Five Times August Blasts Sheryl Crow for Smearing Jason Aldean over Pro-America, Anti-Rioting Song

by S.L. Rachel

Recently, a feud has erupted in the country music community, with singer-songwriter Five Times August taking a stand against Sheryl Crow’s criticism of Jason Aldean’s song “Try That In A Small Town.” While Sheryl Crow accused Aldean of promoting violence in his lyrics, Five Times August, also known as Brad Skistimas, has fired back, calling out her woke hypocrisy.

In case you missed it, “Try That In A Small Town,” Jason Aldean talks about smalls town that value law and order. The song discusses the consequences of crossing certain lines, warning against violence, disrespecting authority figures, and dishonoring national symbols. The central message is that such behavior would not be tolerated in a small town where community values and mutual respect prevail. It is important to note, that the first thing Cain did after he killed Abel in the Bible was to build the first city. A place of sin, pollution and violence.

Five Times August is quick to point out Sheryl Crow’s hypocrisy in critiquing the song. Sheryl Crow tried to use her small town credentials. Screenshots of Crow’s real estate deals show extravagant purchases, such as a 50-acre estate in Nashville, an $11 million Los Angeles home, and a $2.27 million New York City loft. Crow’s lavish lifestyle contradicts the values she seemingly promotes through her critique of Aldean’s song.

In her Twitter response to Jason Aldean’s song, Sheryl Crow complained about the issue of gun violence and how this song somehow supports or encourages that behavior. She connected the lyrics to the tragic mass shooting that Aldean himself survived. Five Times August points out that Crow’s emphasis on gun control misses the point of the song entirely. The song “Try That In A Small Town” is not advocating violence but rather promoting respect for the law, order, and unity within a close-knit community. This is something that liberal city-dwellers with brainrot have trouble understanding. Despite her humble Missouri origins, Sheryl Crow’s interpretation of the song’s message is misguided and using her back story as a method to insert her political narrative on gun control is disingenuous.

And of course, selective outrage. Because there are plenty of other songs promoting immoral behavior that she seems to have no problem with! This clash between Sheryl Crow and Five Times August over Jason Aldean’s song “Try That In A Small Town” shows that Sheryl Crow fails to grasp the underlying message of law and order within a small-town setting.

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Photo “Sheryl Crow” by Sheryl Crow. 




Reprinted with permission from American Beat

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3 Thoughts to “Five Times August Blasts Sheryl Crow for Smearing Jason Aldean over Pro-America, Anti-Rioting Song”

  1. Steve Allen

    Why is that liberal musicians and most of the glitterati from hollywood think they have all the answers? Oh, that’s right they are liberal sock puppets.

  2. LM

    Sans the dark blue fringes along the east and west coasts, and the blue dots like Detroit, Austin, Atlanta, Memphis , Nashville, and Chicago, the United States is comprised mostly of small towns. Aldean is singing about a way of life that the liberal elite would love to stamp out -i.e. Patriotism- which also is now lib-code for the views of ” far-right extremists”. There are infinitely more people in this country who agree with the lyrics of Aldean’s song than the tail which is currently wagging the dog would have anyone believe. Many have said in the past few months that this country is on the verge of another civil war, or even that the shots over Ft. Sumter have already been fired. Maybe the libs will keep clucking around and find out.

  3. Nashville Stomper

    Jason Aldean’s video is accused of racism because it uses an image of the Maury County Courthouse. They allege the image must be associated with two incidents that occurred there seventy-five to one hundred years ago (you know, back during the days when Democrats controlled government, culture, and law enforcement there).

    By that logic, if a Democrat uses the Oval Office as a backdrop in a campaign ad, they are defending what happened to women there during the Clinton administration years. If a Democrat does produce a campaign ad using an image of the Oval Office, people should go on social media and post that their daughters are now terrified and going to bed asking if they will be safe if the Democrat wins.
