Michael Patrick Leahy: Antisemitism at MTSU Enabled by Administration and Faculty Adviser to School Newspaper

Michael Patrick Leahy, the editor-in-chief of The Tennessee Star and CEO of The Star News Network, warned Dan Mandis of SuperTalk 99.7 WTN that the administration of Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU) and the student advisor of the school newspaper, Sidelines, have enabled antisemitism on the university’s campus.

Tennessee legislators at the state and federal level continue to decry the MTSU student newspaper’s decision to pull an article written by former editor Matthew Giffin, who Leahy explained wrote a “straightforward” story about an MTSU student originally from Tel Aviv.

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Middle Tennessee Socialists Rally Behind Antisemitic Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib

In a show of solidarity for arguably the most antisemitic member of congress, the Middle Tennessee Chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America is rallying around U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI-12) after she was disciplined by her colleagues in a rare congressional censure.

The local chapter’s X account reposted the national organization’s screed over the U.S. House of Representatives vote last week to punish Tlaib.

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More than 775,000 Illegal Border Crossers in Arizona Alone in Fiscal 2023

More than 775,000 people illegally crossed the border into Arizona in fiscal 2023, according to official U.S. Customs and Border Protection data and preliminary gotaway data.

This includes 576,912 apprehensions officially reported by CBP and at least 198,110 gotaways reported by Border Patrol agents alone, according to the preliminary data The Center Square obtained from a Border Patrol agent.

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Experts Warn China’s Foray into the Middle East Could Isolate Taiwan from U.S. Forces

China is expanding its military presence in the Middle East, which could obstruct American forces in the region from mobilizing if Beijing decides to invade Taiwan, leaving the island with reduced defenses, according to foreign policy experts.

President Joe Biden was briefed Tuesday by his advisors on a Chinese plan to build a new military facility in Oman bordering the Arabian Sea, which would advance Beijing’s goal of increasing its Middle East and overseas presence, according to Bloomberg. By establishing military strong points in the Middle East, China can hinder and disrupt American forces in the region from mobilizing effectively and redirecting toward Taiwan if Beijing invades, which could leave the island with lesser defense capabilities, according to foreign policy experts.

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EU Moves Forward with Digital ID Despite Security Concerns and Potential for Abuse

The European Parliament and the Council of the European Union reached a final agreement this week on the establishment of “European Digital Identity Wallets,” the first central and fully digital identification system for all Europeans.

“Under the new law, the EU will offer its citizens so-called ‘digital wallets’—on a voluntary basis, at first—which will contain digital versions of their ID cards, driving licenses, diplomas, medical records, and bank account information,” the European Conservative reported.

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Music Spotlight: Storme Warren

I often ask artists who influenced their careers. Well for me, not being a musician, the person who has most influenced me is the television and radio broadcaster, Storme Warren. Although I have little desire to become a television personality, I have learned so much about interviewing artists by listening to Storme nearly every day for 16 years on Sirius XM’s The Highway.

Besides having attended events in person where I saw Storme in action, I have heard how he interacts with the artists on his shows, especially on his fascinating podcast, Exit 209 (named after the actual exit you take to get to Music Row and downtown Nashville) where he delves into the very beginning of an artist’s life and career.

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Arizona Chapter of Council on American-Islamic Relations Pushes Form Letters Aimed at Silencing Support for Israel

The Arizona branch of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has prepared form letters to help Arab- and Muslim-Americans shut down expressions of support for Israel from their colleagues at workplaces and schools.

“Your team, here at CAIR-AZ, has prepared templatized documents to advocate for you and your loved ones at work and school. Your voice is powerful. Use these letters to keep that power in your hands. Please reach out to CAIR-AZ if you feel you have been discriminated against,” said Azza Abuseif, executive director of the Mesa-based chapter.

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Arizona Dealing with a Flood of illegal Immigrants, Including the ‘Gotaways’ That Crossed the Border in 2023

U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas this week admitted at a congressional hearing that 600,000 illegal “gotaways” crossed the border in 2023.

More than 3.2 million people illegally entered the U.S. in fiscal 2023 (ending September 30), the most in recorded U.S. history, according to new data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

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Phoenix Radicals Plan Anti-Israel All Out for Palestine Rally at World Series

Game 5 of the World Series will include a radical presence, at least outside Chase Field.

