Wells Fargo Resists Pressure to Stop Offering Banking Services to NRA, Gun Makers

The American Federation of Teachers has threatened to pull its business from Wells Fargo unless it severs ties with the National Rifle Association and gun manufacturers, but so far the bank is resisting. “We’re issuing Wells Fargo an ultimatum,” said AFT President Randi Weingarten said in a Saturday statement. “We’re issuing Wells Fargo an ultimatum,” said AFT President Randi Weingarten said in a Saturday statement. “They can have a mortgage market that includes America’s teachers, or they can continue to do business with the NRA and gun manufacturers. They can’t do both.”

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Official Budget Forecasters Raise Debt Projections

Red ink will spill even faster over the next decade than projected as recently as last summer, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reported Monday. The numbers crunchers forecast that this year’s deficit will be $242 billion larger than the budget office forecast in June. The CBO attributes $194 billion of that to the tax cut Congress passed and President Donald Trump signed in December.

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DOJ Taps Lawyer to Oversee Long-Overdue Subpoena Fulfillment

Attorney General Jeff Sessions appointed a U.S. attorney from Chicago to supervise the Department of Justice (DOJ) compliance with House Judicial Committee subpoenas for documents on the investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private email server and alleged surveillance abuses during the 2016 election. Sessions and FBI Director Christopher Wray tapped U.S. Attorney John Lausch of the Northern District of Illinois to oversee the DOJ’s efforts to turn over thousands of documents to the House Committee on the Judiciary.

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John Bolton In, Michael Anton Out, and the Media Moan and Mock

John Bolton’s start as national security adviser kicks off Monday – and that means the members of the mainstream media are prepping for the rash of stories on why the world is about to blow. Already, the press has pounced on the announced departure of National Security Council spokesman Michael Anton as a sign of the continuing chaos of this President Donald Trump administration.

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Arguments Heard, Tennessee’s Supreme Court Will Issue a Decision ‘Sometime Next Week’ on Nashville Mayoral Special Election Date

Tennessee Supreme Court

The Tennessee Supreme Court heard oral arguments Monday on the a case that will decide the date of the special election to replace ousted former Mayor Megan Barry. According to News5 reporter Emily Luxen, the Court “will issue a decision sometime next week.” Arguments just ended at the TN Supreme Court regarding the date of the Nashville Mayoral Election. The Supreme Court will issue an opinion sometime next week. pic.twitter.com/knp4I7YGy1 — Emily Luxen (@EmilyLuxenTN) April 9, 2018 At issue is a decision made by the Metro Nashville Election Commission, who said the election date should fall on August 2. Three of the five members of the Davidson County Election Commission ignored the plain meaning of Tennessee law and voted to set August 2, 2018 as the date for the special election to select a new mayor of Nashville late Friday afternoon, thereby plunging the city into a likely firestorm of lawsuits and threatening the legitimacy of an election held on that date,” The Tennessee Star reported last month: Commission Chairman Jim DeLanis, Commissioner Jesse Neil, and Commissioner Emily Reynolds, all Republicans, formed the three member majority who voted in favor of the motion to set the election date at August 2. Commissioner Tricia…

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Five Conservative TV Shows That Should Be Revived

Five shows worthy of comeback

It was difficult to know what to expect when a revival of the classic ’90s sitcom “Roseanne” was first announced. Would this new show be yet another example of Hollywood’s reboot obsession? Could the revival really capture the lightning-in-a-bottle quality of the original? And how would the show bring back Dan Conner, husband of Roseanne (played by John Goodman) from the dead?(played…

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Nashville Mayoral Candidate Erica Gilmore Calls $9 Billion Transit Plan Proposal ‘Unworkable,’ Will Vote Against on May 1

