Sean Hannity to Interview Spicer, Scaramucci and Priebus on Fox News at 10 p.m. Eastern, 9 p.m. Central, Tonight, Friday

It is what broadcasters call the “good get.” Fox News Channel’s prime-time anchorman Sean Hannity will feature separate interviews on Friday night with former White House press secretary Sean Spicer, White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and newly appointed White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci. The interviews cap off a day of drama in the…

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In Defense of Mirrors

Mirror, mirror, on the wall, Who in this land is fairest of all? ~ Brothers Grimm   Mirrors have gotten a bad rap. I’m going to do my best in this article to restore them to their rightful place of honor. Confession: I’m a low-tech guy. I’ve always inherently trusted low tech, and distrusted high tech. Perhaps this is a reflection of my background – my parents were middle class, blue-collar people who were heavily influenced by the Great Depression. They learned to trust real, tangible things, and so have I. Don’t get me wrong – high tech has brought us so many amazing breakthroughs. I’m well aware, and grateful, for instance, that this column itself would not be possible without the magic of the Internet. But still… In the fitness world, so much these days seems to be about the hottest trends. And right now, wearable technology is IT. Gotta have a FitBit, or an Apple Watch, or a Garmin, or a Huwai. You’ve gotta track your steps, your heart rate, your “perceived” exertion, your calories, and your macros (protein, carbs, and fats). Hey – again, I ain’t hatin’!’ I like and recommend MyFitnessPal and other nutrition trackers to my…

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White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer Steps Down

Tennessee Star

Several news outlets are reporting that President Trump has reluctantly accepted Press Secretary Sean Spicer’s resignation. Via the Associated Press: White House press secretary Sean Spicer is resigning his position, according to two people with knowledge of the decision. One of those people said Spicer is quitting because of objections over the appointment of a new White House communications director, New York financier Anthony Scaramucci. The NYTimes adds: Mr. Trump offered Mr. Scaramucci the job at 10 a.m. The president requested that Mr. Spicer stay on, but Mr. Spicer told Mr. Trump that he believed the appointment was a major mistake, according to a person with direct knowledge of the exchange. After the news broke, Spicer tweeted: It's been an honor & a privilege to serve @POTUS @realDonaldTrump & this amazing country. I will continue my service through August — Kayleigh McEnany 45 Archived (@PressSec45) July 21, 2017   Developing…        

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House Conservatives Target Elimination of $100 Million in Funding for Globalist Organization

Conservatives in the House of Representatives are calling for the elimination of all U.S. funding for the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, an international organization headquartered in a chateau in Paris. The organization produces economic reports and recommends “best practices” but also frequently pushes for bigger government, higher taxes, and for developed nations to throw…

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Columbia, Tennessee Fire Chief Ty Cobb: ‘Our Firefighters Are Faithful and Believe in Prayer’

Firefighters knelt in prayer after an incredible rescue mission in Tennessee — a poignant moment that was captured by a local journalist. The firefighters prayed for the victim of a house fire and “put it in God’s hands,” as Ty Cobb, the fire chief in Columbia, Tennessee, told LifeZette in an interview. “Our firefighters are very…

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Commentary: Back to School, Back to the Future

Public Education is not failing. Our middle-class and wealthy public school children are thriving. Poor children are struggling, not because their schools are failing, but because they come to school with all the well-documented handicaps that poverty imposes – poor prenatal care, developmental delays, hunger, illness, homelessness, emotional and mental illnesses, and so on. The faith community could play a critical part in addressing critical social issues across our state and country.

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Study: CNN’s Trump-Obama Double Standard on Russian Meetings

CNN has been obsessed over President Donald Trump’s dinner chat with Russian President Vladimir Putin — but yawned by comparison at former President Barack Obama’s infamous “hot-mic” moment with Russian President Dmitri Medvedev. The conservative watchdog Media Research Center on Wednesday compared press coverage of the two events. From 5 p.m. to midnight on Tuesday, CNN…

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After Three Years of Budget Surpluses Sumner County Commission Keeps Property Tax Rate at $2.50 For 2018

Tennessee Star

  GALLATIN, Tennessee — After three years of county revenues exceeding ever-increasing annual budgets, the Sumner County Board of Commissioners by a vote of 21-3 adopted a property tax rate of $2.50 per $100 of assessed value, unchanged from last year, at their regularly scheduled July meeting. The $2.50 tax rate, a greater than 20 percent increase over the $2.08 certified tax rate, originally implemented in 2014 by the then newly-elected County Commission in a controversial special-called meeting which immediately followed a special called Budget Committee meeting, met with much public resistance. When the topic was added to a commission meeting agenda three meetings later, finally allowing Sumner County residents to speak on the issue, the county administration building was overflowing with protestors, with dozens making public comments against the tax increase and causing the meeting to go until after 1 a.m. The annual budgets for 2016, 2017 and 2018 have projected county revenues to grow by more than 3 percent per year above and beyond the impact from the 2014 property tax increase.  The total growth in revenues for the three-year period was conservatively estimated at $9 million. The actual growth has far exceeded those estimates, yielding an additional…

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Faith: Verse of the Day for Friday, July 21

Tennessee Star - Verse of the Day

  VERSE OF THE DAY Be blessed and be a blessing July 21, Friday Exodus 14:14 The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.” John 16:33 “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” James 1:2-4 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds,3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

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