One America News Network’s Neil McCabe Talks to the Tennessee Star Report About the #Webuildthewall Rallies

On Tuesday’s Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – Gill and Leahy talked to One America News Networks Neil McCabe about the success of the We Build the Wall rally last week in both Cincinnati and Detroit.

Further on in the discussion, they chatted about the overall passion and emotion displayed at the rally’s, the MAGA All-Stars that comprise the rallies, and the potential of where they may visit next.

Leahy: Neil good morning.

McCabe: Michael how are you?

Leahy: Morning, thanks so much for joining us.  So, the big news Neil is you were the moderator of the Build the Wall event in Cincinnati last week. We reported on that. Our own Anthony Gowkowski was there. And then you also were the moderator of the Build the wall event in Detroit. Now tell us about those two events.

McCabe: Yeah Michael, so what happens is that We Build the Wall scheduled these events and basically the idea is you know there is tremendous publicity when the founder, Brian Kolfage raised more than $20 million to build the wall on the southern border. The idea then, in December was hey let’s raise some money. Congress isn’t going to give Trump the money for the wall. So we’ll raise the money ourselves.

Leahy: And build it ourselves is what this group was going to do.

McCabe: Well what happened is that Brian went to the Treasury and I know that he met with Jim Jordan he met with Mark Meadows and other people from the freedom caucus to try to figure out how to give this $20 million to the Treasury and it turns out the Treasury really isn’t set up for it and the Treasury really didn’t really want the money.

Leahy: (Laughs) Really? The Treasury didn’t want twenty million dollars?

McCabe: Well I think the problem is, you just can’t raise twenty million dollars for the government. Alright, here’s like twenty million dollars and I want the government to bomb the next town. Right, you can’t just give money to the government to do stuff. So…

Leahy: You could give it to them for general purposes they’ll take it right?

McCabe: Right. They’ll take it. Now, what they do is they got a team now they’ve been in Texas…

Leahy: Who’s on that team? And by the way, Steve Gill has a few questions for you here as well Neil. But who’s on that team?

The men proceeded to discuss the team for the rally’s and especially mentioned Steve Bannon who they all found interesting and fascinating. They also added that Bannon was always engaging, on point and never at a loss for words. Leahy added that he believed Bannon to be “sartorially splendid.” McCabe further mentioned how Sky News was interviewing Bannon for five minutes in Detroit and that before going live and that after the interview, were slow to move off stage. He added that the interview became huge in England because Bannon touched upon Trump’s visit with May at the White House where Trump had offered May advice on Brexit which she, to her own detriment, laughed off.

Gill: There’d been a lot of talk Neil that there were going to be, particularly in Detroit, protest and counter presentation by those that want the open borders. Who oppose ICE.  Who see the US as the kind of place where everybody should be able to come and climb on the backs of American taxpayers. Where there any protests in Detroit?

McCabe: There were outside. There were about twenty or thirty people. I only saw one or two people who could be described as ANTIFA, you know the guys dressed up in black.

Leahy: Hmmhmm.

McCabe: But they were kept away by the police and I know there were at least six not that you know knocking police outside. There were cops everywhere and it’s just so…I mean one of the things people don’t appreciate about the protesters or even the threat of protests is that you know the local police have to be hired. When you hire a police officer for a private event you’re paying at least double time for their time. That was a huge expense I know that. But there weren’t any real interruptions in the audience. People were really, nobody really expected trouble in Cincinnati. But in Detroit, there was some expectation and there wasn’t. The crowds are just so emotional and passionate and of course, you bring out what Steve’s calling the MAGA All-Stars. You know you’ve got David Clark came out.

Leahy: A former sheriff from Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

McCabe: Yeah and the guy from Breitbart, Texas. Brandon Darby.

Leahy: Brandon Darby! Oh yeah, who’s led the reporting on what’s happening on the wall and the border.

McCabe: Yeah and right now a huge chunk of Breitbart’s overall traffic every day is just covering the wall and the cartels, the building of the wall, and the border crisis, and cartels. We had angel parents there. We also had the family of Brian Terry. Kelly Terry Willis and Kent Terry. So the brother and sister of Brian Terry were there and he grew up outside of Detroit.

Leahy: Tell us the story of Brian Terry.

McCabe: Ok so, Brian Terry deported as a marine to Iraq, came back and became a Michigan police officer. But it wasn’t on point enough. He felt like he should be doing more important things, especially with his skills. So he went to the border patrol and not just border patrol but sort of the tactical police of the border patrol, they call BORTAC. And he was on the border and in December of 2010 he was involved in a firefight he was killed by a gun that was involved in the Fast and Furious.

Leahy: In other words, it was a gun that the US Government kind of let the bad guys get to allegedly track who was trading in these guns.

Gill: That was under Attorney General Eric Holder right?

Leahy: Yeah, Obama Attorney General Eric Holder.

The conversation came to a close with the mention of Fast and Furious and the unregulated gun sales that were flowing into the states from Mexico. The men discussed the Obama administration’s creation of the Fast and Furis program and how nobody was indicted after the failed program. The timing of the story came out when the aforementioned Brain Terry was killed by one of these unrelgulated guns. They knew it was a fast and furious gun why Holder flew down right away in Arizona and lied to the family.

McCabe rounded out the segment describing how the border wall will be constructed on private property next month and is expected to break ground in April on private property with private funds stretching ten miles. He noted that We build the wall thinks they can do it for five to ten million dollars and will be using the Israeli company Magal to build a smart wall with cameras.

Leahy hinted that he has invited Steve Bannon and We Build the Wall to Nashville, and he then asked McCabe if he would like to bring a rally home to Bristol County in Massachusetts.

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Listen to the full show here:

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Tune in weekdays from 5:00 – 8:00 am to the Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy on Talk Radio 98.3 FM WLAC 1510. Listen online at iHeart Radio.
Photo “Neil McCabe” by One America News Network. Background Photo “We Build the Wall” by We Build the Wall. 

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