Former Presidents Obama, Bush, and Clinton Team Up with American Express and ‘Welcome.US’ to Fly Migrants into the U.S.

by Charlotte Hazard


American Express Global Business Travel and Welcome.US have reportedly teamed up with former Presidents Obama, Clinton, and George W. Bush’s nongovernmental organization (NGO) called Miles4Migrants to fly migrants to communities across the U.S.

Welcome.US is an NGO that was initially launched to work with President Joe Biden’s administration to facilitate some of the 85,000 Afghans who came into the U.S. in 2021 and 2022 after the debacle created when the U.S. evacuated from Afghanistan, according to Breitbart.

Welcome.US is also linked to billionaire George Soros’ Open Society Foundation through some of his board members sitting on their “National Welcome Council.”

Now Miles4Migrants and American Express Global Business Travel are reportedly teaming up with Welcome.US to raise money for migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Venezuela, Ukraine and Nicaragua to be flown into communities across the country.

“Donations are needed to fund the flights for newcomers to travel to the United States,” the initiative’s webpage reads.

“Those forced to flee often leave behind all but what they can carry, and the costs of international travel can be prohibitive,” the webpage continues. “Welcome Connect Travel removes the cost of travel as a barrier for both sponsors in the United States and the displaced families they are supporting through humanitarian sponsorship.”

According to Sen. Ron Johnson’s (R-Wisc.) comments in a hearing earlier this week, roughly five million illegal immigrants have entered the United States since President Biden took office in 2021.

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Charlotte Hazard is a reporter at Just the News. Follow her on Twitter.
Photo “Barack Obama” by Gage Skidmore. CC BY-SA 2.0. Photo “Bill Clinton” by Gage Skidmore. CC BY-SA 2.0. Photo “George W. Bush” by George W. Bush. Background Photo “El Paso Border” by U.S. Customs and Border Protection.



Reprinted with permission from Just the News.

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4 Thoughts to “Former Presidents Obama, Bush, and Clinton Team Up with American Express and ‘Welcome.US’ to Fly Migrants into the U.S.”

  1. Dr Ken

    Is it fair to ask if American Express Global Business will be flying illegal immigrants to destinations such as Martha’s Vineyard or Washington DC? What about Boston, Monticeto, Calabasas or Dover Delaware? New York City seemingly has rolled up the welcome mat. Do the states where these immigrants are being “dumped” have any input or prior notice. This seems to be in the same vein as Alinsky driven social disruption practiced by Barry Obama. They disrupt areas where they don’t live. Bush should know better, he should know the adverse impact this is having in Texas. Perhaps a reception center outside the gate of the Bush Ranch in Crawford Texas with porta- pottys placed along the ranch property line is in line.

  2. Nameless Hunter

    Just one more example that the Bush family is a pack of POS RINOS.

  3. Htos

    A genocide by the UN’s own metrics. However, it’s baphometically inverted now.

    Be Prepared.

  4. Harold Smith

    Are they crazy just what we need more illegals .in this COUNTRY. STOP DON’T LET IT HAPPEN . DON’T DONATE ANY THING TO THIS STUPID CAUSE
