Bill Hagerty Scheduled to Host Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley


Nikki Haley is scheduled to come to Nashville on Feburary 18 to campaign for U.S. Senate Republican candidate Bill Hagerty.

This, according to The Tennessean, which did not disclose the location of the event for the former South Carolina Republican governor.

“Attendees are asked to pay $2,800 per couple or individual for a luncheon and photo reception that starts at 11:30 a.m. For $500 a person, attendees can attend the main event at noon,” according to The Tennessean.

“Hagerty, who was endorsed by President Donald Trump before he entered the race, is expected to continue to bring high-profile supporters to Tennessee throughout the campaign.”

As The Tennessee Star reported last month, Hagerty hosted Donald Trump Jr. and his girlfriend, former FOX News personality Kimberly Guilfoyle, at a similar event in Hagerty’s hometown of Gallatin. Hagerty held the event at Gallatin’s EPIC Event Centre

The president’s son told an audience then that Hagerty “was on the Trump train before it was politically expedient.”

And that, Trump went on to say, is why his dad, U.S. Republican President Donald Trump, endorsed Hagerty so early in the campaign.

At that event, Hagerty described himself as a fourth-generation Tennessean who grew up raising cattle and pigs. Hagerty said he’s running to replace the retiring U.S. Republican Sen. Lamar Alexander because he wants future generations to have the same opportunities Hagerty had.

“When President Trump gave me his complete and total endorsement, he did so because he wants an ally, a Christian conservative who will stand with him and against the Democrats and their calls for radical socialism and against those Republicans who at times are weak and want to side with the Democrats and impeach our president,” Hagerty said at the time.

As The Tennessee Star reported in September, Hagerty said he decided to run after he “saw the threat to Tennessee and our country from the Democrats’ socialist agenda.”

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].





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4 Thoughts to “Bill Hagerty Scheduled to Host Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley”

  1. William R. Delzell

    Maybe Schumacher doesn’t mind if Haley ever has the opportunity to plunge HIS children into another reckless foreign adventure just so she can show how macho and tough she is—with lives other than her own! If I had military-age children of either gender, I wouldn’t want her messing with mine. I love my family too much to allow somebody like her to menace our youth. For somebody like her to throw our young people into harm’s way just so she can endear herself to other war-mongers like Mike Pompeo and Hillary Clinton is just as disgusting as the Clintons’ war crimes against Central Americans. Remember that Hillary Clinton attempted to outdo Haley by pursuing the murder of human rights activists in Central America like the late feminist, Berta Caseres. Her husband, Slick Willy, threw poor children off welfare so they could starve to death to the pleasure of his Reagonite pals like Janet Reno and Edwin Meese, and he killed children in 1993 at Waco, TX? Yes, Haley and the Clintons are three of a kind!

  2. lb

    Nikki Haley? No thanks. She overreacted during the Charleston shooting. I will never vote for her or support her. To allow that murderer, because of photos of him with the Confederate Battle Flag, to force the removal of the Flag was disgraceful. SC had already had a debate about the Flag and moved it in 2000. That should have ended it. The issue was a mentally ill murderer, not that Flag caused him to do it.
    She was a good UN Ambassador, she might be effective in another appointed position but running for VP/President (which I believe is her ultimate goal–VP to Pence), forget it. I will not vote if she is on the ticket.

  3. William Delzell

    Nikki Haley is a dangerous war criminal. She belongs in prison.

    1. Charles C Schumacher

      When a certified nut-job who is wrong about almost everything starts slandering someone, I take that to mean they must be doing something right. Nikki Haley’s only “crime” is being a staunch conservative who has consistently fought to oppose the “progressive”/socialist agenda that Mr. Delzell finds so attractive.
