Conservative Firebrand Rebecca Ann Burke, Proud Deplorable and Ivanka Trump Fashionista


Rebecca Ann Burke began her speech at Saturday’s Spirit of America Rally by addressing the crowd as “adorable deplorables” and announcing that she was wearing an Ivanka Trump sweater. She also said good morning in Russian, joking that the Russian ambassador told her to say that.

The longtime Middle Tennessee conservative activist campaigned hard for President Trump, spending weeks in Florida knocking on doors and heading up a call center.

“We have won an amazing battle, but the war is not over,” she said at Saturday’s rally.

Burke described Trump as a “street fighter” and the “General Patton of our day.” She also credited grassroots conservative activists with turning social media into a “dangerous weapon” to get out their message and fluster the “withering, whining leftist movement.”

She said there is still much for conservatives to do to combat the progressives who have held considerable influence in our culture and politics.

“Our resistance is not over. It’s just beginning,” she said. “We need a full bench of battle-tested activists to replace career politicians.”

Burke is known for her work for Sen. Fred Thompson’s presidential campaign. In 2008, she was named Williamson County Republican of the Year for developing a new party website and news magazine. More recently, she went back to school at Aquinas College to earn a teaching degree.

A former hospital administrator and consultant, Burke is a member of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, a non-partisan group that fights socialized medicine.



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One Thought to “Conservative Firebrand Rebecca Ann Burke, Proud Deplorable and Ivanka Trump Fashionista”

  1. […] worked on the Trump campaign, Burke knew polls can’t always be trusted. But she didn’t want to take any […]
