Commentary: Greens Ignore Population Growth and Mass Migration

At its best, the environmental movement is based on evidence, balances benefits with costs, and focuses on the good of humanity. This is just common sense, the classic values of prudence and conservatism. But, as with the Romantic-era critics of the Industrial Revolution, there is no small amount of aesthetics and even religion at the root of modern environmentalism, and its manic concern for global warming and associated demands for the West to jettison its economic and material progress.

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Bill Hagerty Commentary: Democrats Call for Impeachment, While Trump Puts America First

by Bill Hagerty   Another week, another set of Democrats calling to impeach President Donald J. Trump. As usual, they are propelled by the liberal media’s latest antics. Now, 165 Democrats (and counting), including both of Tennessee’s Democratic congressmen have joined the call. That is a clear majority of House Democrats, led by Nancy Pelosi and “The Squad,” who are calling for impeachment. It’s a continuation of what we’ve seen every day since Tuesday, November 8, 2016, when the American people sent Donald Trump to the White House. Ever since that day, radical liberals have refused to accept that Hillary Clinton lost. They have focused on tearing him down, rather than working with him to make life better for Tennesseans. Unfortunately, their calls for impeachment are more than just political talking points. Their investigations are real, and therefore, so is their waste of taxpayer dollars. The House Judiciary Committee held its first impeachment hearing last week, and the American people were once again bombarded by the Left’s political antics. It’s a disgrace and an insult to the will of the people. They will continue their fight to impeach our President, but they won’t stop there. They want to impeach a…

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Commentary: Biden’s Real Foreign Election Interference Was Russiagate

It looks as though Joe Biden is about to bumble and babble and bluster his way to a third failed run for president. Even before President Trump took aim at Hunter Biden for his shady financial ties to the Ukraine while his father was vice president, Biden was struggling with basic facts and weird stories about confronting a disobedient black teen with a chain in the 1960s.

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Marsha Blackburn Joins the Tennessee Star Report to Speak on Illegal Immigration and Bipartisan Strategy

On Tuesday morning’s The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – Leahy and Carmichael welcomed Tennessee state Senator Marsha Blackburn to the show and discussed her strategy on maintaining a bipartisan manner with her fellow Democrats in Washington.

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Commentary: Despite Obstruction From Congress, Trump Delivers on Promises Including Building the Wall

From day one of his Administration, President Trump has been working to deliver on his campaign promises. Because the hostile, liberal media does such a lousy job of informing voters of Trump’s accomplishments, a quick rundown of some of the promises he has kept is in order. As promised, Trump has rolled back numerous regulations, signed tax cuts into law, appointed conservative Supreme Court justices, approved the Dakota Access Pipeline, ended Obama’s “Clean Power Plan,” withdrew the country from the Paris Climate Agreement, negotiated the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) to replace the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), withdrew the country from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, labelled China a currency manipulator, withdrew the United States from the Iran “deal,” defeated ISIS, moved the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, has forgone his presidential salary, and has helped bring back hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs. Furthermore, as with his promises of rebuilding the military and achieving energy independence, Trump is making considerable progress on building the wall.

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Nashville Metro Councilman At Large Steve Glover Plans to Work with Conservatives, Moderates and Liberals

On Monday’s Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – hosts Leahy and Glover discussed what it’s like to be a metro council member as it pertains to answering your constituents. Glover also went on to describe the swearing-in process for himself and the offices where metro council members could work if they wanted to.

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Commentary: Under a President Sanders, UAW-Style Strikes Would be a Regular Occurrence

Americans woke up at the beginning of the week to hear an unusual bit of news – thousands of auto workers had gone on strike. Union strikes are hardly a common occurrence, and strikes have become particularly rare in the auto industry. In fact, the United Auto Workers hasn’t had a national strike against GM since 2007. But, if Senator and presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) had his druthers, large national strikes would be a frequent occurrence.

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Russia, Recession, Racism, and Ridiculousness: Lonnie Spivak Gives His Take on ‘Deep State’ Whistleblower Motives

On Friday’s Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – Michael Patrick Leahy talked to Tennessee Star panelist and decision desk operator weighs in on the origins and reasoning behind the ‘whistleblower’ in Washington, D.C.

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Commentary: China Replaces Ten Commandments with Socialist Propaganda

Congregations in China’s officially recognized Protestant church have been forced to replace God’s commandments to Moses with a quotation about the triumph of socialism, according to a religious liberty watchdog. The action literally substitutes socialism as an idol, in violation of the First Commandment. The Chinese government’s attempt to change the teachings of the 60,000-church Three-Self Patriotic Movement unmasks how socialism crushes religious liberty and reduces Christians to subservience – or elevates them to martyrdom.

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