Erica Gilmore

Mayoral candidate Erica Gilmore, who currently serves as one of the five At-Large Metro Nashville Council members, has pulled her support from the $9 billion transit plan proposal, “Let’s Move Nashville.” The announcement of her major policy shift first appeared as a series of tweets early Monday morning: “I love Nashville. We are the greatest city in the world. This is the place where I was born and raised. This is the place we’re I’ve made my home, raised my daughter. As I said last week, as great as our city is, we face a housing crisis, crumbling infrastructure,” she wrote. She continued, “I am pro-transit. Have always been pro-transit. I will always be pro-transit. But I can no longer support this current plan…” “…as hopeful as I’ve been in the past that we could make this imperfect plan work, I concluded salvaging the current plan is unworkable. And on May 1 will be casting my vote against it,” Gilmore added. She concluded, “I will be announcing more at 10am.” At around the 10 o’clock hour, Gilmore arrived to deliver her prepared remarks about her no longer supporting the transit plan proposal. After introducing a handful of supporters sharing the stage with…

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Nashville Mayoral Candidate Carol Swain Is ‘Pleased That Erica Gilmore Changed Her Mind’ to Oppose the ‘Transit Boondoggle’

Erica Gilmore (left) and Carol Swain

On the heels of At-Large Metro Nashville Council member, mayoral candidate, and progressive Erica Gilmore’s bombshell announcement Monday morning that she no longer supports “Let’s Move Nashville,” the $9 billion dollar transit plan proposal on the ballot before Nashville voters on May 1, fellow mayoral candidate, conservative Carol M. Swain lauded the decision, saying she was “very pleased that Erica Gilmore has changed her mind” and will now vote against the costly – and controversial – measure. “I am very pleased that Erica Gilmore has changed her mind from supporting the Barry-Briley Transit Boondoggle to joining me and others in seeing the wisdom in opposing it,” Swain said in a statement, adding: I am voting NO. I am confident that as Nashvillians look more closely at this costly scheme that won’t repair our roads or relieve our traffic congestion, they will come to the right answer, just like my friend Erica has done. Swain and Gilmore – along with nine other candidates – are running to be the next Mayor of Nashville in the upcoming special election to replace disgraced former mayor Megan Barry. Barry resigned in early March after it was learned she used taxpayer monies and the resources of…

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Nashville’s High Traffic Neighborhoods Have Low Chance of Relief From Light Rail

Dear Nashville resident: Does your neighborhood have bad traffic? If you answered yes, the city’s $9 billion light rail transit plan probably will not help you, one organization says. NoTax4Tracks says only 3 percent of Nashville’s population will be served by the proposed light rail transit plan. The group has posted a map that shows the haves and have-nots when it comes to service. The have-nots that have high traffic counts include Bordeaux, Whites Creek, W. Trinity, Haynes Area, Parkwood, Dickerson Pike, Metrocenter, Donelson, McGavock, Hermitage, Old Hickory, Mt. Juliet, Green Hills, Bellevue, Belmont, 12 South, West End, Antioch, Haywood Lane, Antioch Pike, Mt. View Road, Blue Hole Road, Cane Ridge and Priest Lake. NoTax4Tracks urges residents to share copies of the map with others. “We need everyone to see what they’d be getting and paying for if this passes May 1: Only 3% of the population will be served and families in Davidson County would have to pay $43,608 more in taxes. That is a huge amount for a light rail system that leaves out so many neighborhoods.” Better Transit For Nashville posted a top 100 list of why residents should vote against the plan on May 1. Reason…

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Five Key Facts You Should Know About Mark Zuckerberg’s 12-Year Facebook Apology Tour

Before there was Facebook in America, there was Facesmash at Harvard and Mark Zuckerberg was behind both of them. There’s a lot more about this social media giant than most Americans likely never knew. So here are five basic facts about Zuckerberg and Facebook that put into a useful and historically accurate context everything he is likely to say and be asked about when he testifies this coming Wednesday before Congress.

