Commentary: Don’t Believe the Clinton Crony Who Criticized Trump for Using a Dog to Kill ISIS Leader

Islamic State boss Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi learned last month, when a military working dog (MWD) shows up at your compound, you might have a problem. While U.S. Special Forces disposed of al-Baghdadi’s praetorian guard, MWD Conan, a Belgian Malinois, chased down the whimpering ISIS boss in a tunnel, where the terrorist blew himself up with an explosive vest.

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Commentary: Impeachment of Trump Gives Aid and Comfort to China

The Democrat impeachment scam of President Donald Trump is giving aid and comfort to the communist regime in China which is violently attacking Hong Kongers who seek to continue living their lives free of Beijing’s oppression. Right now, Chinese government-sanctioned police and troops are making the former British holding a bloodier Tiananmen Square, under the blanket of silence created by our nation’s impeachment focus.

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Commentary: Attorney General Barr is Right, the Left is Deconstructing the Constitution and the Presidency

Apparently now saying that Article II of the Federal Constitution’s vesting of executive power to the President was an unambiguous, broad grant of unitary executive authority to the President of the United States by the Framers of the Constitution, and arguing for preserving such separation of powers from encroachment, is an impeachable offense.

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Inside The Media Conspiracy to Hype Greta Thunberg And the UN Climate Conference

Over 250 news outlets and journalists partnered with Columbia University School of Journalism’s flagship magazine to shape control of “climate crisis” coverage in the lead up to the United Nations climate conference. The coverage-coordination initiative included directing how much time, space and prominence should be devoted to the coverage, and asking that climate “news” be added to seemingly unrelated stories.

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Commentary: Neglect of Foreign Policy Led to the Deep State

Questions of foreign policy, particularly those of war and peace, are among the most critical in politics. A lost war can destroy an empire and erase a nation. Victory can attain safety, security, and prosperity for many generations. An inconclusive campaign—such as our neverending stalemate in Afghanistan—can sap national confidence and shatter the minds and bodies of a generation of veterans.

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Commentary: A History of the Deep State

Every presidential administration finds some degree of internal resistance. That which has confronted the Trump Administration, however, seems to be the most active and aggressive ever. From “Anonymous”, to a record number of leakers, to physically hiding documents from the President, a large and active bureaucratic resistance is at work to stymie many of the Executive branch’s goals. Everything from secret military plans to embarrassing aspects of daily life in White House has been made public.

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Commentary: The Democrats Won’t Find a Savior in Michael Bloomberg

The best aspect of Michael Bloomberg’s potential presidential run is that if he were elected, we may be reasonably confident that he would be a competent president, which should be an immense relief to anyone who takes seriously the possibility that any of the four remaining Democratic candidates with appreciable support—Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and Pete Buttigieg—could be elected.

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