Revealed: Key Whistleblower Requirement Was Removed, Allowing IC Complaints Based on Hearsay

Akey requirement for whistleblowers to lodge a “Disclosure of Urgent Concern” complaint was secretly eliminated at some point in the past year to allow submissions of second-hand material, it has been revealed. This allowed the August submission of an error-ridden whistleblower complaint against President Donald Trump to proceed, as the whistleblower—who is believed to be a member of the intelligence committee assigned to the National Security Counsel—has admitted to having no direct knowledge of wrongdoing on the part of the president.

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Report: Hundreds of Docs Suggest Biden’s Been Lying About Firing Ukrainian Prosecutor

Media reports based on a deep state “whistleblower” promised us that an obvious “quid pro quo” would be evident in the transcript of a telephone call between President Trump and Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky, but that was not to be. The transcript shows a cordial conversation in which the president mentioned Biden and his son once late in the call, and at no point promised financial assistance to prompt an investigation into corruption related to Hunter Biden’s lucrative position on the board of a Ukrainian energy business.

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Commentary: Pelosi’s Call for Impeaching Trump on Ukraine Risks War, Ignores Obama-Biden Fueled Corruption

“This week, the president has admitted to asking the president of Ukraine to take actions which would benefit him politically. Therefore, today, I’m announcing the House of Representatives is moving forward with an official impeachment inquiry. I’m directing our six committees to proceed with their investigations under that umbrella.”

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DOJ: Whistleblower Had an ‘Arguable Political Bias’ Against Trump and Relied on ‘Hearsay’

The intelligence community inspector general found that the whistleblower behind a complaint against President Donald Trump had indications of “an arguable political bias” in favor of a Trump political opponent and also relied on “hearsay” to file allegations against the Republican, according to a Justice Department legal opinion released Wednesday.

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