Marsha Blackburn Takes Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to Task for Censoring ‘Diamond and Silk’

Conservatives have complained for years about being censored by Facebook, but the Silicon Valley giant may have gone too far by blocking Diamond and Silk. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said Wednesday that his company had moved to correct what he described as an “enforcement error” after the popular social media duo said he shut down traffic to their page, which has 1.4 million followers.

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State Senator Dr. Mark Green Earns Grassroots Giant FreedomWorks’ Endorsement in Congressional Bid

Conservative grassroots group FreedomWorks for America announced Thursday their decision to endorse State Senator Mark Green (R-Clarksville) in his congressional bid to represent the people of Tennessee’s 7th congressional district, replacing outgoing lawmaker Marsha Blackburn. “Dr. Mark Green is going to be a force for conservatives in the House of Representatives. He will be another reliable vote and a leading advocate for less government, lower taxes, and more freedom,” FreedomWorks president Adam Brandon said in a statement. “He has worked to defend the Constitution from enemies abroad, and now he is seeking to fight to defend it against those in Congress who would trample the Constitution like Nancy Pelosi. The Green campaign notes that FreedomWorks is in good company, as other prominent national conservative organizations including the Club for Growth, FRC Action, GOPAC, and the House Freedom Fund have all backed the conservative firebrand. In Tennessee, Dr. Green has the endorsement of 100 grassroots conservative leaders and 20 mayors in the district. “History has shown us time and again: Freedom works, and government must get out of the way of individual Americans whose ingenuity, persistence, and drive can fuel the next leap forward in freedom and prosperity,” Green said; adding, “I’m honored…

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Joe Carter Commentary: What You Should Know About Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s Senate Hearings

by Joe Carter   What just happened? On Tuesday, Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg gave testimony (though not officially under oath) before a joint hearing of the Senate Judiciary and Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation committees. On Wednesday, Zuckerberg testified at a second hearing before the House Energy and Commerce Committee. He was asked to appear before Congress to discuss such issues as data privacy and Russian use of his social network to meddle in the 2016 election. Why is Facebook and Zuckerberg now under scrutiny? Facebook has been at the center of recent data privacy scandals and concerns. The Senate hearings were particularly interested in learning about the connection between Facebook and Cambridge Analytica. Last month the New York Times reported that British data analysis firm Cambridge Analytica had “harvested private information from the Facebook profiles of more than 50 million users without their permission.” As law professor Andrew Keane Woods explains, The data that Cambridge Analytica obtained seems to have come from Aleksandr Kogan, a researcher at Cambridge University who convinced hundreds of thousands of Facebook users to take a Facebook-linked personality quiz—thereby granting Kogan access, through Facebook’s developer platform, to a treasure trove of user data. Kogan then shared…

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Off the Record: Who Wore it Best?

Off The Record: Who Wore it Best?

That’s a question usually asked by a popular fashion magazine but now we HAVE TO ask the same question when the same dress is being worn by two politicians – a radical progressive Democrat and an establishment-sometimes-conservative. Before we even get to the judging (and we expect you to weigh in as to whom you think wore it best), the dress worn yesterday by Speaker Beth Harwell on the House floor has called out to The Star to ask the obvious question: Why would Speaker Beth Harwell who is also a GOP gubernatorial candidate do twinsies with the disgraced radical progressive-pro-illegal-immigration-kicked-out-of-office former mayor Megan Barry? You know that old adage – “imitation is the sincerest form of flattery” and you could say that fashion is oh so very universal, meaning that Democrats and Republicans can be equally wobbly with “aesthetic intelligence.” But wearing the same dress that adultress Megan Barry wore in her official mayoral website photo??? Just what image is Harwell trying to plant in voters’ minds? Did Harwell think The Star wouldn’t notice??? The Star’s unsolicited fashion advice to the Speaker is simple – first, burn the dress; Megan Barry has simply ruined that look for self-respecting women. Next, remember that softer colors…

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Educators’ Group and Law Enforcement Come Together to Host School Safety Town Hall in Hamilton County

Hamilton County Sheriff Jim Hammond and Professional Educators of Tennessee (ProEd) announced recently they will host a Town Hall on School Safety and Security Monday, April 16th beginning at 4 p.m. at the East Hamilton Middle High School complex in Ooltewah. “The Town Hall will give parents, teachers and other stakeholders in public education the chance to offer their views on school safety,” Sheriff Hammond said in a statement. “Also, we will be able to share information about the Monday morning discussion with elected and community leaders.” “We are grateful to join with Sheriff Hammond and other strong leaders in Hamilton County to have timely, orderly discussion about an issue front and center in Hamilton County, the state and the nation,” ProEd Executive Director Dr. J. C. Bowman added. “This is a wonderful opportunity for teachers, including our members in Southeast Tennessee.” In addition to Sheriff Hammond and Dr. Bowman, Chattanooga Police Chief David Roddy, Hamilton County Schools Superintendent Dr. Bryan Johnson, and National School Security Expert Michael Yorio will serve as panelists. Chattanooga businessman and radio host Weston Wamp will facilitate the Town Hall. Dr. Bowman will discuss research on school safety which ProEd has completed with its membership.  Yorio,…

