Tennesseans Are Speaking Out Over Bredesen-Backing Democratic Spokesman Mark Brown’s Cursing Rants Against Trump Supporters


Members of the Tennessee Republican Party have plenty to say about Democrat Mark Brown’s vulgar comments.

Mark BrownBrown, a spokesman for the Tennessee Democratic Party, has been saying a variety of four-letter words and other unsavory things regarding President Donald Trump, his supporters, conservatives and Republicans, The Tennessee Star reported Tuesday. He said those who voted for Trump are “idiots.”

One past tweet was “f*** ‘reaching out’ to Trump voters. The idiots aren’t listening.”

Brown also has been serving as a spokesman for Phil Bredesen’s U.S. Senate run. Bredesen expressed outrage over Vice President Mike Pence calling him a “liberal.” Bredesen said that was “name-calling.”

Republicans, understandably, are not happy. The Tennessee Republican Party issued a press release with the reactions of Republicans and other Tennesseans:

Lt. Governor Randy McNally: “Writing off the forgotten men & women who rose up on November 8, 2016 is the height of political ignorance. Over one million Tennesseans voted for @POTUS. If you are attempting to reach them, you need to listen to them, not talk down to them. Unacceptable.” (Twitter, 7/30/18)

State Rep. Ron Gant, 94th District: “Unhinged comments from @TNDP spokesman Mark Brown @Gilgamark . Out of touch and out of line. #CanYouPhilIt” (Twitter, 7/30/18)

State Sen. Jack Johnson, 23rd District: “Remember this when casting your vote in Tennessee’s US Senate race this Nov.  @Gilgamark, spokesperson for Dem party and @PhilBredesen, thinks the 61% of us who voted for Pres. Trump are idiots.  @VoteMarsha” (Twitter, 7/30/18)

Tennessee Young Republicans: “First Democrats called Republicans deplorables, and now they’re calling us idiots. Well, the GDP is up 4.1% and the economy is booming. Let’s not be fooled when Bredesen says that he will work with the President, his true intentions are pretty clear” (Twitter, 7/30/18)

State Rep. Roger Kane, 89th District: “Always good to know what the other guys think about you and the voter in general……” (Twitter, 7/30/18)

Hamilton County Young Republicans: “Unbelievable. We need to support leaders that don’t look at people as idiots. Vote @VoteMarsha! #Deplorables” (Twitter, 7/30/18)

The Tennessean’s Joey Garrison: “Tennessee Democratic operative under fire for past explicit tweets about Trump, president’s supporters” (Twitter, 7/30/18)

Matt Herriman, TN Senate Republican Caucus Political Director: “The TN Democratic Party, @PhilBredesen and @Gilgamark (AKA Mr. Twitter Troll) continue their spiral into the abyss. Completely out of touch with the vast majority of TNeans and exactly why @VoteMarshawins in November! #VoteMarsha #CanYouPhilIt” (Twitter, 7/30/18)

College Republicans, University of Memphis: “60% of Tennesseans voted for @realDonaldTrump , and Mark Brown of @tndp thinks everyone of them is a “f***stik”. Now we know what Phil Bredesen’s party @tndp really thinks of Tennessee voters. #CanYouPhilIt” (Twitter, 7/30/18)

State Sen. Brian Kelsey, 31st District: “This is the type of divisiveness that is hurting our country & is why we need to @VoteMarsha in November: Top Tennessee Dem Party official snubs ‘reaching out’ to Trump voters, calls them ‘idiots’” (Twitter, 7/30/18)

Michelle Garcia: “Here you go TN voters, here’s what #TNDemocrats really think about you. Please vote for @VoteMarsha to represent us in the Senate. #tnpol” (Twitter, 7/30/18)

Phil Valentine: “First of all, who taught this guy to cuss? Some of this makes no sense. Second, this is how Dems look at everybody that doesn’t think like they do.” (Twitter, 7/30/18)

College Republicans at University of Tennessee, Knoxville: “Bredesen wants to represent Tennessee, but someone on his campaign staff thinks that it is okay to call over a million Tennesseans an idiot simply for voting for our President. Marsha Blackburnwill better represent Tennessean values and support our President!” (Facebook, 7/30/18)