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Local Ministry ‘Men of Valor’ Expecting Record-Breaking Turnout for Annual Breakfast Featuring Grammy Artist Zach Williams

Men of Valor, a local ministry working with the incarcerated and formerly incarcerated in Middle Tennessee, is preparing to host their largest-ever Annual Breakfast Tuesday, where organizers say more than 1000 people are expected to gather for the once-a-year fundraiser. “We’re thrilled to have such a large turnout this year,” Men of Valor Execultive Director Raul Lopez said in a statement. “This breakfast has grown year after year, and the response shows that more and more people in our community want to get involved in our work.” In addition to important updates on the group’s plans to open a residential campus for newly released prisoners, as well as moving testimonies from some of the Men of Valor’s members, Grammy award-winning singer-songwriter Zach Williams will perform his hit single “Chain Breaker.” “Men of Valor’s theme this year is ‘Together,’” Lopez said. “I’m convinced that by working together with faith leaders, elected officials, community leaders, and our army of volunteers, we will be able to help men reconcile with their families, society, and God.” The group notes that the recidivism rate for men who participate in Men of Valor’s Jericho Project – with programming both before release and up to a year afterward – is between nine and 15% – far lower than the…

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Commentary: The Left’s Dehumanizing of President Trump and His Supporters Is Un-American and Dangerous

Attacking Trump supporters

By Robert Romano   One of the most evil aspects of Nazi ideology was the dehumanization of its opponents: the Jews, communists, Poles, Gypsies, gays and so forth. It was a necessary precondition, psychologically, for what ultimately became mass murder. But it takes other forms, too, that are harder to spot. We may use them ourselves occasionally in considering political opponents and not even realize it. The effect, though, is no less dehumanizing. A very recent example of the dehumanization of conservatives came against Sen. Ted Cruz, who was confronted by activist Tammy Talpas over his support for repealing Obamacare, “If you force me into a high-risk pool, you will either bankrupt me or kill me. I take these threats of medical aggression personally and seriously, and I can assure you I’m not the only Texan who does. My question is: Will you pledge to submit to a DNA test to prove that you’re human?” The implication, of course, is that if you support repealing Obamacare, you lack human compassion. You’re less than human. This is a rather mild form, yet still pretty common, of dehumanization tactics by the left. It has also been used to legitimize forms of political violence. U.S.…

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Chief of Staff John Kelly Retains Trump’s ‘Confidence,’ Peter Navarro Says

Donald Trump, John Kelly

White House Chief of Staff John Kelly “has the confidence” of President Donald Trump and is “getting the job done,” White House National Trade Council Director Peter Navarro said Sunday on NBC News’ “Meet the Press.” The Washington Post reported Saturday in an article called, “‘When you lose that power’: How John Kelly faded as White House disciplinarian,” that Kelly’s “credibility and his influence have been severely diminished,” citing anonymous administration officials. The Post said that Kelly “has lost the trust and support of some of the staff” and “no one knows how many days remain for Kelly.”

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Bill Sponsored by Indiana Rep. Messer Would End ‘Illegal Immigrant Bonus’ in Grants

Federal funding based on population would exclude illegal immigrants from the count under a bill proposed by a congressman from Indiana. The proposal drafted by Rep. Luke Messer (R-Ind.) would count only citizens and legal permanent residents for more than 130 national programs that use U.S. Census Bureau data in formulas to apportion funding to state or local governments by the federal government.

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The MERIT Act Brings Much-Needed Civil Service Reformation to a Government Bureaucracy Run Amok

By Natalia Castro   Just three years ago, the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) was one of the most scandal-ridden agencies in the federal government. Today, the VA is working efficiently and effectively to follow through on their mission of caring for our nation’s veterans. The difference is simple, an administration invested in draining the swamp came together with a Congress willing to dismantle wasteful bureaucracies and finally hold employees accountable for their actions. Now, other agencies are ready to do the same, and they must restore American trust in the system. Nearly four years ago, the VA was known for two things: harboring corrupt employees and providing veterans with inadequate care. Under the Obama Administration, long wait times left veterans without care for months on end. A Government Accountability Office report from April 2016 found mismanagement and disorganization amongst VA employees caused new veterans to wait three to eight weeks for medical care; many patients failed to receive any care at all. Despite this, a bureaucratic system which rewards longevity rather than efficiency, allowed the problems to persist. John Cooper, a spokesman for Concerned Veterans for America, told the Washington Times of April 2016, “It has taken the VA two years to propose firing…

