America’s First Two Muslim Congresswomen Will Both be Fundraising for Hamas-Linked Organization

by Molly Prince


The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) announced Monday that Democratic Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib will be speaking at CAIR-Michigan’s annual banquet only days after the Hamas-linked organization revealed that fellow Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota will be speaking at CAIR-LA’s annual banquet.

CAIR is a notable pro-Palestinian organization with ties to Islamic terror groups. The U.S. Department of Justice listed CAIR as an unindicted co-conspirator in funding millions of dollars to the terrorist organization Hamas. Additionally, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) named CAIR a terrorist organization along with al-Qaeda and the Islamic State in 2014.

Tlaib will be the guest speaker at CAIR-Michigan’s 19th annual “Faith-Led, Justice Driven” banquet on March 17, according to the organization’s invitation. Single tickets start at $50 per person and a table can cost upwards of $500. Tickets for Omar’s March 23 event start at a similar price point.

Omar and Tlaib became America’s first Muslim congresswomen when sworn into office in January. Their time in office has been embroiled in allegations of anti-Semitism.

Tlaib invited a pro-Hezbollah, anti-Israel activist to her swearing-in ceremony and the following private dinner in January. Days later, an op-ed column she wrote in 2006 for Final Call, a Nation of Islam publication founded by Louis Farrakhan, surfaced. She also has come under scrutiny for having ties to other anti-Israel individuals and for questioning the loyalty of Republican lawmakers who support the Jewish nation-state.

Omar has defended anti-Israeli statements, such as ones invoking Allah to expose Israel’s “evil doings,” and she is on record implying Israel is not a democracy. She gave an interview to a host that referred to Israel as the “Jewish ISIS” and mocked how Americans speak about al-Qaeda and Hezbollah.

Both congresswomen waited until after they won their congressional elections to reveal their support for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, which seeks to punish Israel by economically depriving the country for its alleged mistreatment of Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip and West Bank. The Anti-Defamation League describes the movement as “the most prominent effort to undermine Israel’s existence.”

BDS has been metastasizing through college campuses, initially promulgated by Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), the movement’s most visible arm. SJP has been linked to the Islamic terror group Hamas, according to The Washington Free Beacon. Moreover, the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights, the American umbrella group of the BDS movement, has reportedly given money to terrorist organizations like Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

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Molly Prince is a reporter for the Daily Caller News Foundation. Follow Molly on Twitter.
Photo “Ilhan Omar” by Ilhan Omar. Photo “Rashida Tlaib” by Rashida Tlaib. 














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80 Thoughts to “America’s First Two Muslim Congresswomen Will Both be Fundraising for Hamas-Linked Organization”

  1. Nancy Sanders


    1. Ronald Marshall

      Why in the world are these organizations allowed to operate here in the USA kick them out along with the two terrorists in congress

    2. Freida Cottone

      One committed immigration fraud, the other lied about her residence to get elected

      1. James Langlois

        No way…

    3. Richard Hitt

      If we could do that, Trump would already be gone… To prison.

  2. BC

    So they openly admit they are funding future terrorist attacks


    Remove these scum now or face the consequences later ! They are the enemy of the United States. What in the hell are our leadership doing ? Are they all completely insane ?

    1. John Prisco

      It’s not leadership , it’s the uninformed voter who gets them elected into office.

  4. Gail Thompson Mosley

    What has to be done legally to remove these two women? And one other fruit loop also?

    1. Brown charley

      Charge with sedition declare them persona non grata. Deport

    2. Km

      The house members themselves could expel them but that would require spines.

  5. Sparky Maker

    Hates Israel, however, since WW II they have learned to control their threats to existance.

  6. John Iraqui

    If you help raise mony for a terorist organization are you not a part of it?
    I think you are. Sould be treated the same as the man who throws the bomb.

  7. Fed Up Hillbilly

    This is flat out treason. Aid and comfort. Pretty plain English. Hang ’em high.

  8. Marlene Dey

    I just googled the Phrase “ Is CAIR trying to impose Sharia Law in USA. It says CAIR condemns Islamic Terrorism.
    CAIR supports the constitution of the USA and does not support suicide bombing and the killing of people who are not Muslim . However, I don’t like that these women do not support our President. They can all disagree behind closed doors. It they have to speak as a unified unit. They are undermining the security of USA but not uniting with our president .

    1. Dal ANDREW

      Sounds like Taqiyya to me. Consider the following;

      1. Susan Cook

        I agree. EXACTLY.

      2. Kelly Taylor

        Bless you heart!! I am an old country gal, and this is beyond any logic.

    2. dany sarfaty

      Marlene you trust Google!!!!

    3. Donna Boyer

      Google what is CAIR. check out the different answers and remember, in the Muslim Bible they are encouraged to lie to infidels (anyone who is not Muslim) to advance their religion and to kill those who don’t convert.

    4. June

      Can you trust google?

      1. Bambi

        Can you trust the media?

    5. Henry Brown

      Cairo is corrupt organization funded by the corrupt sgaiter billionaire George Soros. His organization’s have plotted to bring down the government of several countries. He also funds several obama underground Trump hating groups that aspire to bring down Presidet Trump. Most freedom loving Americans believe Soros should be deported. A radical troublemaker.

    6. Dennis Wright

      Seems they are sucking you in also with their lies and deceit.

  9. Martin

    America you asked for this!

    1. Fran

      Martin, not really, half of us voted for Trump. Sadly the illegals and dead people voted the two Muslims in office.. and any others who are not worthy to be citizens..

      1. US Retired Vet


    2. Native Jo

      Absolutely not. Obama did this to us by force and the Democrats are still doing it.

  10. Barbara

    I thought that was precisely why their Muslim majority districts got them into office – to further political jihad. I’d say they’re doing their job well!

  11. John Lane

    This would be AIDING and ABETTING an enemy of the US and is tantamount to TREASON and SEDITION. Punishable by firing squad.

  12. CLinTexas

    How quickly we forget,, after we promised those who died during the 9-11 attacks that we would never forget.

  13. mary peters

    These women need to be removed from our congress! They were elected under false pretenses and only have doing harm in their heads! Need to get rid of them before it’s too late!!!!

  14. D ryal


    1. BBWolfie

      I just wanna say that if the terrorist would just smoke some schrubbery they’d stop all this blowing up crap crazy stuff. Sit down & smoke some wompam it’d all be okay! Ya know what I’m saying?

  15. Wolf Woman

    Former head of the Tennessee American Muslim Advisory Council Zulfat Suara supports Rashida Tlaib and CAIR, whose intent is to bring sharia law to the U.S. Ms Suara is also running for Nashville Metro Council as a Member-at-Large. Political Islam is coming on strong in Music City and its tentacles reach deep into the halls of the TN legislature.

    See Suara and Tlaib together here.

    1. BRRR

      CAIR doesn’t want to bring Sharia law to this country, they support the Constitution. Your lying.

      1. Katy007

        You’re extremely naive!!

        1. Al Bayless

          They are too smart for jokes, they are serious an awful lot of people talking are just blowing hot air.

      2. Lynn Kornblum

        If you believe thaI there is a bridge in Brooklyn that is for sale.

    2. Dal ANDREW

      Yes, Political Islam is coming on strong all the way across America. Study the following site; NB, CAIR co-published JETPAC’s 22 page analysis of the 2018 election results. Many Muslims were elected in November 2018, including 7 judges. How would you like to appear before a judge sworn to support Sharia?