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Pastors Preach Against New Sunday Package Liquor Sale Law

Pastor Dale Walker

A pastors coalition is condemning the Tennessee General Assembly’s approval of Sunday package liquor sales. The Tennessee Senate joined the Tennessee House Wednesday to pass a bill approving liquor sales in the state on Sundays. “The Bible Belt state of Tennessee had enjoyed a safe, sacred day of worship with liquor stores being closed on Sunday,” said Pastor Dale Walker, president of the Tennessee Pastors Network, in a press release. “This will now change radically. The Republican Super Majority in Tennessee has become the party of ‘Big Liquor,’ passing beer, wine and liquor sales in many new venues, including rural areas for the first time. “Families and church vans will be even in more peril on the roadways now on Sunday,” Walker continued. “I have never had a liquor lobbyist or a liquor-loving politician join me at the grave to help comfort a family of the deceased who died from alcoholism or another tragedy brought on by alcohol. Pastors deal with alcohol ‘after the bottle is empty.’ Now, faith-based addiction ministries will be placed under more pressure from this despicable bill that will increase the need to help the addicted.” Surprisingly, one Nashville liquor store owner told WSMV News 4…

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Retiring State Senator Thelma Harper Honored by Colleagues, Friends, and Mayoral Candidate Carol Swain

Retiring State Senator Thelma Harper (D-Nashville) was honored on Thursday by her colleagues in the Tennessee General Assembly, friends and constituents, and mayoral candidate Carol Swain. The event was held at the Legislative Library Lounge of the Tennessee State Capitol in Nashville. “I, along with thousands of other Tennesseeans, will miss Senator Thelma Harper,” Swain, who attended the celebration of Harper’s career, said in a statement released by her campaign. “As the first elected black state senator and the first woman to ever preside over the state Senate, Sen. Harper has earned her place in Tennessee history. Thelma Harper is a legend. I would like to see the Frist Museum or another state or local museum offer the public a special exhibit of her signature hat collection,” the former Vanderbilt professor added. Lt. Gov. Randy McNally, Harper’s colleague in the State Senate, also gave Harper high praise.  

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EPA Chief Scott Pruitt Revises CAFE Standards

By Printus LeBlanc   On April 2, 2018, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt EPA’s Administrator, Scott Pruitt, announced the completion of the Midterm Evaluation (MTE) process for greenhouse gas emission standards. Pruitt concluded the current standards for vehicles in 2022-2025 were unrealistic and needed to be revised. Of course, environmental radicals went crazy, refusing to care how many people might be hurt by government regulations. Thankfully President Trump and Administrator Pruitt are not scared of the big green radicals and have set a course of prosperity for the American people. The Obama administration didn’t even try to hide its hatred for the fossil fuel industry. The industry was attacked from every angle. It restricted oil drilling, imposed excess regulations on transportation of oil and gas, and raised Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards for the future to unrealistic levels. The increased CAFE standards were a direct attempt to social engineer the population. The administration didn’t like the fossil fuel industry, so it imposed regulations it believed would lead to the death of the light truck and SUV. When the Trump administration took over, one of its priorities was to ensure excessive regulations from the EPA were not putting people…

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Conservative Talker Steve Gill Finds Common Ground with Democrat Lawmaker on Legislation to Punish Employers of Illegal Alien Workers

Conservative political commentator and Tennessee Star contributor Steve Gill said on The Gill Report, broadcast live on WETR 92.3 FM in Knoxville, that he has found common ground with State Senator Jeff Yarbro (D-Nashville), who submitted legislation that would penalize employers of illegal alien workers. The new proposal would be an amendment of the much talked-about Green and Reedy anti-sanctuary city bill. “I mentioned just a moment ago the raid by ICE agents in Granger County at that meatpacking plant that rounded up about a hundred illegals said has caused one state legislator – Jeff Yarbro, a Democrat state senator from Nashville – to propose legislation that would start punishing employers, in addition to the employees, who work here illegally,” Gill said. He continued: It makes a lot of sense to me. If you’re going to punish to the person working, why wouldn’t you punish the company, the people who hire illegals? They’re both breaking the law. And if you have a construction company that wasn’t just trying to save money and make bigger profit by hiring illegals for cheaper than they can hire Americans – why would we tolerate that, but not tolerate then using substandard materials that would be dangerous in constructing…

