Tennessee Reportedly Suspends Starter Darrell Taylor after Altercation with Teammate

Tennessee has suspended defensive end Darrell Taylor indefinitely according to a report from ESPN. Taylor, who has started in each of the Vols’ first five games, was involved in a fight with teammate Trey Smith, which resulted in the offensive linemen needing stitches. The incident was originally reported by Twitter user “Illated94” last Thursday and later…

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President Trump Tweets ‘Liddle’ Bob Corker ‘Made to Sound a Fool’ by New York Times

Tennessee Star

On Tuesday morning, President Trump slammed ‘Liddle’ Bob Corker for his recent interview with the New York Times.   The Failing @nytimes set Liddle’ Bob Corker up by recording his conversation. Was made to sound a fool, and that’s what I am dealing with! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 10, 2017 On Fox News’ Hannity last night, former White House chief strategist and Breitbart News executive Steve Bannon said that Senator Bob Corker (R-TN)should resign immediately because of those comments made to The Times: Bannon was reacting to a series of reckless attacks made on President Trump by Senator Corker (R-TN), the first coming in several Twitter exchanges with the president on Sunday morning, the others coming in an interview with the New York Times, which released the audio transcript of the conversation. “In a time of war, we have troops in Afghanistan, in the Northwest Pacific in Korea. We have a major problem,” Bannon said. “It could be like World War I. In the South China Sea, in the Persian Gulf – we have American lives at risk every day. He tweets on Sunday that it’s like the adult center and somebody didn’t have the morning shift. Then…

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Steve Bannon on Hannity: ‘If Bob Corker Has Any Honor, Any Decency, He Should Resign Immediately’

Appearing on Fox News’ Hannity show on Monday, former White House chief strategist and Breitbart executive chairman Steve Bannon told host Sean Hannity “if Bob Corker has any honor, any decency, he should resign immediately.” Bannon was reacting to a series of reckless attacks made on President Trump by Senator Corker  (R-TN), the first coming in several Twitter exchanges with the president on Sunday morning, the others coming in an interview with the New York Times, which released the audio transcript of the conversation. “In a time of war, we have troops in Afghanistan, in the Northwest Pacific in Korea. We have a major problem,” Bannon said. “It could be like World War I. In the South China Sea, in the Persian Gulf – we have American lives at risk every day. He tweets on Sunday that it’s like the adult center and somebody didn’t have the morning shift. Then he has the audacity to go to The New York Times?” the former White House chief strategist asked rhetorically. “These people have no respect for the working men and women in the United States. I tell you what – Senator Corker is an absolute disgrace. And I agree with Jason…

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Representative Diane Black Stands with President Trump on ‘Immigration Policies and Principles’

Gubernatorial hopeful Representative Diane Black (TN-06) issued a strong statement of support Monday of President Trump’s extensive series of memos outlining the White House Immigration Policies and Principles. The new outline is, by and large, a restatement of previous positions together into a single, comprehensive document (see embedded .pdf below). “I applaud President Trump for taking a strong step to secure our borders and keep Americans safe,” Representative Black stated, adding: The President has been consistent in his efforts to stop illegal immigration and make sure that we put Americans first. I support him and I hope every Republican does the same. I’m glad the President has included some of the provisions from my bill with Senator Toomey (H.R.400 –  Stop Dangerous Sanctuary Cities Act) to end sanctuary cities and make sure that liberal politicians around the country can’t ignore the law and put their citizens in danger. It’s something we need to do, and I support President Trump’s efforts to do it.” The Principles, which were included in a letter sent by President Trump to Senate and House leadership Sunday, were also tweeted via the White House pool: Enforce Immigration Laws Across the United States https://t.co/4ZDIYTWpHv — Public Pool (@WHPublicPool) October…

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Jude Eden: Congress ‘Inept’ at Stamping Out Social Engineering in the Military

FRANKLIN, Tennessee — Social engineering in the military is weakening America’s armed forces, and Congress is allowing it to happen, Jude Eden said Saturday at the Tennessee Eagle Forum Conference. “Congress has proved itself weak, inept and unwilling to stand up for sound military priorities,” the Marine Corps veteran said to applause at the Embassy Suites hotel. “Their spinelessness has already cost lives.” Eden spoke about the effects of former President Obama’s decisions to repeal the ban on openly gay service members, welcome transgender individuals into the military and open all combat positions to women. Eden said ideas promoted by activists that supposedly address fairness and justice don’t square with the military’s mission to win wars quickly with few casualties. “For the military, what’s unfair is anything that jeopardizes the mission, and what’s unjust is anything that adds needless danger and risk,” she said. Eden served in the Marines from 2004-2008 as a data communications specialist. She deployed for more than eight months to Fallujah, Iraq, where she supported a communications network and worked at a checkpoint frisking women for explosives. She earned her bachelor’s degree from Hillsdale College. Much of Eden’s speech focused on women in combat roles. “The…

