Tennessee Republicans: Far-Left’s Calls for Ceasefire in Gaza ‘Embarrassment,’ ‘Abhorrent’

Members of Tennessee’s federal congressional delegation Monday slammed some of their Democrat counterparts who have called for a ceasefire in Gaza after Hamas terrorists attacked Israel.

“The fact that some of our leaders are calling for a ceasefire instead of supporting our ally Israel is an embarrassment,” Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN-02) told The Tennessee Star Monday. “There is no compromising with the animals who brutally murdered innocent civilians and targeted women and children. Hamas is a terror group, and we should treat them like one.”

Rep. Tim Burchett / YouTube

“Israel has every right to defend herself and her people against these barbaric terrorists. It is abhorrent that sitting members of Congress continue to call for a ceasefire and spread false, antisemitic comments about the only Jewish State,” Rep. David Kustoff (R-TN-08) told The Star. “The world must know that America stands unequivocally with our strongest ally in the Middle East, Israel.”

Rep. David Kustoff / Facebook

“Rashida Tlaib and other members of the Hamas Caucus should be expelled from Congress immediately,” said Rep. Diana Harshbarger (R-TN-01). “While one of America’s greatest allies remains under attack and their people held hostage by Hamas, Rashida led an insurrection at the Capitol alongside fellow terrorist sympathizers. Such behavior is unconscionable, and as legislators, we must support Israel’s right to defend itself, not the terrorists behind these attacks.”

Far-left Democrats in Congress, including Reps. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI-12), Cori Bush (D-MO-01), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY-14), Ilhan Omar (D-MN-05), Ayanna Pressley (D-MA-07) recently released a joint statement calling for a ceasefire.

Photo “The Squad” by Rep Ilhan Omar / Twitter/X

“I am grieving for every Palestinian, Israeli, and American life lost to this violence, and my heart breaks for all those who will be forever traumatized because of it. War and retaliatory violence doesn’t achieve accountability or justice; it only leads to more death and human suffering,” Bush said in the release. “Today I am introducing the Ceasefire Now Resolution, vital legislation that calls for de-escalation and an immediate ceasefire in Israel and Occupied Palestine, and for humanitarian assistance to urgently be delivered to the 2.2 million people under siege and trapped in Gaza. The United States bears a unique responsibility to exhaust every diplomatic tool at our disposal to prevent mass atrocities and save lives. We can’t bomb our way to peace, equality, and freedom. With thousands of lives lost and millions more at stake, we need a ceasefire now.”

“We need legislation that saves as many lives as possible, no matter one’s faith or ethnicity. I am proud to join my colleagues and a coalition of human rights advocates in calling for de-escalation, ceasefire, and a strong humanitarian response that prevents more devastating civilian casualties across the region,” said Tlaib.

The Ceasefire Now resolution is a supported by the Council on American/Islamic Relations (CAIR), which has put together a petition to bring to Congress.

According to the petition:

On Tuesday, October 17, CAIR condemned Israel’s latest war crime in Gaza: the bombing of a hospital that claimed the lives of hundreds of people. CAIR is actively urging the Biden administration to oppose Israel’s ‘self-declared war crimes’ after the Israeli government declared a ‘siege’ on the entire civilian population of Gaza and escalated a mass bombing campaign that has killed thousands, including over 3,000 Palestinians, including more than 1,000 Palestinian children. These actions are a violation of international law and constitute war crimes.

CAIR, which has ties to Islamic terrorist organizations and is officially labeled a terrorist organization in several Middle Eastern countries, is seeking 75,000 signatures for the petition. At the time of this writing, the petition has amassed nearly 70,000 signatures.

CAIR is also using the petition as a fundraising opportunity.

Meanwhile, the death toll from the war continues to increase.

A reported 1,400 Israelis have died during the two-week war.

There are an estimated 5,000 dead in Gaza.

According to The New York TimesHamas released two Israeli hostages Monday. There are believed to be about 200 more Israelis being held captive in Gaza.

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Pete D’Abrosca is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Pete on X / Twitter.
Image “Rep. Cori Bush Pushes for Ceasefire” by Rep. Cori Bush.



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3 Thoughts to “Tennessee Republicans: Far-Left’s Calls for Ceasefire in Gaza ‘Embarrassment,’ ‘Abhorrent’”

  1. Joe Blow

    “‘The fact that some of our leaders are calling for a ceasefire instead of supporting our ally Israel is an embarrassment,’ Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN-02) told The Tennessee Star Monday”

    Must be the understatement of the day. These anti-American representatives are enemies of the United States. This is a result of unfettered importation of such who settle in geographic pockets in order to control elections. Just crazy stuff. Sadlt it is only going to get worse.

  2. David Blackwell RN, BSN, CCM

    If you keep a dog in a cage, and continually beat it and make it mean, don’t be surprised when it bites? May peace and civility prevail.

  3. Dr Ken

    Remember these hate filled representatives during the next election. They are showing you their true colors. It is long overdue to rid congress of these clowns.