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‘Facebook’s Treatment of Diamond and Silk’ Is ‘Latest Example of Censoring Conservative Voices’

Something isn’t adding up here. Wednesday was day two of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s congressional hearings, and as with the Senate’s questioning on day one, members of the House of Representatives repeatedly referenced the social media giant’s reported squelching of Diamond and Silk on its platform. The North Carolina-based sisters, Lynnette Hardaway and Rochelle Richardson — better known as the outspoken and entertaining conservative duo Diamond and Silk — gave their take on the situation on Wednesday night’s “The Ingraham Angle” on Fox News.

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Rev. Enoch Fuzz Commentary: Vote Against the Transit Tax Plan May 1

by Rev. Enoch Fuzz As we try to inform voters about how wrong this transit tax plan is for Nashville, we encounter again and again how almost impossible it is to oppose Metro and whatever Metro does. Many people I know, including those who volunteer with our group Better Transit for Nashville, cannot exercise their freedom of speech and have to remain private and behind the scenes because of fear that speaking out may hurt them in their job and career. They might work for Metro, the state, Vandy, in health care, some corporate business, or a job related to those same places, and they cannot speak what they believe: that this transit plan is very bad for our city. It’s a shame. The opposition message stays more quiet than it really is. Politicians don’t know if this plan will even work to help traffic or transit. The worst thing is that the plan will take funding from the vital programs that need it, such as health care, housing, schools, fire, police and many others. Join a local group like Better Transit to get involved and learn more. Vote against the transit tax plan May 1.        …

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Pro-Life Group Endorses Diane Black For Governor

Diane Black

National pro-life group Susan B. Anthony List announced its endorsement of Diane Black for governor of Tennessee. “We are thrilled to endorse a dear friend of SBA List, pro-life champion Diane Black for governor of Tennessee,” said former U.S. Congresswoman Marilyn Musgrave, SBA List’s vice president of government affairs. “Her heroic leadership in Congress has been a driving force for pro-life progress. From investigating America’s largest abortion business, Planned Parenthood, for its role in trafficking baby body parts, to stopping taxpayer funding of the abortion industry, to speaking out against late-term abortion, she is a tireless defender of unborn children and their mothers. Diane will make an outstanding governor. We urge all pro-life Tennesseans to support her.” The announcement made headlines on at least one pro-life website, Black accepted the endorsement, saying: “I’m honored to have the endorsement of Susan B. Anthony List. As a nurse, fighting for the unborn has always been an issue that is near and dear to my heart. In the state legislature, I sponsored SJR 127, which became Amendment 1 – the most important pro-life measure in the history of our state. And in Congress, I sponsored the bill to defund Planned Parenthood and…

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Dr. Rolando Toyos Drops Out Of GOP Senate Primary

Dr. Rolando Toyos dropped out of the Tennessee Republican primary for U.S. Senate. The Tennessee GOP made the announcement Wednesday night. State party Chairman Scott Golden said, “I appreciate Dr. Toyos’ decision to suspend his campaign and look forward to working with him to support Republican candidates in the November elections. He has a bright future. Every Republican knows that we cannot allow liberal Phil Bredesen to go to Washington and destroy the progress of President Trump’s Administration. Bredesen’s support for Hillary Clinton alone disqualifies him from representing the values and interests of Tennesseans, which is why our Party must stand together and work to elect a Republican to the United States Senate.” WBBJ quoted Toyos as saying, in part, “My dear departed mother used to say, ‘when faced with obstacles do not complain but instead figure out a solution and work harder.’ I have exhausted every possibility to keep my name on the ballot that would not be distracting to the Republican Party and the truly important issues facing our country. I will not pursue other remedies.” The withdrawal of Toyos from the race leaves Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) an uncontested path to the Republican nomination on primary day…

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The Little-Used, Budget-Trimming Technique Called ‘Rescissions’ Can Reduce Spending with Simple Majority Votes

