Ilhan Omar Says Trump Uses Term ‘Alien’ to Dehumanize Immigrants

by Jason Hopkins


Democratic Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar said no individual is an “alien,” and that President Donald Trump uses the word to justify human rights abuses.

“No one is an ‘alien.’ This is family separation on a massive scale,” Omar tweeted Tuesday. “Dehumanizing immigrants and tearing apart families will not make us any stronger. It will only destroy lives, traumatize children, and make our country less safe.”

In response to massive online criticism, the first-term Democratic lawmaker doubled down on her remarks.

“To the trolls: Trump uses dehumanizing language like ‘aliens’ ‘illegals’ or even ‘animals’ to justify horrific human rights abuses against migrants. The DOJ now mandates that public officials only use the term ‘illegal aliens.’ This is straight out of the demagogue’s playbook,” she wrote.

The initial tweet was in response to Trump’s Monday night announcement that Immigration and Customs Enforcement would soon begin deporting millions of illegal aliens living in the U.S.

Despite Omar’s assertions, the word “alien” has been a long-held term that applies to all foreign nationals. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services defines it as “Any person not a citizen or national of the United States. ‘Foreign national’ is a synonym and used outside of statutes when referring to noncitizens of the U.S.”

The Center for Immigration Studies, along with other non-partisan immigration organizations, define “alien” in similar iterations.

Omar, herself an immigrant from war-torn Somalia, also appeared to dredge up a previously debunked claim about Trump and MS-13. A deceptively edited video that went viral in April made it appear that the president referred to asylum seekers as “animals.” The comments were actually made in May 2018, and a longer version of the video shows Trump was referring not to asylum seekers, but to MS-13 gang members.

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Jason Hopkins is a reporter for the Daily Caller News Foundation. Follow Jason on Twitter.
Photo “Ilhan Omar” by Fibonacci Blue. CC BY 2.0. Photo “Donald Trump” by Gage Skidmore. CC BY-SA 2.0.





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3 Thoughts to “Ilhan Omar Says Trump Uses Term ‘Alien’ to Dehumanize Immigrants”

  1. David Bruce Sorensen

    Border jumpers are illegal aliens. Ilhan Omar is an ill-informed bordering on ignorant, clueless twit . Minnesota is overrun with illegal aliens, some of whom married their sister to become illegal. Omar’s brother, who she married needs to have his U.S. Passport, rescinded. Someone needs to ask Omar if she consummated her marriage to her brother. Many of the children being held on our southern border are not accompanied by a parent or even a relative. Still, they are being cared for better than their parents did when they were abandoned and sent away to be abused, trafficked, sold into sex slavery, even murdered. Omar must be removed from office.

  2. Brian

    Is the term criminal better?? Law breaker? Invader? How about felon?

  3. 83ragtop50

    Someone give her a dictionary so she can learn the definition of “alien”.

    A perfect example of the changing demographics in Minnesota.
