest on Twitter, or email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Gabriel Sterling” by Gabriel Sterling.






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3 Thoughts to “Georgia Election Official Gabriel Sterling Reveals Woman Used His Voting Address After a Month of Defending Election Integrity”

  1. Loretta

    Georgia Voting Systems Manager Gabriel Sterling is a hypocrite & liar before the public. As you can read from the sworn statement he made here and then his statement on Dec 1, 2020, in news article on that date with Georgia Gov.

  2. kd

    it appears he does not keep up with the news.

  3. Gerald Iverson

    Hey, you have a little more egg on your face that you must have missed. Now, are you going to apologise to pres. Trump for the attacks you made on him as he was sounding the alarm on the massive fraud?