Far Left protesters plan to hold an All Out for Palestine at the World Series rally beginning at 7 p.m. Wednesday in downtown Phoenix — as the baseball game begins —  in what could be the elimination contest for the Arizona Diamondbacks against the Texas Rangers.

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Pro-Hamas Socialists Plan Saturday Rally in Washington, D.C.

A coalition of far-Left groups are organizing a number of protests in major U.S. cities across the country in solidarity with a national march on Washington, D.C. on Saturday to demand a “ceasefire” in Gaza. The move comes after four weeks of marches, protests, and demonstrations in support of vicious surprise attack on Israeli civilians by Hamas militants on October 8th.

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Phoenix Socialists Amass to Demand Gaza ‘Ceasefire’ in Anti-Israel Marches This Weekend

Far-Left activists across Arizona are organizing a “Free Palestine” protest in Phoenix on Saturday to demand Israel agree to a ceasefire in its war against Hamas. The coordinated effort is a part of a nationwide show of force in major U.S. cities, the largest of which is expected to be in Washington, D.C.

“Lift the siege on Gaza Now!” the social media posts by organizers proclaim, as they invite supporters to “Find a bus to join” the protest on November 4th.

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Petition Organizers Say Sheraton Mesa Has Canceled Council on American-Islamic Relations Banquet Featuring Anti-Israel Congresswoman

Apparently bowing to public pressure, the Sheraton Mesa in Wrigleyville West has canceled the controversial Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) banquet featuring U.S. Representative Rashida Tlaib (D-MI-12).

“Thank you everyone! I am sure there were multiple groups working at this, but I believe we all contributed to this success,” celebrated the organizer of the change.org petition calling on the hotel to cancel the event, scheduled for Nov.18.

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Commentary: Biden Takes Another Step Towards War, Sends ‘War Powers Resolution’ Letter to Congress

Late Friday, the favorite time for the Deep State to announce potentially troublesome information, the Biden administration announced it had sent a “War Powers Resolution” letter to Congress.

To somewhat oversimplify, the letter is required by the post-Vietnam War Powers Act that requires the President to notify Congress when American military forces engage with enemy forces, in this case Iranian-backed militias in Syria.

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Petition Drive Urging Mesa Sheraton to Cancel Council on American Islamic Relations Banquet with Anti-Israel Rep. Rashida Tlaib

A petition drive urging the Mesa Sheraton at Wrigleyville West to cancel a Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) banquet featuring Israel-hating Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib has garnered more than 6,000 signatures, smashing previous goals.

But it appears the controversial event, slated for Nov. 18, is still on despite pleading from Jewish advocates.

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Chinese Parent of US Battery Maker Has Business Ties with Blacklisted CCP Paramilitary Group

Gotion High-Tech, the Chinese parent company of Gotion Inc., which intends to build electric battery plants in Michigan and Illinois, operates a joint venture in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) that contracts with a U.S.-sanctioned entity, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation review of Chinese-language news reports and business filings.

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Since Biden Inauguration, Illegal Border Crossers Total over 10 Million – More Than the Population of 41 States

by Bethany Blankley   More than 10 million people have been reported illegally entering the United States since President Joe Biden took office in January 2021, the greatest number in history and of any administration. They total more than the individual populations of 41 states. The number of people illegally entering the country surged after Biden and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas halted many preexisting border security policies, advanced sweeping parole and other policies to release the greatest number of illegal foreign nationals into the country, encouraged people from all over the world to use a phone app to enter the U.S., and facilitated U.S. entry application processes in foreign countries, among others. Official U.S. Customs and Border Protection data includes 3,201,144 apprehensions in fiscal 2023; 2,766,582 in fiscal 2022; 1,956,519 in fiscal 2021; and 471,954 in the nine months Biden was in office in fiscal 2020. CBP’s fiscal year is from Oct. 1 to Sept. 30. Combined, official apprehensions total 8,396,199. They exclude gotaway data, which CBP does not report publicly. The Center Square has been reporting preliminary gotaway data solely reported by Border Patrol agents at the southwest border. The information is obtained from a Border Patrol agent…

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Senator Marsha Blackburn Exposes U.S Taxpayer-Funded U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Teaching Hate

U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) took to the floor last week to detail the myriad instances of United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) teachers who indoctrinate students with hatred and incite violence, terrorism, and antisemitism.