US Capitol

By Printus LeBlanc   When the President signed the budget a few weeks ago, it was obvious he was disgusted about having the sign the horrible bill. The only reason the President signed the bill was because the military was in dire straits. Those pushing the bill knew how the President felt about the military and used that against him to get the bloated bill passed. Fear not, however, there is a way the President can reduce some of the spending, while at the same time putting Congressional Democrats up for reelection on the record. The President can and should submit multiple rescissions immediately. Title X of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 is known as the Impoundment Control Act. The act divides impoundments into two categories and establishes distinct procedures for each. A deferral delays the use of funds; a rescission is a presidential request that Congress rescind (cancel) an appropriation or another form of budget authority. To propose a rescission, the President must submit a message to Congress specifying the amount, the accounts and programs involved, the estimated fiscal and program effects, and the reasons for the rescission. Multiple rescissions may be grouped into a single message. After the…

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Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison Gives a Master Class in Pettifogging Over Acting-CFPB Chief Mick Mulvaney’s Frosted Glass Office Windows

Acting consumer protection chief Mick Mulvaney on Wednesday defended the decision to put frosted glass on his office at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau against accusations that it sent the wrong message about transparency. Rep. Keith Ellison, Minnesota Democrat, confronted Mr. Mulvaney, a former member of Congress who is now the White House budget chief and the acting consumer chief, about the office during a hearing on Capitol Hill. Mr. Ellison displayed a photo of the office with the frosted glass.

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Nashville Mayoral Candidate Carol Swain Launches Radio Ad Campaign As Early Voting Begins on the Transit Tax Plan

Former Vanderbilt University law professor and nationally recognized conservative political commentator Carol Swain, a candidate for Mayor of Nashville in the special election that is now scheduled for May 24,  launched her first radio ads on stations in Nashville on Wednesday. “The sixty second radio ad focuses on her opposition to the Barry/Briley Transit Tax Scheme and urges voters to be reminded to vote “NO” every time they hit another one of the huge number of potholes in Nashville roads that will not be addressed by the $9 billion ‘boondoggle,’ ” her campaign said in a statement. “The $9 billion dollar transit scheme that not improve our traffic congestion problems nor repair our roads and bridges.” Swain said in the statement. “I am encouraging Nashville voters to join me in opposing the Barry/Briley Transit Tax Increase and to point out that every time they hit another pothole, and they will, it should remind them to vote against the plan that won’t fix that pothole or any others,” Swain added. The statement continued:   Early voting on the Barry/Briley transit tax increase began April 11 and runs through April 26th in Davidson County. Election Day is May 1. Swain also noted that…

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Commentary: Politically Correct Leaders to Blame for the Dumbing-Down of Our Culture

by Jeffrey A. Rendall   It’s safe to say almost everyone looks back fondly on their college years (and if you didn’t go to college, maybe high school was your thing). The relatively uninhibited freedom of the old days — the late nights, the stimulating conversations, the camaraderie of the campus… College was great, wasn’t it? No one could tell you what to do; heck you didn’t even need to go to class if you didn’t feel like it. Ask to borrow a friend’s lecture notes and you’re off scot-free for whatever time you missed. University living is the transition period between primary and secondary education when everything’s decided for you and the drudgery of the adult workplace where…everything’s decided for you again. Only these days it appears more and more members of the “snowflake” generation are seeking to extend their college experiences — not by taking longer to finish their undergraduate work or going to grad school but instead by bringing their “safe spaces” and sensitivity obsessions to the workplace. Employers are discovering these young employees have rather unusual demands. It’s getting to be problematic, at least where newsrooms are concerned. The Editors of the Washington Examiner wrote, “Students have been calling…

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Michelle Malkin Commentary: The Student Data-Mining Scandal Under Our Noses

by Michelle Malkin   While congresscritters expressed outrage at Facebook’s intrusive data grabs during Capitol Hill hearings with Mark Zuckerberg this week, not a peep was heard about the Silicon Valley-Beltway theft ring purloining the personal information and browsing habits of millions of American schoolchildren. It doesn’t take undercover investigative journalists to unmask the massive privacy invasion enabled by educational technology and federal mandates. The kiddie data heist is happening out in the open—with Washington politicians and bureaucrats as brazen co-conspirators. Facebook is just one of the tech giants partnering with the Department of Education and schools nationwide in pursuit of student data for meddling and profit. Google, Apple, Microsoft, Pearson, Knewton, and many more are cashing in on the Big Data boondoggle. State and federal educational databases provide countless opportunities for private companies exploiting public schoolchildren subjected to annual assessments, which exploded after adoption of the tech industry-supported Common Core “standards,” tests, and aligned texts and curricula. Americans need an alternative to the mainstream media. But this can’t be done alone  Find out more >> The recently passed Every Student Succeeds Act further enshrined government collection of personally identifiable information—including data collected on attitudes, values, beliefs, and dispositions—and allows…

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Florida School Schooter Wants to Donate Inheritance to Survivors

Parkland school shooter Nikolas Cruz wants to donate his inheritance — which could run to hundreds of thousands of dollars or more — to the bereaved families and survivors of his attack, his lawyers said Wednesday. Cruz walked into Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in the south Florida city of Parkland on February 14 and opened fire at students and staff with an AR-15-style semi-automatic weapon. He stands accused of 17 counts of premeditated murder and 17 counts of attempted murder. Prosecutors are seeking the death penalty.