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State Senator Mark Green Bringing Strong Anti-Sanctuary City Bill To a Floor Vote on Wednesday

On Wednesday, April 11th, the Tennessee State Senate will consider updating and closing loopholes in the state’s law prohibiting sanctuary cities. Sponsored by Sen. Mark Green, SB2332 will make it harder to shield criminal illegal aliens in Tennessee. In June 2017, the Metro Nashville Council was working to pass an ordinance that would have made Nashville the most liberal sanctuary city in the country. The ordinance, drafted with help from the TN Immigrant & Refugee Rights Coalition (TIRRC), proposed instituting a practice of “don’t ask so you don’t have to know or tell” which would prohibit Davidson County and Nashville employees, including law enforcement, from providing pertinent information to ICE regarding criminal aliens. Metro Councilman Colby Sledge, one of the two chief co-sponsors of the ordinance is married to the co-Director of TIRRC. The proposed ordinance was withdrawn, however, due to overwhelming grassroots opposition and pressure from state legislators, but a 2017 report released by Openthebooks.com still lists Nashville as a sanctuary city. Tennessee’s current anti-sanctuary city law passed in 2009, only prohibits written policies that obstruct cooperation with federal immigration authorities. It’s not clear whether this narrower definition of “sanctuary city” would have applied to the proposed Metro ordinance. Other states like Georgia…

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Feds Arrest Nearly 100 Illegal Immigrants at Tennessee Slaughterhouse

ICE Arrest

A Grainger County meat-processing plant was the subject Thursday of what one media outlet calls the largest immigration raid in a decade. The Southeastern Provision plant in Bean Station was raided by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), The Washington Post reports. Agents arrested 97 immigrants; 10 arrests were on federal immigration charges, one on state charges and 86 immigrants for being in the country illegally, the newspaper quoted an ICE spokeswoman as saying. Most of the immigrants reportedly were from Mexico. The raid was part of the Trump administration’s increased focus on immigration enforcement, the newspaper reports. WVLT Local 8 television news reports that the action began as a tax-related raid from the Internal Revenue Service. After the immigrants were detained, relatives and friends gathered outside a National Guard armory in Morristown where they were held. The Washington Post story also said the Tennessee Highway Patrol was involved. The newspaper referenced an IRS agent’s affidavit claiming the plant is being investigated for alleged evasion of taxes, filing false tax returns and hiring illegal immigrants. The agent’s affidavit claims the plant failed to report $8.4 million in wages and to pay at least $2.5 million in payroll taxes for dozens of workers.…

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Trump Signs Memo Vowing End to ‘Catch-and-Release’ of llegal Immigrants

Donald Trump, The Wall

President Trump signed a directive Friday ordering the government to end the so-called “catch-and-release” policy at the border, moving to combat what the administration says is a growing “crisis” of illegal immigration. He called for illegal immigrants nabbed at the border to be held in custody, to the fullest extent possible. He also ordered more asylum…

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Don’t Be Fooled by Its Spin: Facebook Plans to Remain a Data Company

It has been a tough few months for Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. He has gone from tipping his toe in the presidential waters to being hauled before Congress to defend his company’s privacy policy. His company has hit troubled waters, some of which stem from a lack of understanding of how the company really operates — and others of which are completely of Zuckerberg’s own making.

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Saul Alinsky-Styled Organizing Continues in Nashville Through the ‘2018 Conference for Neighborhoods’