State Rep. Mike Carter, 29th District: “Sadly, this is exactly what @PhilBredesen & the Dems think of @realDonaldTrump voters.  If you support the #MAGA agenda of lower taxes, strong borders & a military so powerful no one will challenge it, @VoteMarsha is the only choice for#TnSen” (Twitter, 7/30/18)

Luke Elliot, East TN College Republicans Vice Chair: “Great way to win people over” (Twitter, 7/30/18)

State Rep. Jason Zachary, 14th District: “This is what @PhilBredesen and the Democrats think about the people of TN!  Don’t be fooled by their empty campaign rhetoric. @VoteMarsha has proven she is a principled, conservative leader and will stand up for TN values in Washington DC.” (Twitter, 7/30/18)

State Rep. John Stevens, 24th District: “Out of touch, limousine liberal @PhilBredesen has yet to denounce his staffers contempt for fellow Americans and Tennesseans. We must @VoteMarsha this Nov. #civility” (Twitter, 7/30/18).

Brian Hornback: “National news is looking at the TN Democrat Party and some dude last name Brown. Read about it here. I really thought the state democrat party would hire people more representative of the people of the state.” (BrianHornback.com, 7/30/18)

State Rep. Andy Holt, 76th District: “So the OFFICIAL @TNDP spokesman, Mark Brown @Gilgamark doesn’t want to speak about his hate-filled comments to our buddies at @FoxNews. Hmmm? A spokesman who’s not speaking?  I wonder what Uncle @PhilBredesen has to say about this? #CanYouPhilIt” (Twitter, 7/30/18)

Nathan Doug Janeway: “Democrat party leadership pushing Bredesen for Senate think @realDonaldTrump supporters are idiots. Vote for the only Senate candidate that works hard for hard working Tennesseans. Vote @VoteMarsha!” (Twitter, 7/30/18)





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14 Thoughts to “Tennesseans Are Speaking Out Over Bredesen-Backing Democratic Spokesman Mark Brown’s Cursing Rants Against Trump Supporters”

  1. William R. Delzell

    I will be honest with you, my views are left-of-center, but Bredesen certainly does not speak for me. To me, he is really Marsha Blackburn-lite. I fear that his victory could do more harm to leftist Democrats than Blackburn’s victory could. At least leftist KNOW what Blackburn stands for nationwide and they will do all they can to protect themselves and their agenda. But a victory by Bredesen could cause them to let down their guard just as Clinton’s victory over Bush, Sr. did. Leftists and liberals might mistake Bredesen as to the left of Blackburn and think that they can persuade him to support their agenda. Liberals learned the hard way that Clinton was simply Ronald Reagon-lite and they let him pass NAFTA, Welfare Reform, and other measures that they would never have tolerated from Reagan or Bush, Sr. I fear that a Bredesen victory will cause complacency by the left.

    If I were a Tennessee resident and vote therer, I would play hard-to-get with both candidates and not let them or anybody else know how I would vote until I got into the voting booth and, even then, wait until after the election ended before revealing my preference. In such an election where I am dissatisfied with both candidates and the election was considered to be a close one, I would never reveal my candidate preference to anybody, much less to any of the candidates.

  2. Ang

    Bredesen is ROWDY (Rich Old White Dude Yawning)

  3. William R. Delzell

    Bredesen’s attempt to out-conservative the Republicans could backfire against him by simply alienating the liberal core of the state Democratic party without attracting enough conservatives from the G.O.P. to make up for, much less surpass, the difference resulting from desertion by the liberals. Past Tennessee conservative Democrats like Frank Clement in 1966, Ray Blanton in 1972, Jake Butcher in 1978, Randy Tyree in 1982, Jim Cooper in 1994, and Harold Ford, Jr. in 2006 all learned this lesson the hard way. The same fate could happen to Bredesen if he continues to alienate his liberal and leftist core in his attempt to out-Republican the G.O.P. It will serve him right if Blackburn wins.