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Commentary: Mike Pence Mocked for Principles the Left Just Can’t Fathom

Mike Pence, post-Colts-49ers walkout, has been mocked mercilessly by a vicious left as little more than a media hog and public relations stuntman for daring to leave the game in protest of players’ national anthem kneeling. The left, the suspicious, mega-partisan, ever-political left, just can’t believe that someone would actually stand on principle. Their logic?…

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Colin Kaepernick Tweets Winston Churchill’s Famous ‘Lies’ Quote in Response to Reports of Him Standing for the National Anthem

More than a year after Colin Kaepernick first starting kneeling during the national anthem, he is unemployed and looking for NFL work. After reports spread that Kaepernick would stand for the national anthem if a team gave him a chance, the man himself has responded: A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has…

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Evangelical Groups Differ on DACA

A group of evangelicals organized by Russell Moore is calling on Congress to allow DACA recipients to become eligible for status as legal residents or citizens. Meanwhile, another coalition of evangelicals, which includes Eric Metaxas, is urging Congress to put Americans first, along with those who have applied to enter the U.S. legally. Moore is president of the Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC). In a statement released Thursday, 51 signers expressed support for the goals of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program begun with an executive order by former President Obama. President Trump has rescinded the order but has given Congress a chance to act. DACA allows young people brought to the U.S. illegally as children and who meet certain criteria to temporarily live and work in the U.S. Around 800,000 have received DACA status and nearly 690,000 are currently enrolled. DACA recipients are known as “Dreamers.” “We support the underlying policy aim of DACA because we believe this is a special category of immigrants who are not legally culpable, who in most cases have no home other than the United States, and who are a blessing to their communities and to their churches,” reads the statement…

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Twitter Bans Marsha Blackburn’s Campaign Announcement Because She Makes Strong Pro-Life Statement

Twitter on Monday blocked Senate hopeful Marsha Blackburn’s campaign announcement video over comments she made about the sale of fetal body parts, The Associated Press reported. The Tennessee congresswoman says in the video that she “stopped the sale of baby body parts,” which the social media site said would “evoke a strong negative reaction,” according to…

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Nashville Mayor Megan Barry Urges Recognition of Indigenous Peoples’ Day, Ignores Columbus

Today is Columbus Day, but not for Nashville Mayor Megan Barry. Barry issued a proclamation urging recognition of Indigenous Peoples’ Day. The proclamation is similar to the non-binding resolution passed by Metro Council last week. “Today we reflect upon the historic and ongoing struggles of Indigenous Peoples while celebrating their culture and value to our society,” she said in a tweet early Monday that included a copy of her proclamation, signed Oct. 1. Barry made no mention of Christopher Columbus. Columbus Day has become increasingly controversial in recent years, and today more than 50 cities and a few states have instead been celebrating Indigenous Peoples’ Day. The states are Minnesota, Vermont and Alaska. A progressive Democrat, Barry said in her proclamation that “Nashville has a responsibility to oppose the systematic racism towards Indigenous people in the United States, which perpetuates high rates of poverty and income inequality, exacerbating disproportionate health, education, and social crises.” The proclamation ends by saying, “The City encourages all individuals to observe this important day and reflect upon the ongoing struggles of Indigenous Peoples on this land, and to celebrate the thriving culture and value that Indigenous Peoples add to our City.” President Trump, by contrast, honored Columbus in his…

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Reason Magazine: Nashville Mayor Megan Barry Wants Taxpayers to Help Fund $225 Million Major League Soccer Stadium, Despite Team’s Two Billionaire Owners