Mike Hodge of NOAH

Using neighborhood newsletters like the one that circulates through Nashville’s hipster Sylvan Park, progressive activists are advertising a full day of Alinsky-styled community organizing with speakers answering the question “what kind of neighborhood are YOU building?” The inaugural 2018 Conference for Neighborhoods will convene at the Tennessee Bankers Association Barrett Conference Center on Saturday, April 14th. The conference is sponsored by the Neighborhoods Resource Center (NRC) which describes itself as a local non-profit, non-governmental, and non-partisan organization “created by local residents.” The organization offers three services to residents and neighborhood associations – Training and Mentoring, Networking and Consultation. This year’s conferees will learn how involved leaders at the neighborhood level can find their way to an elected position on the Metro Nashville Council: From Neighborhood Leader to Metro Council Member Panel Moderator: Ronald Douglas, Jr., and Panelists: Angie Henderson, Jeff Syracuse, and Brett A. Withers Increasingly, neighborhood leaders are running for Metro Council. This panel discussion will welcome three neighborhood leaders who were recently elected to the Metro Council. They will share what motivated them to run, what the campaign was like, and what it is like now that they are in office. Speakers in the conference break-out sessions include veteran community organizer Mike…

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More At Stake for Blue Jackets Than Predators in Finale

Preds hand shake

For the Columbus Blue Jackets, it’s about playoff positioning. For the Nashville Predators, it’s about fun and tuning up for what they hope will be a long playoff run. Saturday night’s regular-season finale in Bridgestone Arena can make the difference between a potential first-round series with two-time Stanley Cup champion Pittsburgh for Columbus (45-29-7) or maybe…

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Tennessee Republican Party Removes Eight Prospective Statewide Candidates from August 2 Primary Ballot

FRANKLIN, Tennessee–The GOP State Executive Committee (SEC), the governing body for the Tennessee Republican Party, met in Franklin, Tennessee at the Hilton Garden Inn on Saturday and removed eight candidates from the August 2 Republican Primary ballot for failing to qualify as “bona fide” Republicans as defined by party by-laws. Seven of the candidates had filed petitions to run for the U.S. Senate; one had filed to run for Governor. Party by-laws require a candidate to have voted in three of four successive Republican Party primary elections, and/or provide additional evidence of service to the Republican Party in order to qualify. Additional prospective candidates seeking election to U.S. Congress, and the state House and Senate, who do not meet the bona fide Republican standard, are likely to be removed in the next few weeks. Objections had been filed with the State Party regarding at least eight statewide candidates, and after reviewing and confirming that the complainants met the bona fide standard themselves, the Political Committee, chaired by SEC member Jim Looney, reviewed the qualifications of the candidates that were the subject of complaints. A slate of eight candidates were recommended for removal at the SEC meeting, including U.S. Senate candidates…

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University of Tennessee Students Major in Sex

Many students at Tennessee’s flagship university are majoring in sex toy education this week in addition to fields like nursing and engineering. The University of Tennessee at Knoxville’s annual Sex Week began Friday, April 6 and runs through Thursday, April 12. The event is hosted by student organization Sexual Empowerment and Awareness at Tennessee (SEAT). The group’s website says it “strives to foster a comprehensive and academically-informed conversation about sex, sexuality, and relationships with the purpose of educating the University of Tennessee student body and the Knoxville community.” The week’s activities are graphic in nature. However, SEAT seems to find the activities amusing. Take Sunday’s carnival for example: “Cum one, cum all, to the Sex Week Carnival! Join us to kick off the week that ‘makes Mardi Gras on Beale Street look like a Sunday School picnic,’* mingle with dazzling drag queens and fabulous circus performers, and be dazzled by our three-Nuva-ring circus. Show off your skills at sex trivia! Try your hand at the Condom Relay Races! Test your knowledge at the Lube Taste Test! Winning games gets you tickets, and tickets get you prizes like sex toys!” The week keeps rolling on with seminars titled “Your Vulva and You”…

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University of Tennessee Knoxville Students Want to Challenge ‘Christian Privilege’ on Campus

The student leader of a soon-to-be established student group calling itself the “Interfaith Network UTK” says the organization is needed at the University of Tennessee because “there’s been a lot of anti-Muslim rhetoric (and) Christian ideological privilege on campus.” According to leaders of the new group, two campus events this year sparked the idea of creating an interfaith group that would focus on service projects to demonstrate shared “core values” and is open to both those who hold specific religious beliefs and those who do not. In February, Eboo Patel, founder of the national Interfaith Youth Core lectured about his organization and how religion can be used to build bridges in a diverse community. Days later, Matthew Heimbach, leader of the Traditionalist Worker Party  which ascribes to while nationalist ideology, launched his campus speech tour at UTK. During the campus demonstration organized by UT Knoxville’s Progressive Student Alliance to protest the administration’s decision allowing Matthew Heimbach to speak at the university, Drost Kokoye, a founding and current board member of the American Muslim Advisory Council (AMAC), Tennessee’s most prominent Muslim organization, added a police shout-down to the protest. Kokoye’s tweet described the police assigned to protect the protestors as the “KKKPD.”…

