Left-Wing Activist Justin Jones Says Nashville DA Glenn Funk Treats Him Unfairly

Justin Jones, the left-wing protester charged with assaulting Tennessee Speaker of the House Glen Casada, said on social media this week that members of Nashville District Attorney General Glenn Funk’s office treat him unfairly.

As The Tennessee Star reported this week, members of Funk’s office filed to revoke Jones’ bond. Jones attends Vanderbilt Divinity School. Last week, Jones allegedly threw a beverage — possibly coffee — at Casada and State Rep. Debra Moody, R-Covington. Jones was already out on bond for allegedly disrupting a Marsha Blackburn for U.S. Senate rally in Nashville last October.

Jones, though, said members of Funk’s office filed to revoke his bond, not because officers arrested him a second time, but because he allegedly contacted Casada after the second arrest.

As The Star reported, court officials ordered Jones to have no contact with Casada or Moody.

On his Twitter page this week, Jones said this:

“The DA filed a motion to revoke my bond on the basis of false evidence from the Speaker’s Office,” Jones said.

“They claim I sent him an email on March 1st- when I did not. I urge the DA to release this alleged email to the media and public, since it has yet to be provided. Stop these tactics.”

Media officials at the state capitol and at Funk’s office declined to comment.

“Due to the fact that this is a matter now pending in Criminal Court, we will not be commenting on the facts of this case,” said Funk spokesman Steve Hayslip, in an emailed statement.

This week, The Washington Free Beacon wrote about Jones and said the intensity of far-left protests at the Tennessee capitol have increased and that these attacks worry Republican legislators.

“The presence of Jones, who has been temporarily banned from the Capitol, has become commonplace in recent years, but the willingness to physically confront members has increased, Republicans say,” the website reported.

The Free Beacon quoted State Rep. Cameron Sexton, R-Crossville.

“What we are seeing on a national level with the escalation of far-left extremists attacking conservative leaders has trickled down to Tennessee,” the website quoted Sexton as saying.

“We believe in the right to peaceful protests and demonstrations, but what we have seen cultivating over the last several years, the volatility of these past few weeks and ultimately what led to Thursday’s very intense politicized, threatening, and disruptive behavior resulting in the arrest of a protester for assault. What is next? This behavior should not and will not be tolerated here in Tennessee or anywhere else.”

According to The Free Beacon, Jones has no remorse for his alleged conduct and legislators believe he will confront them again.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].





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7 Thoughts to “Left-Wing Activist Justin Jones Says Nashville DA Glenn Funk Treats Him Unfairly”

  1. Joe

    I was at the Blackburn Rally, when he disrupted the event, he violated the free speech of others, very disrespectful. Just because he thinks he a minority it OK to attack others and get special treatment by the justice system.. He deserves due process under the law and be held accountable for is actions. Throwing Hot Coffee at a State legislator is a form of terrorism, Hot water does just a much damage to the skin as some chemicals. He should received Maximum punishment under the law. The big question is why has the DA not refer this to the FBI for “HATE” crime considerations?

  2. lb

    This guy is so disturbed it isnt funny. He is now dangerous because he has become fanatical and violent. It is just a matter of time before he escalates into something. “Divinity school”…is he taking online classes somewhere? He needs serious counselling.
    He is from Oakland, CA–and he is extreme liberal. Someone obsessed with protesting like this (google justin jones protester–he gets around) has a fixation issue.

  3. Ron W

    No condescending racism here, good! Justin Jones is being treated “not by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character” (Dr. MLK Jr.) and his actions. That’s fair! That’s just!

  4. not2day

    Oh boo-hoo.

  5. M. Flatt

    Before one can demand justice, one must first be Just.
    This person claims unfair treatment after breaking the rules of social behavior. This is ironic as it’s VERY important that he be describes as a “divinity student”. (Which religion is he studying? It certainly isn’t Christianity.) One cannot expect to be respected by LEO when one goes about attacking them, nor can one expect “fair” treatment from the DA when you attack them in the “court of public opinion.”
    Did this kid not play board or card games growing up? Such activities affirm our social convention of “rules of behavior”. When we stop playing by the rules we are accused of “cheating”, and are appropriately punished. A continual “cheating” by a person eventually leads to no one wanting to play with them.
    I am getting tired of people bypassing the rules, and getting a pass. This kid needs to be made into an example by having some time in the penalty box, AKA the Davidson County Bed and Breakfast. (Yes, that means he’ll have to miss classes in “Divinity School”, another penalty for cheating.)

  6. Love it when lefties complain about unfair tactics. That’s rich.

  7. Randall

    She’s calling it unfair because she was FINALLY held accountable for her criminal acts? She needs to go back to Oakland where she can be with other lefty scum.
