Vice President Mike Pence Sees the Restoration of the ‘Sanctity of Life to the Center of American Law’ In Our Time

Vice President Mike Pence was the keynote speaker at the Susan B. Anthony luncheon in Nashville on Tuesday, where he said he truly believes that in our time, we will “restore the sanctity of life to the center of American law,” adding sagely, “But we have to do the work.” The event was organized as a part of the 2018 National Religious Broadcasters Convention, where the Susan B Anthony List (SBA List) and the Life Issues Institute (LII) announced their merger. Vice President Pence, who has a long history with the SBA List and the pro-life movement, received a warm welcome from the audience made up of long time pro-life activists, organizers, and leaders. Among them was his friend and ally Representative Diane Black, whom he singled out for her work to protect and promote a culture of life. “I understand that you’ve heard from one of the great, great champions of life in the Congress of the United States, Congresswoman Diane Black, my great friend, is with us here today. I appreciate her very much,” he said. After his initial salutations, Mr. Pence reviewed with his “friends and fellow travelers” the accomplishments he and the Trump Administration made since taking office in January:…

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Metro Councilman on Tennessean’s Call for Mayor Barry to Resign: ‘This Has Become the Opinion of Nearly Every Person in Nashville’

Steve Glover

Asked for his reaction to the latest call for Mayor Barry’s resignation coming from her former staunch allies at The Tennessean, Metro Councilman Steve Glover told The Tennessee Star: Given the revelations over the past several days, I feel its safe to say that this has become the opinion of nearly every person in Nashville. Putting the welfare of the city above yourself should always be top of mind for anyone elected to serve. Day by day the Mayor’s version of her two year illicit relationship with her bodyguard, which she said during her public admission, did not violate any laws or policies, is unraveling. Judson Phillips, writing in a Tennessee Star commentary on February 1, the day after Mayor Barry admitted to the affair with Sgt. Forrest, was one of the first to call for Barry’s resignation. Another call to resign from long-time pastor and community activist Enoch Fuzz, followed one week later along with a similar message from The Tennessean’s Clarksville-based liberal columnist and opinion writer Saritha Prabhu. Retired Vanderbilt Law Professor Carol Swain nailed the Mayor as “damaged goods” and said “she needs to go” and repeated that message at the “Resign Now! Megan Barry” rally. Despite the nude photos, apparent misstatements by the…

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