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It’s a Six Week Sprint: Davidson County Election Commission Sets May 24 as Date of Special Nashville Mayoral Election

Mayoral candidates

The Davidson County Election Commission set Thursday, May 24 as the date of the special election for the Mayor of Nashville at an emergency meeting Wednesday afternoon, the day after the Tennessee Supreme Court struck down their earlier decision to set August 2 as the special election date. “The vacant District 1 council seat that was set to be on the May 1 ballot will also be on the May 24 special election,” WSMV reported: A new deadline to qualify to be on the ballot for mayor and District 1 has been set for Thursday at noon. Early voting would be held May 4-19 at the Howard School and expand to all satellite locations on May 11. A run-off election, if necessary, would be held on June 28. At least fourteen candidates have already qualified for the special election, including Acting Mayor David Briley, At-Large Metro Council Member Erica Gilmore, former Vanderbilt professor Carol Swain, State Rep. Harold Love, jeff obafemi carr, and Ralph Bristol. The final field will be set by the end of day on Thursday, after petitition signatures submitted by any additional candidates prior to the noon deadline are reviewed and verified. From there, it will be…

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BREAKING: Paul Ryan Retiring as Speaker of the House

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) announced on Wednesday he will not seek re-election and will be retiring as Speaker at the end of his term, Reuters reported: U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan, the top Republican in Congress, told Republicans in the House of Representatives on Wednesday he will not seek re-election in November, his office said. Ryan will serve his full term and retire in January, Brendan Buck, spokesperson for the Speaker, said in a statement. “After nearly twenty years in the House, the speaker is proud of all that has been accomplished and is ready to devote more of his time to being a husband and a father,” Buck said. Ryan’s retirement sets off a mad scramble to succeed him. Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and Majority Whip Steven Scalise (R-LA) are considered the leading candidates to replace Ryan as leader of the GOP in the House. Whether or not that translates into the job of Speaker in January 2019 will depend on the outcome of the November 2018 midterm elections. Democrats are hopeful they can win a net gain of 23 seats to take back control of the House.          

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$3,000 Scholarship Added to The Tennessee Star Constitution Bee Grand Champion Prize Package

The Polk Foundation announced Wednesday that a substantial $3,000 scholarship has been added to The Tennessee Star Constitution Bee Grand Champion prize package will be provided by the Andrew Woodfin Miller Foundation. Set to be held Saturday, April 28th, Constitution Bee’s scholarship prize is in addition to the trip to Washington, D.C. for the winner and a parent. The Andrew Woodfin Miller Foundation Scholarship will be awarded to the first place winner at the April 28 Constitution Bee and can be used for college tuition or any expenses related to college or post-secondary education. The Tennessee Star Constitution Bee will be held in Franklin, Tennessee beginning at 9 a.m. on Saturday, April 28 at the Williamson County Administration Building. All secondary students, whether enrolled in public schools, private schools, or home school programs, in grades 8 through 12 are eligible to participate.  Students can sign up for the event here. April’s event is a follow-up to Tennessee’s first-of-its-kind statewide Constitution Bee held last September 23, where a total of sixteen students vied for the Grand Championship. The first-place winner was Noah Farley, a 17-year-old homeschooled senior from Spring Hill, who won a free trip to Washington, D.C., along with a parent. Second place went to Alexandria Anderson, 14, a…

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Early Voting Opens In Crucial Nashville Transit Referendum

Early voting has begun in Nashville-Davidson County, and groups seeking an alternative to the $9 billion light rail transit plan are urging voters to head to the polls early. Election Day — and the transit referendum —are May 1, but early voting began April 10 and will run through April 26. Poll locations for early voting are posted on the NoTax4Tracks website. “We need as many people as possible to vote against this costly and fiscally irresponsible transit plan,” the group says in a newsletter. “Otherwise, Davidson County will have the highest sales tax of any major city and households will pay an extra $43,000 for a transit plan that does NOT solve the traffic congestion problem and does NOT serve the whole county. “The other side is making false claims so it is essential we fight back to provide residents with all the facts. Reaching out and communicating with potential voters is the most important thing we can do during this critical time.” NoTax4Tracks also reports that the neighborhoods with the worst traffic will see little relief from light rail. Better Transit For Nashville posted what it calls the Top 100 reasons to vote against the light rail plan.…

