Rep. Steve Cohen Introduces Bills to Eliminate Electoral College, Limit Presidential Powers to Issue Pardons

U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN-09), who wishes U.S. Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) would jump off a bridge, wasted no time trying to monkey with the U.S. Constitution as the Democrats took control of the House Thursday – he introduced a bill to eliminate the Electoral College.

Cohen is a senior member of the House Judiciary Committee. He actually introduced two Constitutional amendments, one to abolish the Electoral College and one to prohibit presidents from pardoning themselves, members of their families, members of their administrations and their campaign staff, according to a press release from his office.

Cohen said, “In two presidential elections since 2000, including the most recent one in which Hillary Clinton won 2.8 million more votes than her opponent, the winner of the popular vote did not win the election because of the distorting effect of the outdated Electoral College. Americans expect and deserve the winner of the popular vote to win office. More than a century ago, we amended our Constitution to provide for the direct election of U.S. Senators. It is past time to directly elect our President and Vice President.”

Cohen has previously tried to impeach President Donald Trump.

Also on Thursday, U.S. Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA-30) introduced articles of impeachment against President Trump, The Daily Wire reported.

Meanwhile, Cohen was mocked on Twitter for his attack on America’s Constitutional foundations, with users pointing out the importance of the Electoral College, especially for states like Tennessee that have smaller populations than other states.

The Tennessee Star ran a story in April 2017 as part of the “Constitution Series” explaining the reasons and process of the Electoral College:

Critics of the Electoral College system argue it is “unfair,” and that a simple majority of all the votes cast should determine the election outcome. But to do so would be a direct violation of the foundational constitutional concept of Federalism, which specifically recognizes the sovereignty of each state.

Direct election of the President by nationwide popular vote is a concept suitable with a pure democracy, but is entirely unfit for a constitutional republic like the United States of America.

The Founding Fathers’ wisdom was shown in the 2016 presidential elections:

Hillary Clinton won the state of California resoundingly, beating Donald Trump there by more than 4.2 million votes – a 61 percent to 31 percent thumping.

Had the Founders selected direct popular vote as the means for electing a President, the residents of California would have dictated to the other 49 states who would have served as our President.

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Jason M. Reynolds has more than 20 years’ experience as a journalist at outlets of all sizes.
Photo “Steve Cohen” by Steve Cohen








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34 Thoughts to “Rep. Steve Cohen Introduces Bills to Eliminate Electoral College, Limit Presidential Powers to Issue Pardons”

  1. Jan

    Democrats & #RINOS unfortunately have moved to Socialism, Globalism & New World Order. They are destroying America asap w/open borders, lies, hatred, violence, destruction of our Constitution and our Bill of Rights. We must vote them out & prosecute all criminals.

  2. John Best

    I would imagine Hillary would have also lost the popular vote had it not been for the crooked absentee ballots and dishonest Democrats controlling polling places in areas like Philadelphia.

    1. Virginia Frohlick


      1. Rosella McClure

        I guess that New York and California would decide who is president . The rest wouldn’t need to vote .

  3. Cynthia Durant

    So sick of these fascist totalitarian ding-a-lings! Move to China or Russia if you don’t like how things are done here!

  4. Sonya

    This is the same jerk who wanted to give Balsey Ford some kind of metal for “testifying” against Kavanaugh.

    1. Sean Johnston

      I think his koolaid may be laced.

      1. Lynn Ziglar

        No doubt!

  5. RonH

    All these Democrat morons in Washington want to do is rig the government so only they can do as they want, and if they lose power, the other party can’t. Stop the childish nonsense, Trump won fair and square, it was exactly according to our laws in place since our founding. Trump is President, Hillary lost and Trump is doing a great job even with these Democrat and Never trumper morons trying to obstruct all he does, and that is why they are so mad, and going completely out of their minds like this moron, Steve Cohen. Lying corrupted Hillary lost and it’s way past time to get over it and move on, Trump isn’t going anywhere, he never colluded with any Russians, we already know that he was set up by Obama, Hillary and corrupted morons that were heads of the CIA, the FBI and DOJ, we already know that too.

  6. Brenda

    So you, Mr. Cohen would sacrifice your state’s input to allow California and NY to decide what is best for Tennessee? Proof that fraud is rampant in our election system. Otherwise, you wouldnt be there. I am certain Tennessee likes deciding what is best for Tennessee!!

  7. Melissa Starr

    Mr Cohen. Please remember that it is the people of Tennessee that allowed you to represent US. If you take away the electoral college, you effectively take away Tennessee’s voice in national presidential elections. Our founding fathers created a system that prevents “mob rule” support our constitutional republic or step down!
