Randy Boyd Promotes Education as Pathway to Work in New Television Ad

Randy Boyd, Republican candidate for governor, has launched his fourth campaign commercial, “K to J” (Kindergarten to Job), which highlights one of the major themes of his campaign, the need to focus on education and better prepare students for the jobs of tomorrow. The 30-second ad shows Boyd interacting with students from pre-school to high school as he says the most important academic test for parents and communities is whether our students are ready to go to work after graduation. “We must bring back technical education to our schools and teach job-ready skills so every Tennessean has the opportunity to get the skills they need to get a great job,” Boyd says in the ad. The statewide broadcast and cable TV buy began airing on March 29. The full ad may also be viewed here. https://youtu.be/NbUcR01P-PQ “Randy Boyd is the only candidate who has already served our state as an education leader and special advisor, and as our state’s Economic Development commissioner.  He knows we must make sure all children have the opportunity to learn and that we must make technical education and real job skills more readily available,” said Chip Saltsman, Campaign CEO. “This ad speaks directly to Randy’s…

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Commentary: The Cautionary Tale That Is the State of California

California liberalism

by Jeffrey A. Rendall   “Are you crazy, or just plain stupid?” – Bubba’s mother in Forrest Gump. Living in California certainly is crazy but it’s never boring. I should know having spent my first 27 years of life in the Golden State, most of which were lived under semi-sane Republican rule and governmental policies that made sense. Coming of age in the 80’s on the west coast with favored son President Ronald Reagan frequently extolling the virtues of his adopted home state (in addition to vacationing at Rancho del Cielo near Santa Barbara) and leading the country with lofty “Shining City on a Hill” rhetoric was about as good as it got for an American kid. Back then California was a grand mix of everything – different peoples, varied topography, a burgeoning economy, growing communities, incredible weather, endless recreational possibilities and perhaps worthiest of all, a “we are the best of the best” attitude that was contagious. Everyone wanted to be a Californian – or at least to know or be related to one. Remember the Randy Newman song, “I Love L.A.?” It was our mantra. California was the stuff of dreams – and if it wasn’t found there Hollywood would most certainly create it in…

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The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Ends the Obama-Era Overreach of ‘The Fiduciary Rule’

By Printus LeBlanc   As many have noticed the Obama administration was very much in favor of regulations for the sake of regulations. The administration tried to regulate everything from the air in our lungs and food in our stomach, to the climate controlled by the Sun. But earlier this month, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals struck another blow against the abusive administrative state imposed on the American People by the previous administration and returned some sanity to the U.S. Spurred on by the financial crisis the Department of Labor (DOL) attempted to regulate the part of the financial industry by proposing a rule in 2010. The department already had authority over employer-sponsored retirement plans under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). The authority did not include Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA), which are already regulated by the IRS and SEC. The backlash caused the administration to withdraw the rule and try again five years later. In 2015, President Obama warned the financial industry change was coming, and in April of 2016, the new rule came down under DOL. The new rule was designed to get away from the commission-based system financial services industry. The then Assistant Secretary…

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Florida Students Walk Out in Support of 2nd Amendment: ‘My Rights Don’t End Where Your Feelings Begin’

Dozens of students at a Central Florida high school who feel misrepresented by the anti-gun student activists in Parkland walked out of classes Friday in support of the Second Amendment. About 75 students, according to a head count by administrators at Rockledge High School in Brevard County, walked out of classes for about 20 minutes carrying the American flag and pro-Second Amendment signs, Florida Today reported.

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China Trade Imbalance ‘Killing Jobs,’ Alabama Rep. Mo Brooks Says

Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s weekend criticisms of what she termed President Donald Trump’s “chaotic” foreign policy were “not productive,” Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) said on “The Laura Ingraham Show” Monday. “Time will tell whether that strategy that President Trump is implementing is gonna work for the best or for the worst,” Brooks told guest host Paul Viollis.

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Former Immigration Judge Says Mexico Abusing Political Asylum Law

A group of Central Americans on a north through Mexico toward the United States exposes deep flaws in America’s political asylum system, a former immigration law judge said Monday. Andrew “Art” Arthur, who now is a senior fellow in law and policy at the Washington-based Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), said on “The Laura Ingraham Show” that the asylum treaty that both Mexico and the United States are parties to requires persecuted people to seek asylum in the first safe country.

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Mulvaney Proposes Congressional Oversight of Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

President Trump’s acting head of a federal consumer bureau proposed Monday to bring congressional oversight to the Obama-era agency that’s often criticized for its far-reaching regulating of the lending industry. Mick Mulvaney, installed by Mr. Trump late last year to run the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, said the agency should receive its funding from Congress and should obtain lawmakers’ approval before imposing major rules on businesses.

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Brad Parscale, Trump 2020 Campaign Manager, Calls for CNN’s Jim Acosta to be Suspended

President Trump’s re-election campaign manager is calling for CNN’s Chief White House Correspondent Jim Acosta to be suspended after he shouted questions about immigration at the president as he interacted with children during the White House Easter Egg Roll on Monday. Brad Parscale tweeted an article from The Daily Caller that said Mr. Acosta “began yelling at” Mr. Trump after he joined first lady Melania Trump and his son Barron at a coloring table with about a dozen other children.

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