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How $37 Million from the Clinton Foundation Disappeared in Baltimore

Here’s a question for which Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein, special counsel Robert Mueller and former FBI Director James Comey may well know the answer but aren’t likely to want to talk about it in public, under oath: Why did the Clinton Foundation send a $37 million grant for the Clinton-Bush Haiti Fund in 2010 to a Baltimore post office box when the CBHF told federal tax authorities that year its only office was in Washington, D.C.?

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Commentary: SHOCK! Democrats Oppose Sending Troops To The Border

by George Rasley. CHQ Editor   That didn’t take long. Mandy Mayfield, reporting for our friends at the Washington Examiner, says that House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi ripped President Trump on Twitter Thursday for “pointlessly” sending troops to the border instead of working with Democrats on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. Mayfield reported the California Democrat wrote: “@realDonaldTrump is using every cynical political trick in the book to ignite anti-immigrant fervor. Needlessly militarizing our southern border won’t make Americans more safe – it’s just another political calculation. “Instead of wasting resources on pointlessly sending troops to our border, @realDonaldTrump should work with Democrats to pass the DREAM Act & #ProtectDREAMers,” Pelosi added. Oregon’s Far-Left Democratic Governor Kate Brown, not to be outdone, tweeted: If @realDonaldTrump asks me to deploy Oregon Guard troops to the Mexico border, I’ll say no. As Commander of Oregon’s Guard, I’m deeply troubled by Trump’s plan to militarize our border. And later, when we guess no one at the White House paid attention to the first tweet: There’s been no outreach by the President or federal officials, and I have no intention of allowing Oregon’s guard troops to be used to distract from his troubles…

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Nashville Mayoral Candidate Carol Swain Appears on Fox and Friends Weekend

Carol Swain on Fox & Friends Weekend

UPDATE: You can watch Carol Swain’s appearance this morning on Fox and Friends Weekend here:   Watch the latest video at foxnews.com   Saturday 12:30 am Newly-minted Mayoral hopeful Carol Swain will appear on Fox and Friends Weekend Saturday morning at 6:50 a.m. Central Time. I will be on Fox and Friends tomorrow morning at 7:50 am, ET and 6:50 am, CT. I will be discussing my mayoral bid. @TennesseeStar #Nashville @VanderbiltU @Belmont @LipscombU @MTSU @FiskU @TSU @MeHarrymedicalcollege… https://t.co/YRjQ0WZV0z — Dr. Carol M. Swain (@carolmswain) April 6, 2018 Swain will be on to discuss her bid to become Nashville’s 9th Mayor, replacing Megan Barry, who resigned in disgrace after being discovered to have used taxpayers funds – as well as the resources of the Mayor’s Office – to carry on a years-long affair with the chief of her security detail. The resignation triggered a special election, which the Metro Nashville election commission deemed to be August 2. However, that date is in dispute after another Mayoral candidate, Ludye Wallace, sued saying that a plain-reading of the law requires the date be May 1. Eleven candidates have qualified to run for the open seat, including Barry’s former vice mayor, fellow progressive, and $9 billion mass…

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Congressional Hopeful Bob Corlew Announces Campaign Team

