Michigan Professor Who Wore Space Helmet on Zoom Call Placed on Leave After Expletive Filled Rant


A Michigan professor has been placed on leave after an expletive-filled rant on a Zoom call, which he directed at students to open the semester.

The rant was largely centered around COVID-19 protocols.

“I don’t know whether you people have noticed, but it’s dangerous to breathe the air,” Ferris State Professor Barry Mehler told his students.

“You people are just vectors of disease to me and I don’t want to be anywhere near you, so keep your f*cking distance. If you want to talk to me, come to my Zoom,” he continued.

Mehler wore a space helmet with an N95 mask underneath, in a seeming attempt to emphasize his point.

“When I look out at a classroom filled with 50 students, I see 50 selfish kids who don’t give a sh*t whether grandpa lives or dies. And if you won’t expose your grandpa to a possible infection with COVID then stay the f*ck away from me,” he said.

During the speech, for which he was placed on leave by the school’s administration, Mehler claimed he was beholden to nobody because he had tenure.

“I stand before you today beholden to no human c*cksucker and working a paying f*cking union job and no limber d*ck of an administrator is going to tell me how to teach my classes because I’m a f*cking tenured professor,” Mehler continued.

He told students if they wanted to complain to the dean, he had one simple message: “F*ck you.”

According to Fox NewsMehler also served as director of Ferris State’s Institute for the Study of Academic Racism.

In the second half of his speech, he mocked Christians and America.

“You don’t have a thing to worry about, because there’s absolutely nothing you can do, you have no control over your grade. It doesn’t matter how f*cking hard you work or how great your grades are,” he told students. “My grading system is based on the Calvinist doctrine of predestination.”

“I figure if it was good enough for America, it’s good enough for me. The Indians didn’t lose because they failed. They tried everything and nothing worked, because the universe doesn’t give a sh-t about justice, it’s all predestination, and you all are predestined to lose just like the Indians,” he continued.

He also accused capitalism of “turning death into profit.”

“So, don’t believe all the hype that you hear about smoking being bad for you. Native Americans have been smoking the sacred leaves for thousands of years. After we arrived, they introduced it to us and we turned around and marketed it to the world. I bet you never thought of it, but people, all over the world smoke cigarettes and we did that. It was one of the greatest accomplishments of American capitalism. The Indians always thought it was holy, sacred, meant to be shared on special occasions, and we saw it as a marketing venture an opportunity, a way to make huge profits off of an addictive product that would eventually kill you. Pure capitalism, turning death into profit.”

Ferris State President David Eisler reportedly said he was “shocked and appalled” when he saw the video.


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Pete D’Abrosca is a contributor at The Michigan Star and The Star News Network. Follow Pete on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Barry Mehler” by Barry Mehler.

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4 Thoughts to “Michigan Professor Who Wore Space Helmet on Zoom Call Placed on Leave After Expletive Filled Rant”

  1. Jay

    Start by cleaning out the whole UT system. Rotten to the core.

  2. CCW

    Where-ever this idiot teaches, my child or sponsored student(s) is gone from that school, ASAP.

    Oh, that does not matter anymore, Biden Inc., is going to pay these broken-down schools and departments through phony grants, and scholarships, and loan debt forgiveness, using my tax money to keep them afloat. I suppose they will hang some BBB Paintings in their hallowed halls of learning.

  3. Dr Ken

    This professor, and I use that term with hesitation is clearly mentally ill and needs professional assistance. It is long overdue to abolish the tenure status granted to faculty. It is that status that the incompetent faculty have looked to for protection. Having said that, there are many, in fact a huge majority of tenured faculty that are extremely well qualified. They don’t need the tenure protections to sustain their position, their level of work does that for them.

  4. mikey whipwreck

    mentally ill, like a lot of liberals.

    colleges are cancer now.
