Jones: Make Trump House Speaker, Then Impeach Biden, Harris

Neil W. McCabe, the national political editor of The Star News Network, interviewed former Georgia state representative Vernon Jones, who is running in the GOP primary to replace Rep. Jody B. Hice (R.-Ga.) for Georgia’s 10th Congressional District.

Jones, who is endorsed by President Donald J. Trump, said Americans cannot wait until 2024 for Trump to be returned to the White House, so he has another plan.

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Favorito Tells The Star News Network: Raffensperger Had Evidence of Election Fraud ‘Before He Ever Certified the Election’

The Star News Network National Political Editor Neil W. McCabe visited Fulton County, Georgia, to speak with Garland Favorito of VoterGa about the vote analysis he’s prepared to share with the Georgia legislature. TRANSCRIPT: McCabe: Almost from the moment the polls closed in the 2020 election there have been questions about the results in Fulton County, Georgia. Garland Favorito, the founder of VoterGa, told The Star News Network that his organization has found forensic evidence of manipulation and fraud. Favorito: I think the most shocking findings in the report is the fact is that the overall scope of the manipulation, and it was in a dozen different categories or more, was actually beyond my wildest expectations. McCabe: Favorito, a 40-year veteran of the information systems industry, said someone used a search-and-replace program to manipulate the Fulton County results. Favorito: The evidence that we saw showed that ballot images appear to have been replaced by other ballot images. McCabe: There is also evidence of ballot dumps. Favorito: So an example of electronic manipulation might be the duplicate timestamps. A scanner can only scan one mail-in ballot per second according to their own specs but yet we found half a dozen different ballots…

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Perdue Tells The Star News Network: I Am Running For Governor Because Kemp ‘Sold Us Out’

Neil W. McCabe, the national political editor of The Star News Network, interviewed former U.S. Senator David A. Perdue Jr. about his challenge to Gov. Brian P. Kemp in the May 24 GOP primary.

Perdue said with the backing of President Donald J. Trump, he is working to unite the Georgia Republican Party after Kemp triggered a schism over his refusal to address irregularities in the 2020 election.

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The Star News Network Interviews Author Peter Schweizer About Biden’s Ties to China

McCabe: Investigative journalist Peter Schweizer in his new book Red Handed documents the financial ties between the Chinese communist party and President Joe Biden. He told The Star News Network that Biden and his family have blended public service and private gain.

Schweizer: The Biden family has collected some $31 million dollars from deals in China. You’ve got intelligence officials involved or at least indirectly involved which raises I think very troubling questions about whether the Biden family is compromised.

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Mark Walters Tells The Star News Network: Georgia Is ‘Light Years Ahead’ on Gun Rights

  The Star News Network National Political Editor, Neil W. McCabe talked with Armed in America host Mark Walters about how far gun rights have come in the state of Georgia. TRANSCRIPT: McCabe: Georgia is about to become the next state with a constitutional carry law, which means Georgians no longer have to apply for gun permits. Mark Walters, the host of the Atlanta-based Armed American Radio, told The Star News Network how far the state has come from when he first moved here in 2005. Walters: I moved here in ’05 from Florida. At that time, Florida was affectionately known as the Gunshine State. And Georgia was light years behind the state of Florida as far as gun rights at that time. Because of a fledgling group, Now, we are now light years ahead of Florida because of the legislation we’ve been able to move. So the gun rights situation in Georgia has completely shifted 180 degrees for the better. McCabe: Walters said pressure from GA2A and a Republican primary challenge from David Perdue pushed Governor Brian Kemp to push for gun rights. Walters: As of right now, Brian Kemp is ready and poised to do what he…

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The Star News Network Interviews Author Peter Schweizer About Mitch McConnell’s Links to China

  TRANSCRIPT: McCabe: In his new book Red-Handed, investigative journalist Peter Schweizer documents how the senate’s top republican, Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell, is tied through his wife to the top leadership of the Chinese Communist Party. He also told The Star News Network that his wife, Elaine Chao, as transportation secretary, used her official position to help the shipping business of her father, James Chao. Schweizer: So when Mitch McConnell married Elaine Chao, he married into a family that had very substantial connections on Mainland China with the Chinese Communist Party. James Chao, who was Elaine’s father, that would be Senator Mitch McConnell’s father-in-law, grew up with Jiāng Zémín, who was the premier of China in the 1990s. McCabe: Schweizer said McConnell, in addition to receiving millions of dollars in political contributions from members of the Chao family, also received a massive gift from his billionaire father-in-law. Schweizer: When it comes to Mitch McConnell, it’s pretty clear his financial fortunes are fused with those of the Chao family. In fact, James Chao gave him a gift more than a decade ago of between $5 and $25 million dollars, and that, you know, basically quadrupled his net worth overnight. And when…

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Schweizer: The Titans of Wall Street Are Among China’s Closest American Allies

TRANSCRIPT: McCabe: One of the great ironies in investigative journalist Peter Schweizer’s new book Red-Handed is the degree to which the Chinese Communist Party has infiltrated the very heart of American capitalism on Wall Street. Schweizer told The Star News Network that the titans of Wall Street are among China’s closest allies. Schweizer: What China wants from Wall Street is access to Western capital with no questions asked. And unfortunately, the biggest firms on Wall Street are prepared to give it to them. So when the Trump administration pushed for tariffs and restrictions on Chinese economic activity in the United States, one of the first institutions to stand up and protest in the White House were the big firms on Wall Street. McCabe: Schweizer said one of the Chinese Communist Party’s biggest supporters on Wall Street is BlackRock and its CEO and co-founder Larry Fink. Schweizer: He basically runs a fund that that manages money that’s equivalent to half of the entire United States economy. So he has an enormous pull. McCabe: The investigative reporter said Fink is not shy about his support for the Chinese government. Schweizer: He has also praised the regime. He said that yes, you know,…

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The Star News Network Interviews Author Peter Schweizer About Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s Ties to China

McCabe: Investigative journalist Peter Schweizer in his new book ‘Red-Handed,’ reveals how California Democratic senator Dianne Feinstein and her husband Richard Blum are politically and financially committed to the success of the communist party in China.

Schweizer told The Star News Network that Feinstein literally danced with one of the men responsible for the crackdown at Tiananmen Square.

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Schweizer: U.S. Institutions of Higher Learning Fail to Report Millions of Dollars from China

TRANSCRIPT: McCabe: Investigative journalist Peter Schweizer, in his new book Red-Handed, reports how the Chinese Communist Party has targeted American institutions of higher learning. Schweizer told The Star News Network how these institutions, after receiving funds from communist China, have worked to suppress criticism of the communist regime there and also have misreported or even failed to report millions of dollars received from China. Schweizer: Section 117 of the Education Act in 1965 is very explicit. It says that if U.S. colleges and universities take in foreign donations, substantial foreign donations, they are required to report those to the federal government. McCabe: Many American colleges fail to report any or all of their Chinese cash haul, Schweizer said. Such as Yale University and the millions of dollars it received from Joseph Tsai, co-founder of Alibaba and owner of the Brooklyn Nets. Schweizer: This is particularly applicable to China today, because hundreds of millions of dollars are flowing to American colleges and universities from Chinese nationals, many of them linked to the Chinese Communist Party and to the Chinese state. He’s donated hundreds of millions of dollars to Yale. He says that they come from his foundation based in California. The…

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