Ohio Tea Party Leader Does Not Buy Into Robert Mueller’s Press Conference


A local Ohio Tea Party leader believes Robert Mueller’s statements today were an attempt by the “Deep State” to help House Democrats push for impeachment after efforts to oust President Trump through the Special Counsel’s office failed.

Tom Zawistowski, the President of We the People Convention, thinks it was not happenstance that Mueller’s press conference was the same day as former FBI Director James Comey’s op-ed appears in the Washington Post.

“Today, wasn’t it a coincidence, that out of nowhere, Robert Mueller pops up on my TV at 11:00 AM to make a statement about his infamous ‘Mueller Report?’ Just happens to be the same day that Jim Comey has an op-ed in the Washington Post attacking the Barr investigation. Just happens that Attorney General Bill Barr is in Alaska and not part of this event,” the grassroots leader wrote in a statement.

Mueller appeared in-person to deliver remarks Wednesday to address on-going concerns about his two-year-long investigation. He defended his investigation and reiterated that “insufficient evidence” existed to charge a “broader conspiracy.” Even though the Special Counsel defended his investigation, he did not fully clear President Donald Trump of any wrongdoing – although such a declaration would be well beyond the purview of Mueller’s office.

Nonetheless, Mueller – himself a former FBI Director and long time prosecutor – provocatively stated, “If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so we did not.”

Mueller added that his report would be his testimony if subpoenaed to testify before Congress. “I would not provide information beyond that which is already public in any appearance before Congress,” he said.

Zawistowski regards the press conference as an appeal the “Impeach Trump” crowd in Congress, writing:

The entire purpose of his statement was to give impetus to the ‘Impeach Trump’ hard-left agenda and crush Nancy Pelosi’s resistance to committing political suicide by moving to impeach by suggesting that Trump did obstruct justice – which he could not prove! The Deep State NEEDs an Impeachment circus so that they will not be investigated and they will not be on trial.

In James Comey’s Washington Post op-ed, originally published Tuesday, he dismissed the idea of an attempted coup of President Trump.

“There was no corruption. There was no treason. There was no attempted coup. Those are lies, and dumb lies at that,” Comey wrote.

The fired FBI Director went on to address the concern about his former agency spying on the Trump administration while he was running for president.

“We didn’t know what was true. Maybe there was nothing to it, or maybe Americans were actively conspiring with the Russians,” Comey wrote. “To find out, the FBI would live up to its name and investigate.”

Americans should be angered by the Mueller press conference, Zawistowski said.

“I am OUTRAGED, YOU should be OUTRAGED, All Americans should be outraged! … The fate of our nation is in the hands of Donald J. Trump and Attorney General Bill Barr. These criminals must be investigated and charged and punished for their crimes or we will lose our nation.”

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Zachery Schmidt is the digital editor of Battleground State News.
Background Photo “Mueller Press Conference” by WLTX.








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