Commentary: Antifa’s Identitarian Ideology

While the Antifa movement may defy easy characterization, one of its most animating features is a commitment to opposing the alleged right-wing racism practiced or condoned by “millions” of “white nationalists.” They condemn any such endorsements of so-called identitarian concepts. But who are the real identitarians? And to which movement is identitarianism both the centerpiece of their rhetoric, and a smokescreen to hide their true agenda? A look at online material promoting an upcoming Antifa-type action offers clues.

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Commentary: Let’s Stop Blaming Law-Abiding Gun Owners

In the corner of the room near my desk are two .22-caliber rifles, a 20-gauge shotgun, and a BB gun. The single-shot .22 was my father’s when he was a boy, the six-shot .22 was the gift of a friend, and the shotgun was given me as a teenager and hasn’t had the trigger pulled in 50 years. The history of the BB gun is more of a mystery, but I suspect it’s the one I gave to my oldest son on his eleventh birthday.

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Commentary: Trump Single-Handedly Changes the Political Calculus

The two greatest political controversies in the western world in the last several years—the attempt to delegitimize President Trump and the question of Britain’s relations with the European Union—have generated similar reflexes and tactics in the opponents of the president and of Brexit. In the one case as in the other, the initial response of the political establishments in the two countries has been disbelief followed by a tenacious determination to undo the verdict of the voters.

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