  4. William R. Delzell

    Bredesen also has enemies on the Left as well he should! He really is a closet Republican who proved that when he threw off over 200,000 Tennesseans from Tenn Care in order to endear himself to right wing reactionaries. Do you think that these 200,000 low-income Tennesseans will forgive Bredesen before November? They would be masochistic fools if they do!

    Why the small number of progressive and leftist Tennesseans are allowing a pseudo-Democrat (closet Republican) like Bredesen to take their votes for granted is real fool-hardy. Other conservative Democrats tried this Bredesen trick in early Tennessee elections only to still lose to Republicans. Why? Because Bredesen will need not only conservative but also left wing votes in order to win any election. Conservative Democrats like Harold Ford, Jr. in 2006, Jim Cooper in 1994, Randy Tyree in 1982, Jake Butcher in 1978, and Ray Blanton in 1972 in his race against Howard Baker, Jr. that year all learned this the hard way. There are simply not enough Conservatives to provide the votes all by themselves to the Democrats. Most conservatives will remain loyal to the G.O.P. no matter how far to the right the Democrats bend over backwards to. Instead, Democrats using this strategy will simply lose black, liberal, leftist, labor, and environmentalist votes while conservatives continue their loyalty to the G.O.P.

    If Bredesen loses either barely or heavily to Marsha Blackburn, it will be his own fault.

  5. William Boyd

    Bill August 11, 2018 at 10:41 am

    This is what’s obviously Bredesen’s plan: He will wait until all Republican

    U.S. Senators to openly commit to Pres. Trump’s Supreme Court nominee
    .then a number of Dem. Senators will jump on the bandwagon when our

    nominee is assured victory and Bredesen will do the same. That’s the way
    he operates.

  6. Mark Brown is to Phil Bredesen what Walter is to Jeff Dunham.

  7. Randall

    Another snooty Democrat looking down his nose at hard-working citizens. What a d***, &$@*, %+#>, ($@“/, +=*%, $*€$, @&%*, $/?#, &@+#, and );&@*. !

  8. Donna Locke

    If we were idiots, we would be “Democratic Socialists.” The Democrats jumped off a cliff a long time ago. Bye.

  9. John Bumpus

    This morning (8-1-18) on Fox & Friends, Brian Kilmeade, in commenting about the Fall midterm General Elections for the U.S. Senate in the various states across the country, remarked that there was concern that the Republicans could ‘hold’ the Senate seat in Tennessee. I fully support Marsha Blackburn, and after all that has happened since January 2017 I do not understand how anyone could vote to replace Corker with Bredesen for the next six years. EVERYONE KNOWS WHAT BREDESEN WILL DO IF HE BECOMES TENNESSEE’S NEXT U.S. SENATOR. PHIL DOESN’T FOOL ANYONE, HIS DENIALS TO THE CONTRARY NOTWITHSTANDING. Tennessee could have no finer representative in the U.S. Senate than Marsha Blackburn. Nevertheless, in certain Republican circles there is concern, and we must all be aware of the danger feared and do all that we can to help elect Marsha win this November.

  10. Vivien Allen

    Any political candidate who allows a staffer to act this disrespectfully of others and not get fired does not deserve to be ‘hired’ by voters. It’s time to enforce the public’s right to be treated with civility, no matter which party they are affiliated with.

  11. Lee

    So if we say Bredesen is a liberal, he whines that we’re “name calling,” but his campaign official can call us idiots, preceded by all kinds of nastiness and it’s fine. That’s the kind of liberal insanity we don’t need!!Say NO to Bredesen!!

  12. Bruce

    Brown and Bredesen both want to convert Tennessee to the leading state for illegal immigrants,

  13. Tregonsee

    Makes you wonder if Bredesen really wants the job, or is just going through the motions? He is a much better politician than this.

  14. Rick

    Vote for Marsha , the Democrats and Hillary told us what they think of Republicans on a national level and now Bredesen’s Tennessee Democrats have told us again what they think of us in our state. How many times do we have to be told? VOTE REPUBLICAN!
