Gabbard Comes Out Against Open Borders, Supports Physical Barriers

by Ben Whedon


Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard said Sunday that she opposes open borders and even supports physical barriers, painting a stark contrast between her and the rest of the primary field.

The Hawaii representative appeared on “The Rubin Report” Sunday to talk about immigration, abortion and her presidential campaign, among other issues.

Some candidates, including Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren and former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro have come out in support of decriminalizing border crossings.

Host Dave Rubin described the Democratic field as “basically trying to out do each other on open borders” before asking Gabbard where she stood.

“I don’t support open borders,” Gabbard said, adding “without secure borders, we don’t really have a country.”

She went on to say that “in some places, it may make sense to have a wall or some sort of physical barrier” but clarified, “this is not Trump’s wall from ‘Sea to Shining Sea.’”

Gabbard has presented herself as a more moderate candidate in opposition to her more left-leaning primary opponents, taking measured stances on border security and opposing third-trimester abortions.

She will not appear on the Democratic debate stage in September having failed to achieve 2% polling in four DNC-approved polls by the deadline.

The RealClearPolitics polls currently gives her an average of 1.7% support.

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Ben Whedon is a reporter for the Daily Caller News Foundation.
Photo “Tulsi Gabbard” by Rubin Report.




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2 Thoughts to “Gabbard Comes Out Against Open Borders, Supports Physical Barriers”

  1. Russ

    A desprete attempt to get voters going away from what she has preached. Too late

    1. 83ragtop50

      I don’t believe her.