Bob Corlew

Bob Corlew, the former judge who is now running for the Republican nomination in Tennessee’s 6th Congressional District, announced his campaign team Friday. “When I made the decision to run for Congress, I set out to put together a marquee team of conservative professionals who have a record of winning elections in Tennessee and across the country. This team more than fits that bill,” Corlew said in a statement. “I feel confident that we are in a great position to be successful so that the people of Tennessee’s 6th Congressional District will have a Congressman who will work with President Trump and bring Christian Conservative Tennessee values to Congress.” The team consists of many veteran Republican operatives, all of whom, the campaign notes, have a track record of success. The team includes: Pollster:                            Tony Fabrizio Tony Fabrizio, a partner in Fabrizio, Lee & Associates, is widely recognized as an expert in public opinion and politics and one of the nation’s leading GOP pollsters and strategists. Fabrizio has served as the Chief Pollster on four Presidential campaigns, most notably and recently Donald Trump’s successful 2016 upset victory. Senior Advisor:                Darren Morris Darren Morris served as President Trump’s 2016 State Director for Tennessee and…

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Senator Lamar Alexander Endorses Marsha Blackburn for U.S. Senate as Outgoing Corker Remains on the Sidelines

Sen. Lamar Alexander endorses Marsh Blackburn

Senator Lamar Alexander (R-TN) has endorsed Congresswoman and Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07). In a statement issued by Alexander, and posted in social media, Alexander said: “I have supported Marsha Blackburn as a candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives, and I support her again as a candidate for the United States Senate. She has served Tennesseans well. I look forward to working with her to make the Senate a more effective institution.” In response to the endorsement, Blackburn said: “Lamar is a true public servant, and I am continually grateful for his support. I look forward to working with him in the U.S. Senate to pass the President’s agenda. Together, we will effectively serve Tennesseans and fight for our shared Tennessee values.” Meanwhile Senator Bob Corker (R-TN), who is vacating the seat that Blackburn is seeking, remains unwilling to follow Alexander’s lead. In late February, after Corker again decided not to seek reelection, he refused to answer a reporter’s question regarding an endorsement for Blackburn.  Soon after, a Corker spokesman said: “The senator does not typically get involved in primaries but has always planned to support the nominee.” Yesterday, speaking to reporters, Corker reiterated his…

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Long Time Conservative Activist Judson Phillips Endorses Diane Black for Governor

Judson Phillips and Diane Black

Tea Party Nation founder and long time conservative activist Judson Phillips endorsed Diane Black for Governor Wednesday, in a statement posted on his personal website. “In four months, Tennesseans will go to the polls and select the Republican nominee to be governor of this state,” Phillip’s statement begins, adding: The Primary will decide the governor’s race.  It doesn’t matter who the Democrats nominate, because they are not going to win. It does matter who the Republicans nominate. There is only one choice on the Republican side. There is only one conservative option. That is Diane Black. The GOP field consists of Congressman Black, liberal Randy “La Raza” Boyd, Bill Lee and Beth “tax hike” Harwell.  None of them are conservative.  Randy Boyd is the choice of the Haslam wing of the party. The eight years of Bill Haslam have been nothing short of a disaster.  Haslam has governed to the left of the Democrats. Bill Lee does nothing but talk about how his wife died and he had to raise his children without her. That is noble but that does not make him a conservative.  When asked a few months ago about the Haslam tax hike, Lee called it, “water…

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Trump Credits Mexican Laws for Dispersing Immigrant Caravan

President Donald Trump credited the Mexican legal system Thursday for dispersing a caravan of Central American migrants making its way north through Mexico, with some headed for the U.S., and praised his administration for a dramatic drop in the number of immigrants crossing the southwest border. “The Caravan is largely broken up thanks to the strong immigration laws of Mexico and their willingness to use them so as not to cause a giant scene at our Border,” Trump tweeted. “Because of the Trump Administrations actions, Border crossings are at a still UNACCEPTABLE 46 year low. Stop drugs!”

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Judge Okays $3.5 Million to Tea Partiers in IRS Smackdown

Tennessee Star

Oh, happy day. Once in a while, justice is served, the good guy does win and the Big Bad Wolf at the Little American’s door gets the kick in the arse it deserves. The Internal Revenue Service was just smacked with a preliminary order from a federal judge to pay up $3.5 million in settlement monies to tea party and conservative groups who were targeted for political abuse by “wayward agents.”

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