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Anti-Sanctuary City Legislators Hold Their Ground in Committee to Move Strong Bill Toward Full House for Vote

State Rep Jay Reedy

After an hour of debate rehashing Rep. Jay Reedy’s anti-sanctuary city bill, including more testimony in opposition from the TN Immigrant & Refugee Rights Coalition (TIRRC) and procedural moves by Democrat Jason Powell to “gut” the bill, 6 of the 7 Republican members of the House State Government Committee voted “yes,” sending HB2315 toward a vote by the full House. The Committee’s three Democrats voted no and Chairman Bob Ramsey, a Republican, passed. Rep. Jason Powell (D-Nashville), offered an amendment which TIRRC’s lawyer explained to committee members. Thorough questioning by Reps. Bud Hulsey and William Lamberth, however, revealed that the amendment was intended to neuter key parts of the bill. Anti-sanctuary city Reps. Daniel, Hulsey, Lamberth, Littleton and Rudd, held their ground to vote down Powell’s amendment; all five are named co-sponsors of the bill. Chairman Bob Ramsey voted “yes” with the Democrats and Republican Bill Sanderson passed. Sanderson then offered his own amendment that would have weakened the strong state policy Reedy’s bill would establish to combat shielding illegal aliens who have committed crimes unrelated to their immigration status, from possible deportation. The same five anti-sanctuary city legislators again held their ground and voted against Sanderson’s amendment. This time,…

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Nashville Mayoral Candidates React to Tennessee Supreme Court Decision to Move Special Election Date Up to May

Several of the 14 candidates who will be on the ballot in the special election for Mayor of Nashville reacted on Tuesday to the news that the Tennessee Supreme Court has decided that the date of the election should be set between May 21 and May 25, rather than on August 2 as previously determined by the Davidson County Election Commission. “The Supreme Court has ruled, and I’ll be ready for the election,” Acting Mayor David Briley said in a statement, Fox 17 reported. “I appreciate all the support I’ve already received, and I’m looking forward to a strong campaign over the next six weeks,” Briley added. “Congratulations to Chief Justice Bivins and the Tennessee Supreme Court for its unanimous decision upholding the rule of law in Tennessee,” former Vanderbilt professor Carol Swain, who earlier in the day received the endorsement of conservative author and film maker Dinesh D’Souza for her candidacy for Mayor of Nashville, said in a statement. “I especially applaud former NAACP President Ludye Wallace for his courage and leadership on this critical matter,” she added. “We the People can individually and collectively ‘Be the People’ who change colonies, states, and nations,” Swain noted. At-Large Metro Council member…

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Dennis Prager Commentary: Whatever the Left Touches, It Ruins

by Dennis Prager   The only way to save Western civilization is to convince more people that leftism—not liberalism—is a nihilistic force. Quite literally, whatever the left touches it ruins. So, here is a partial listing of the damage done by the left and the Democratic Party: The most obvious—and, therefore, the one more and Americans can resonate with—is the near destruction of most American universities as places of learning. In the words of Harvard professor Steven Pinker—an atheist and a liberal—outside of the natural sciences and a few other disciplines (such as mathematics and business), “universities are becoming laughing stocks of intolerance.” If you send your children to a university, you are endangering both their mind and their character. There is a real chance they will be more intolerant and more foolish after college than they were when they entered college. Americans need an alternative to the mainstream media. But this can’t be done alone. Find out more >> When you attend an American university, you are taught to have contempt for America and its founders, to prefer socialism to capitalism, to divide human beings by race and ethnicity. You are taught to shut down those who differ with…

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I Questioned Mark Zuckerberg: What Concerns Me Most About Facebook’s Handling of Personal Data

by Senator Chuck Grassley   The history and growth of Facebook mirrors that of many of our technology giants. Founded by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004, Facebook has exploded over the past 14 years. Facebook currently has 2.13 billion monthly active users across the world, more than 25,000 employees, and offices in 13 U.S. cities and various other countries. Like its expanding user base, the data collected on Facebook users has also skyrocketed. It has moved on from schools, likes, and relationship statuses. Today, Facebook has access to dozens of data points, ranging from ads you’ve clicked on, events you’ve attended, and your location based on your mobile device. It is no secret that Facebook makes money off this data through advertising revenue, although many seem confused by, or altogether unaware, of this fact. Facebook generated $40 billion in revenue in 2017, with about 98 percent coming from advertising across Facebook and Instagram. The liberal Left continue to push their radical agenda against American values. The good news is there is a solution.  Find out more >> Significant data collection is also occurring at Google, Twitter, Apple, and Amazon. An ever-expanding portfolio of products and services offered by these companies grant endless opportunities…

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Diamond and Silk Open Up About their Censure by Facebook: ‘It’s Discrimination’

Facebook may be realizing it made an error in its censorship of two of President Donald Trump’s most vocal supporters: Diamond and Silk. Fox News reports that the tech giant is reconsidering its recent classification of videos from Diamond — Lynnette Hardaway (shown above left) and Silk (Rochelle Richardson, above right) — that it currently labeled “unsafe to the community.”