Reason Magazine notes that Nashville Megan Barry’s vigorous support for the propose publicly subsidized $225 million soccer stadium represents a complete about face from the position she took when she was a member of the Nashville Metro Council. “Megan Barry used to oppose public subsidies for professional sports, but now she’s a cheerleader,” the libertarian publication notes: When the Nashville Metro Council extended tax breaks to the Nashville Predators, a financially struggling pro hockey team, a councilwoman named Megan Barry was skeptical that the deal was in the public’s best interest. “Is Nashville a better place with the Predators?” she said on the council floor before voting against the proposal. “Probably. But I’m not voting on that question. I’m voting on whether further public subsidies for this particular for-profit enterprise represents good public policy. And I’m going to vote no.” But that was in 2008. Now that Barry is the mayor of Nashville, she’s become the lead cheerleader for subsidizing a new Major League Soccer stadium. A more cost effective alternative, Reason argues, is the existing Nissan Stadium, home to the NFL’s Tennessee Titans. “If Nissan Stadium is good enough for world-class soccer teams, surely it’s good enough for Major…

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North Korea’s Kim Calls Nuclear Weapons Program a ‘Treasured Sword’

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is defiantly calling his country’s nuclear weapons program a “treasured sword” to protect it against aggression, even as U.S. President Donald Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe continue to pressure his regime. Pyongyang’s state media reported that Kim on Saturday told the powerful Central Committee of the ruling Workers’…

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Hillary Clinton ‘Gets An Award for Hypocrisy’ After Gun Control Comments, NRA Leader Says

After claiming that the gun lobby completely controls the Republican Party, Hillary Clinton ought to be given “an award for hypocrisy” because of her own decades-long reliance on armed security guards, said Chris Cox, executive director of the National Rifle Association’s legislative arm. Speaking on “Fox News Sunday,” Mr. Cox said his organization remains open to…

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Senator Bob Corker Lashes Out After President Trump Tweets Corker ‘Didn’t Have The Guts’ to Seek Re-election

President Trump on Sunday morning launched a Twitter attack against retiring Sen. Bob Corker, saying he “didn’t have the guts” to seek re-election. The Tennessee Republican quickly fired back, calling Mr. Trump’s White House “an adult day care center.” In his tweets, the president said Mr. Corker – who previously had questioned Mr. Trump’s competence -…

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Fed Up Donors Tell GOP Senate Leaders Pass Bills Or Resign

  by ConservativeHQ.com Staff   Earlier this week we told you about how Nick Ayers, Vice President Mike Pence’s Chief of Staff had bluntly told a group of major donors that they should tell Capitol Hill’s Republican establishment that they would “…not only stop donating, I would form a coalition of all the other major donors, and just say two things. We’re definitely not giving to you, No. 1. And No. 2, if you don’t have this done by Dec. 31, we’re going out, we’re recruiting opponents, we’re maxing out to their campaigns, and we’re funding super PACs to defeat all of you.” More than one of those donors got the message. According to an article in yesterday’s POLITICO, “Tensions reached a boiling point at a recent dinner at the home of Los Angeles billionaire Robert Day. In full view of around two dozen guests, Thomas Wachtell, a retired oil and gas investor and party contributor, delivered an urgent message to the night’s headliner, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell: Just do something.” “Anybody who was there knew that I was not happy. And I don’t think anybody was happy. How could you be?” Mr. Wachtell told POLITICO. Mr. Wachtell has…

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The NFL’s Downfall is an Opportunity for America!

As a long-time sports fan, I’ve watched the NFL self-destruct before my eyes over the past few weeks with a sense of both sadness and hopefulness. Hopefulness? I’ll get to that. In truth, I’m not nearly the fan of sports that I once was. As a kid it was such a thrill to go the baseball game, or basketball game, or football game. All levels were exciting to watch, from youth to high school, to college, to the pros. But especially the pros. Professional sports has always had its good and bad. The good is that one gets the chance to see the best athletes in the world compete at the highest level—that’s entertaining and inspiring! The bad—which is more pronounced than ever—are the contract disputes, nasty player attitudes, steroid abuse, criminal acts, drunk and abusive fans, and so on. I suppose one could say, “The thrill is gone!” But this year, the NFL has reached a new low—players actually kneeling, sitting, and even eating during our national anthem! Just ten or even five years ago, this would be unheard of. But today’s society is constantly reaching new behavioral lows. Worse than seeing the players disrespect our flag is seeing…

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President Trump Surprised Newspaper Published Favorable Article About His Fundraising Abilities

U.S. President Donald Trump has expressed surprise that The Washington Post — a newspaper Trump repeatedly has accused of writing inaccurate news stories about him — published a favorable news story about his fundraising prowess. The Post reported Friday the Republican Party is on the verge of raising more money in small amounts than in more…