Blackburn, who also has introduced a bill to halt funding for the suspect UNRWA, read from a report from UN Watch, the non-profit organization whose mission is to hold the United Nations accountable to its founding principles.

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Metro Nashville Council Member Zulfat Suara Refuses to Condemn Hamas Terrorists, Claims ‘Standing Up for Innocent Palestinian Children Doesn’t Make One Antisemitic’

Metro Nashville Council Member-At-Large Zulfat Suara has refused to condemn the October 7 Hamas terrorist attacks that killed 1,400 Israelis, but claims that “standing up for innocent Palestinian children doesn’t make one antisemitic.”

Suara, the co-founder and former leader of the Nashville-based American Muslim Advisory Council, was first elected as one of the five at-large members of the 40 member Metro Nashville Council in 2019. She was re-elected to another four year term in August of this year.

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Commentary: America Doesn’t Know How Many Hamas and Hezbollah Terrorists Have Crossed the Southern Border

When then-FBI Director Robert Mueller testified in the House Judiciary Committee on May 9, 2012, Republican Rep. Elton Gallegly of California asked him about the threat of terrorists entering the United States by crossing the Southern border.

“First of all, as it relates to the Southwest border,” said Gallegly, “do you see any growing evidence of al-Qaeda or any other terrorist organization working to exploit our border with the attempt to launch another terrorist attack on our own soil?”

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World Relief Wisconsin Leader Says Biden Administration Has Decided Refugees Are Coming to Eau Claire

An official with a refugee resettlement organization told The Wisconsin Daily Star that 75 refugees are coming to Wisconsin’s Chippewa Valley beginning in early January, and there’s nothing opponents of the resettlement plan can do about it.

Tami McLaughlin, office director of World Relief Wisconsin-Fox Valley, said the Biden administration has signed off on the plan, and the federal government is the final authority.

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Arizona Republican U.S. Senate Candidate Kari Lake Calls on Rivals Gallego and Sinema to Condemn Campaign Donor, Council on American-Islamic Relations

GOP U.S. Senate candidate Kari Lake is calling on her rivals in the critical race to condemn the anti-Israel Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and their Israel-hating keynote speaker, U.S. Representative Rashida Tlaib (R-MI-12).

Tlaib, a Palestinian American member of the House’s radical “Squad” and ardent supporter of the leftist Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel, is scheduled to speak at the Arizona chapter of CAIR’s annual banquet, slated for Nov. 18 in Mesa. 

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Deep-Pocketed Liberal Nonprofit Is Propping Up Pro-Hamas Activists

A major left-of-center nonprofit is providing support to several groups that have justified Hamas’ attacks on Israeli civilians or accused Israel of genocide.

The Tides Center provides fiscal sponsorship to several groups expressing support for Palestinian terrorists and accusing Israel of human rights abuses. Several groups supported by Tides praised Hamas, saying they “breached the apartheid wall that has imprisoned them for over 16 years, separating them from their land, their loved ones, their holy sites” and have organized protests over the genocide they claim the Israeli government is carrying out.

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Ukrainian Pilots Begin Training on F-16s in Arizona

A small number of Ukrainian pilots have reportedly started training on American-made F-16 fighter jets with the 162nd Wing of the Arizona Air National Guard in Tucson.

Around 10 Ukrainian pilots are learning “F-16 fundamentals” this week at Morris Air National Guard Base, according to the Air & Space Forces Magazine, which reported the pilots are likely to undergo an expedited training program and return to combat duties in early 2024.

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Nicaragua Is Weaponizing Illegal Migrants to Gain Leverage Against the Biden Admin, Experts Say

The government of Nicaragua is using large U.S.-bound migrant waves coming through his country to force sanctions relief out of President Joe Biden, according to the Associated Press, citing experts familiar with the situation.

More than 260 charter planes believed to have carried migrants from Haiti have landed in Nicaragua in recent months, which Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega is using to get sanctions relief from Biden, experts told the AP. In recent years, the U.S. government has increased sanctions on Ortega’s government and family as thousands flee his repressive regime.

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Israel Agrees to Delay Invasion So Pentagon Can Rush Air Defense to the Middle East

Israel agreed to delay an invasion of Gaza until the Department of Defense completes plans to boost air defenses around U.S. troops in the Middle East, The Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday.