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‘My Mistake’: Key Zuckerberg Quotes in Senate Facebook Grilling

Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg appeared before US lawmakers Tuesday to apologize for how his company has handled the growing furor over online privacy, to promise change, and explain the social media giant’s policies. The wide-ranging questions — including about Cambridge Analytica, which used data scraped from 87 million Facebook users to target political ads ahead of the 2016 US election — put the 33-year-old billionaire under a microscope for several hours at a joint Senate committee hearing.

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Metro Council Member Robert Swope Unveils Alternative to $9 Billion Barry-Briley Light Rail Plan with ‘Intelligent Transit Plan For The It City Nashville’

Robert Swope unveils transit alt

NASHVILLE, Tennessee – Metro Council member Robert Swope unveiled a new plan with a play on words, “Intelligent Transit for the It City Nashville,” Tuesday at an event at the Wildhorse Saloon on 2nd Avenue North in downtown Nashville. Joining Swope on-stage were Tennessee State Senators Bill Ketron (R-Murfreesboro) and Mark Green (R-Clarksville). Senator Ketron spoke of his personal experiences with increasing traffic issues as he travels to the state legislature, and Senator Green talked about the benefits of autonomous vehicles, including increased roadway capacity due to the ability to have vehicles in closer proximity to each other. Swope put on a high-tech presentation in conjunction with Paul Doherty, President and CEO of The Digit Group, Inc., (TDG) who connected to the meeting via telecomm from Japan, where he had been meeting earlier with the Prime Minister. TDG specializes in holistic smart city solutions, “using technology solutions as the basis” for planning, designing, building and manufacturing smart city solutions that provide safe and comfortable transportation, among other elements with solutions implemented in China, Southeast Asia, India, the Middle East, Europe and through the U.S., according to the TDG website. Swope told The Tennessee Star that he has served on the…

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Dinesh D’Souza Endorses Carol Swain for Mayor of Nashville

Author and conservative film maker Dinesh D’Souza has endorsed former Vanderbilt professor Carol Swain for Mayor of Nashville, according to a statement released by her campaign on Tuesday. “Carol Swain has my endorsement for Mayor just as she would have my endorsement for just about any venture she undertook,” D’Souza said in the statement, which added: “She is a remarkable scholar and an amazing woman. One would have to go back to Booker T. Washington a century ago to find someone who has overcome almost insurmountable odds to become a nationally distinguished figure and role model,” D’Souza added. “Carol’s academic work is pathbreaking and her willingness to challenge conventional wisdom shows not only originality but intellectual bravery. Do yourself a favor and vote for Carol Swain. As mayor, she is going to be not only a strong leader but also a wonderful educator,” he added. Swain expressed appreciation for D’Souza’s endorsement. “I’m delighted to receive Dinesh’s endorsement in my campaign for Mayor of Nashville. I’ve known him for many years, and we have become good friends. Like me, Dinesh believes that Nashvillians–and all Americans–should be able to make a choice, not settle for an echo, when it comes to visions…

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BREAKING: ‘David Beat Goliath’; Tennessee Supreme Court Sets May Date for Nashville Special Election for Mayor

On Tuesday, the Tennessee Supreme Court released a unanimous opinion that instructs the Davidson County Election Commission to set the date for the special election to select a new mayor of Metro Nashville Davidson County Government for any date between May 21 and May 25. The stunning decision overrules the Davidson County Election Commission’s prior decision to set the date at August 2. Mayoral candidate Ludye Wallace was the plaintiff in the case. He was represented by attorney Jamie Hollin. “David beat Goliath,” Hollin told The Star in an exclusive interview. The five Tennessee Supreme Court Justices who ruled unanimously in favor of Wallace were Chief Justice Jeffrey Bivins, and Justices Cornelia Clark, Sharon Lee, Holly Kirby, and Roger Page. News Channel 5 reported: The Davidson County Election Commission voted in March to hold the mayoral election on August 2. Mayoral Candidate Ludye Wallace filed a lawsuit shortly after that vote, claiming the Election Commission violated the Metro Charter and state law with the vote. Both sides presented their arguments to justices Monday afternoon. On Tuesday, the court’s decision reversed a ruling of the Davidson County Chancery Court that upheld the action of the Davidson County Election Commission in setting the election…