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Former Fox News Anchor Lauren Sivan Accuses Harvey Weinstein of Harassment Following Bombshell Report

A former Fox News anchor has joined the list of women accusing Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein of sexual harassment in the wake of a bombshell report published this week alleging decades of disturbing predatory behavior. Lauren Sivan said that Mr. Weinstein trapped her in the hallway of a New York City restaurant during a private event…

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Islam the Main Topic at Tennessee Eagle Forum Conference Saturday

FRANKLIN, Tennessee — Islam is a “seditious ideology, not a religion,” Frank Gaffney said Saturday at a conference held by the Tennessee Eagle Forum at the Embassy Suites hotel. Gaffney is the founder and president of the Center for Security Policy in Washington, D.C. He was one of more than a dozen speakers at Saturday’s day-long event addressing a range of topics of interest to conservatives, including social engineering in the military, abortion, economic gains in the Trump administration, and the rise of the “snowflake” generation. But the topic receiving the most attention from several different speakers was the spread of fundamentalist Islam and what can be done to stop it. Gaffney said it’s critical to understand the political and totalitarian nature of Islam and the manipulative tactics used to portray it as a benign religion. “If we don’t get that right, we are doomed under our Constitution and the protections it guarantees for religion to allow them to get to the point where they can destroy us,” he said. Gaffney also said it’s essential for people to become educated about the Muslim Brotherhood, which he said is “arguably the single most dangerous” radical Islamic group because of its wide…

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When ‘Good Eating’ Goes Bad

People, it seems, have never been so afraid of their food -– and, say some experts, an obsession with healthy eating may paradoxically be endangering lives. Twenty-nine-year-old Frenchwoman Sabrina Debusquat recounts how, over 18 months, she became a vegetarian, then a vegan — eschewing eggs, dairy products and even honey -– before becoming a “raw foodist”…

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Single-Sex Classes a Success at Memphis Public High School

Students at a Memphis public high school are performing better in boys-only and girls-only classes, the principal says. Booker T. Washington High School set up single-sex classes a decade ago and has no plans to reverse course. “What we know from research is that girls will take more chances when boys are not around,” Principal Alisha Kiner told WREG News Channel 3 in an interview that aired this week. As for boys, their behavior has improved, Kiner said. The school’s graduation rate has gone up from 53 percent to 90.5 percent. While single-sex classes and single-sex schools are championed by some, they continue to be controversial in public school systems. The ACLU is committed to stopping them, saying they promote gender stereotypes. Christina Hoff Sommers, a scholar with the American Enterprise Institute, disputes the ACLU’s position. In a 2013 article in The Atlantic, Sommers asks, “What sensible person would call these programs and others like them morally and legally suspect?” Sommers writes: Wealthy families have always had the option of sending their children to all-male or all-female schools, but parents of modest means have rarely had that choice. That changed in 2001, when four female senators sponsored legislation that sanctioned single-sex classes and academies…

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Commentary: California Joins The Confederate States Of America

by George Rasley, ConservativeHQ.com Editor “If we were wrong in our contest, then the Declaration of Independence of 1776 was a grave mistake and the revolution to which it led was a crime. If Washington was a patriot; Lee cannot have been a rebel.” Wade Hampton III Confederate General and Post-Reconstruction Democratic Governor of South Carolina In the Leftist fever to remove any symbol associated with the Confederate side of the American Civil War it is Andrew Jacksonbeyond comical that yesterday, California’s liberal Democratic Governor Jerry Brown joined the Confederacy and signed laws that in effect nullify federal law by placing sharp limits on how private individuals, corporations and state and local law enforcement agencies can cooperate with federal immigration authorities. California’s actions are highly reminiscent of the actions of the South Carolina legislature when it passed the so-called South Carolina Ordnance of Nullification on November 24, 1832. According to theories propounded by South Carolina’s Senator John C. Calhoun, the federal government only existed at the will of the states. Therefore, if a state found a federal law unconstitutional and detrimental to its sovereign interests, it would have the right to “nullify” that law within its borders. Like the leaders…

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Report: Pitino Received 98 Percent of Louisville’s Adidas Money

Suspended Louisville basketball coach Rick Pitino received 98 percent of the money from the university’s current contract with Adidas, the Louisville Courier-Journal reported Thursday. According to the newspaper, Pitino got $1.5 million of the money as part of his personal services agreement with the shoe and apparel firm, with the school getting only $25,000. The prior…

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