President Donald Trump Wows Conservatives at 2019 CPAC

President Donald Trump delivered a raucous, rally-style speech during his appearance at the 2019 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) Saturday where he let capacity crowd know how he felt about everything from the Robert Mueller Investigation and Hillary Clinton’s emails to the booming US economy and North Korea.

During one of the president’s longest speech to date, Trump was not shy about telling the crowd how he honestly felt about the  Mueller Investigation.

“Unfortunately you put the wrong people in a couple of positions, and they leave people for a long time that should not be there and all of a sudden they’re trying to take you out with bullsh*t,” Trump said to the crowd.

The president criticized Jeff Sessions’ lack of a role in the investigation.

“Now Robert Mueller never received a vote, and neither did the person that appointed him,” Trump said in a southern accent. “As you know the attorney general says, ‘I’m going to recuse myself.’ And I said, ‘Why the hell didn’t he tell me that before I put him in?'”

The Mueller Investigation was not the only thing that Trump critiqued. The president called asking Russia to get Hillary Clinton’s emails a “joke.”

“If you tell a joke, if you’re sarcastic, if you’re having fun with the audience, if you’re on live television with millions of people and 25,000 people in an arena and if you say something like, ‘Russia, please, if you can, get us Hillary Clinton’s emails,” Trump said. “Please, Russia, please. Please get us the emails. Please.'”

Trump went on to add, “So everybody is having a good time, I’m laughing, we’re all having fun. Then that fake CNN and others say, ‘He asked Russia to go get the emails. Horrible.”

The president did not forget to address the Green New Deal. He went as so far as to throw his support behind the deal in a mocking manner.

“I encourage it. I think it’s really something Democrats should promote. No planes. No energy. When the wind stops blowing, that’s the end of your electric,” Trump quipped.

Throughout his off-the-cuff speech, he talked about serious topics such as North Korea and free speech.

Trump addressed the North Korea negotiations and Otto Warmbier’s parents who disagreed with his comments about Kim Jong Un’s role in their son’s death.

“I’m in such a horrible position because in one way I have to negotiate. The other way, I love Mr. and Mrs. Warmbier. And I love Otto,” the president said. “And it’s a very, very delicate balance. He was a special young man. And to see what happened was so bad.”

Also during his speech, Trump brought up the topic of free speech on college campuses. He called up Hayden Williams, a Leadership Institute field representative, who was viciously punched in the face by a protester while at the University of California-Berkeley.

The president indicated he would sign an executive order about free speech on college campuses.

“Today I’m proud to announce that I will be very soon signing an executive requiring colleges and universities to support free speech if they want federal research dollars. If they want our dollars, and we give it to them by the billions, they’ve got to allow people like Hayden and many other great young people and old people to speak. Free speech,” Trump said.

In his closing remarks, he had a unifying message by telling the crowd we are “one nation, one family forever united behind one great American flag.”

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Zachery Schmidt is the digital editor of Battleground State News.
Photo “Donald Trump CPAC Speech” by American Conservative Union. 



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