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Bob Corker Announces His Support for Marsha Blackburn’s U.S. Senate Bid

Though he did not use the formal term “endorsement,” Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) announced his support for Rep. Marsha Blackburn’s (R-TN-07) bid to replace him in the United States Senate on Monday. Corker sent this tweet out late Monday afternoon:   Now that the Republican primary has essentially concluded, I am sending a contribution to Representative Marsha Blackburn’s campaign and wish her well in her race for the U.S. Senate. — Bob Corker (@BobCorker) April 9, 2018 Blackburn became the presumptive Republican nominee on Saturday with the Tennessee Republican Party removed two potential challengers–Dr. Rolando Toyos and Darrell Lynn– from the August 2 primary ballot because they failed to meet the requirements established by the party to be a candidate for statewide office. As The Tennessee Star reported: The GOP State Executive Committee (SEC), the governing body for the Tennessee Republican Party, met in Franklin, Tennessee at the Hilton Garden Inn on Saturday and removed eight candidates from the August 2 Republican Primary ballot for failing to qualify as “bona fide” Republicans as defined by party by-laws. Seven of the candidates had filed petitions to run for the U.S. Senate; one had filed to run for Governor. Party by-laws require…

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Office of President Trump’s Personal Lawyer Michael Cohen Raided by FBI

The FBI on Monday raided the Manhattan office of Michael Cohen, President Trump’s longtime personal lawyer, seizing scores of records including documents related to hush money paid to pornographic film actress Stormy Daniels. The FBI on Monday raided the Manhattan office of Michael Cohen, President Trump’s longtime personal lawyer, seizing scores of records including documents related to hush money paid to pornographic film actress Stormy Daniels.

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Sixteen Months After Inauguration, President Trump Still Waits on the Senate to Confirm Nominees

by Natalia Castro   The Department of Labor needs an upgrade. As President Donald Trump makes important changes across the executive branch, the Department of Labor has remained a step behind, but it is not necessarily the department’s fault or even Secretary Alexander Acosta. It’s the Senate’s fault. The Senate has stalled the confirmation of Trump’s nominees to executive positions, such as the nominee Deputy Secretary of the Department of Labor, Patrick Pizzella. This has prevented necessary reforms from taking place and slowed the progress of the entire agency. Patrick Pizzella has been the right choice for the Deputy Secretary for a long time. Most recently, Pizzella has served as Acting Chairman of the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA). Pizzella’s board hears cases regarding unfair labor practices, union representation, and arbitration appeals. Pizzella has avoided controversy in all of his positions, so it was no surprise in 2013 when a Democratic-majority Senate led by Harry Reid unanimously confirmed Pizzella to serve on the board by voice vote. But under the Trump Administration, attempts by Senators to disrupt the confirmation process have left Pizzella stalled over and over again, making him a case study on Senate inefficiency. President Trump nominated Pizzella on June 20,…

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Commentary: Deputy AG Rosenstein Memo to Special Counsel Mueller Proves Probe into Former Trump Aide Manafort is Beyond Scope of AG Sessions Recusal

Tennessee Star

by Robert Romano   On March 2, 2017, Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself “from any existing or future investigations of any matters related in any way to the campaigns for President of the United States.” Arguably, as far as recusals go, it was too broad and did not narrowly list what specific part of the campaign that Sessions would have an appearance of impropriety. But there it is. This led eventually to the appointment of Robert Mueller as special counsel by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein on May 17, 2017 to investigate, mainly, “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump…” Since then, Mueller has produced several indictments, including some that appear far outside the scope of Sessions’ original recusal. For example, former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn was indicted for supposedly lying to investigators about a conversation he had with Russian Ambassador Sergei Kisylak in Dec. 2016, which was after the election. The interview with FBI agents happened in Jan. 2017. If Sessions was only recused from “matters related in any way to the campaigns for President of the United States,” then how could have Mueller delivered an indictment for actions after the campaign was…

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Ben Shapiro Joins Roast of London Mayor Sadiq Khan Over Knife Control Vow

London Mayor Sadiq Khan’s de facto, knife control measures for dealing with the city’s spate of attacks were the subject of ridicule by conservative pundit Ben Shapiro – and thousands on Twitter – over the weekend. Violence on London streets has been so bad over the past two months that the city surpassed New York in murders and prompted Mr. Khan announce a series of measures on Sunday. His rhetoric sparked a wave of mockery by critics who spotlighted its similarity to gun control activism in America.

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