The Pentagon is sending nearly a dozen air defense systems to the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) region, Iraq, Syria, Kuwait, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, to protect American service members from credible threats of attacks by Iran-backed militias. U.S. officials had asked Israel to create time to emplace the air defenses before launching operations that promise to trigger more bombardments on U.S. military positions, the WSJ reported, citing U.S. and Israeli officials.

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Biden Admin Readies Plans to Evacuate Thousands of Americans from Israel and Lebanon

The Biden administration is readying plans for mass evacuations of American citizens from Middle East hotspots amid fears of significant escalation of violence in the region, The Washington Post reported.

Hundreds of thousands of U.S. citizens could require rescue from Israel and Lebanon if the war between Israel and Gaza spills over into neighboring states, raising the prospect of the largest noncombat evacuation in recent memory, the Post reported, citing four U.S. officials familiar with the government’s contingency planning. Hezbollah in Lebanon and other Iran-backed militant groups throughout the Middle East have stepped up violence since the war’s onset and threatened to escalate further once Israel commences its planned ground operation in Gaza.

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Arizona Rep. Gallego Quietly Deletes 2021 Statement Demanding Israel-Hamas Ceasefire over ‘Human Rights Implications’

Some time after Hamas launched its devastating surprise attack against Israel on October 7, Representative Ruben Gallego (D-AZ-03) quietly deleted a 2021 press release from his official House website that expressed human rights concerns about Israel’s tactics during the conflict with Hamas.

The press release from Gallego, who is now running for U.S. Senate in Arizona, came in response to violence a period of violence in Israel and Palestine in May of 2021. Protesters were initially upset by an Israeli court’s intention to evict six Palestinian families from contested territory, and some ultimately threw stones at Israeli police. This provoked an Israeli police response that included the use of tear gas, rubber bullets, and stun grenades during a raid at the Al-Aqsa mosque.

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Council on American-Islamic Relations Arizona Chapter Invites ‘Squad’ Member Rep. Rashida Tlaib to Speak at Banquet

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) bills itself as a leading advocate for justice and mutual understanding, with a mission to “enhance understanding of Islam, protect civil rights, promote justice, and empower American Muslims.”

CAIR is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, say Jewish groups that have watched the council vilify Israel and stand silent on the unholy warriors of Hamas.

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CCP-Tied Battery Firm’s Dominance Could Pose Major National Security and Espionage Threats, New Report Warns

A battery firm with considerable ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) could pose significant espionage and national security risks to the U.S. as policymakers move to electrify American life, according to a new report by the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD), a non-partisan research institute focused on issues of national security and foreign affairs.

CATL, a battery manufacturing firm headquartered in Fujian, China, is a major player in the global battery market, as it already holds a dominant position in the global electric vehicle (EV) battery market and is poised to supply crucial large-scale energy storage systems to American utility companies to help them provide the decarbonized power grids of the future, according to the FDD report. CATL, which has subsidiaries based in the U.S. and several European countries, has already had equipment installed within a U.S. military base, and the burgeoning dependence on the Chinese company’s products may leave essential American infrastructure vulnerable to espionage and malware attacks, according to the FDD report.

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Tennessee Republicans: Far-Left’s Calls for Ceasefire in Gaza ‘Embarrassment,’ ‘Abhorrent’

Members of Tennessee’s federal congressional delegation Monday slammed some of their Democrat counterparts who have called for a ceasefire in Gaza after Hamas terrorists attacked Israel.

“The fact that some of our leaders are calling for a ceasefire instead of supporting our ally Israel is an embarrassment,” Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN-02) told The Tennessee Star Monday. “There is no compromising with the animals who brutally murdered innocent civilians and targeted women and children. Hamas is a terror group, and we should treat them like one.”

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‘Deeply Opposed:’ GOP Reps Urge Biden Not to Take in Palestinian Refugees

Republican lawmakers led by Oklahoma Rep. Josh Brecheen are trying to discourage the Biden administration from taking in Palestinian refugees, according to a Monday letter first obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Democratic New York Rep. Jamaal Bowman has requested that the U.S. take in Palestinian refugees after Hamas terrorists infiltrated Israel on Oct. 7, killing, kidnapping and raping hundreds of civilians. The Republicans requested that Biden ask Egypt to take in Palestinian refugees and not abuse his authority to bring in foreign populations, according to the letter, which is signed by Reps. Jeff Duncan of South Carolina, Andy Ogles of Tennessee and Clay Higgins of Louisiana.

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Bipartisan House Lawmakers Demand Biden Drop Julian Assange Case

Reps. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., and James McGovern, D-Mass., are leading a House of Representatives letter demanding President Joe Biden to stop prosecuting Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, who is fighting extradition to the U.S.

The two congressmen asked fellow House lawmakers to join their bipartisan attempt to “strongly encourage the Biden administration to withdraw the U.S. extradition request currently pending against Australian publisher Julian Assange and halt all prosecutorial proceedings against him as soon as possible,” according to a “Dear Colleague” letter, Fox News Digital reported Monday.

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Arizona Democrats Silent After Rep. Gallego Refuses Questions over Israel and Palestine Record

The Arizona Democratic Party (AZDP) did not respond to a comment request from The Arizona Sun Times on Monday after news of its $10,000 donation to the Senate campaign of Representative Ruben Gallego (D-AZ-03) broke the same day the Senate candidate refused to answer questions about his voting record on Palestine and Israel.

Gallego was captured refusing to answer five questions about his votes that would either provide aid to the Hamas terrorist group or deny aid to Israel on Thursday in a video uploaded to social media by the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC).

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Commentary: Bret Baier Rips the Mask Off of Lying Leon Panetta

Bret Baier and his millions of listeners could hardly believe their ears last week when Leon Panetta answered Baier’s questions about the letter signed by 51 former “intelligence” bigwigs claiming the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation.

Panetta is a former secretary of defense, director of the CIA, White House chief of staff, director of the Office of Management and Budget, and representative from California. And, clearly, a hard-core Democrat — willing to lie, and lie, and lie (see below) for the team.

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More than 300,000 Illegal Aliens Entered U.S. through Southwest Border in September Alone

More than 300,000 people illegally entered the U.S. through the southwest border in September, according to newly released U.S. Customs and Border Protection data and gotaway data first reported by The Center Square.

Border Patrol and Office of Field Operations agents apprehended 269,735 people last month and Border Patrol agents reported at least 33,203 known gotaways, bringing the total to 302,938.

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Outsider Libertarian Javier Milei Advances to Run-Off Presidential Election in Argentina

Argentina’s right-wing populist presidential candidate Javier Milei will head to a run-off after failing to win the first round of the presidential election on Sunday.

Milei and former security minister Sergio Massa will face off again in November in a runoff vote, according to the New York Times. The election has become a high point of contention as Milei has said he seeks to rid the country of leftist policies while his opponent, Massa, hopes to keep the left-wing administration that has held power since 2019, according to The Associated Press.

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All Out for Palestine Rallies in Nashville and Elsewhere Led by Anti-Jewish Groups Seeking Annihilation of Israel

Contrary to the false narrative, the groups behind the All Out for Palestine rallies in Nashville and across the country are not the work of mere grassroots, peace-seeking activists.

The “social justice” demonstrations are being led by well-funded, anti-Jewish organizations, many with ties to Palestinian terrorist groups that want to carry out the extinction of Israel.

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Feds Warn in Friday Memo: Hamas, Hezbollah Could Be Crossing Southern Border

Federal officials are warning that members of Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) and Hezbollah could be crossing through the southern border, according to an internal Oct. 20 memo exclusively obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The San Diego Field Office Intelligence Division of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) sent the memo warning that due to the war between Israel and Hamas, there could be encounters of terror-tied individuals who are seeking to travel to or from the Middle East via transit across the southern border. Hamas, PIJ and Hezbollah, all of which are U.S.-designated terrorist organizations, have been committing attacks on Israel in a war that began with a surprise attack on hundreds of civilians on Oct. 7.

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Vanderbilt University Medical Center ‘WokeScientist’ Supports Palestinian Liberation ‘By Any Means Necessary’

A microbiologist at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center, known as WokeScientist on her Instagram account, took to her social media page to defend Hamas for the terrorist network’s barbaric attack on Israelis.

Dr. Ayesha Khan, a VUMC resident and clinical fellow in microbiology in the Department of Pathology, Microbiology, and Immunology, insists on her Instagram page that “a ceasefire is not enough.”

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