Senators Blackburn, Hagerty Back Away from Trump to Certify Electoral College


U.S Senators Marsha Blackburn and Bill Hagerty (both R-TN) reversed course late Wednesday night and allowed Arizona’s disputed electoral votes to be counted, WJHL reported.

Just last week, the duo had pledged to contest the Electoral College results over voter fraud concerns, The Tennessee Star reported.

Blackburn tweeted, “I will vote in support of certifying the electoral college results.”

Blackburn seemed to blame the protest at the Capitol for her reversal, tweeting, “These actions at the US Capitol by protestors are truly despicable and unacceptable. While I am safe and sheltering in place, these protests are prohibiting us from doing our constitutional duty. I condemn them in the strongest possible terms. We are a nation of laws.”

Before the Capitol protest, Blackburn had tweeted, “Lots of Tennesseans in DC today to support President @realDonaldTrump. Tennessee stands with TRUMP!”

Congress ended up certifying the Electoral College for Joe Biden in the early hours of Thursday, The Center Square reported.

Blackburn’s and Hagerty’s reversal marks a major change from their relationship with the president.

Last July, Blackburn called Trump’s Independence Day speech at the annual Salute to America celebration “one of the best” of his presidency, The Star reported.

Going back to Blackburn’s entry into the U.S. Senate race in October 2017, she built her campaign on Trump’s popularity, saying, “I believe in President Trump’s immigration ban. And I’ll fight with him every step of the way to build that wall,” The Star reported.

And in 2019, Trump endorsed Hagerty even while he was serving as ambassador to Japan, before he announced he was running, The Star reported.

“Tennessee loving Bill Hagerty, who was my Tennessee Victory Chair and is now the very outstanding Ambassador to Japan, will be running for the U.S. Senate. He is strong on crime, borders and our Second Amendment. Loves our military and our vets. Has my complete and total endorsement,” Trump wrote on Twitter Friday afternoon.

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Jason M. Reynolds has more than 20 years’ experience as a journalist at outlets of all sizes.

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30 Thoughts to “Senators Blackburn, Hagerty Back Away from Trump to Certify Electoral College”

  1. Susan Laugherty

    I voted for Trump but this isn’t even about Trump. This is about protecting our election process! I voted for both of them but these two are cowards and not up for the job of protecting this country from people and groups who will take it down. If protecting the integrity of our elections is not THE most important task they have as our representatives, then I don’t know what is!!! They both deserve to see first hand what it means to be voted out because of election fraud. It really may happen because they were so weak which makes it easier for people to launch a full scale fraud to turn Tennessee not only blue but also socialist. However, I’m betting they will fight election fraud if it relates to them! If that is their standard, then our country is doomed. Does anyone have the courage to challenge these people???? I don’t think so and it breaks my heart for this country all that have fought and died to keep us a democratic republic. Read George Washington’s farewell address and you will see that he predicted what would happen to this country with a weak legislature and lack of religious, moral standards. Washington said, “… Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, Religion and morality are indispensable supports. ”. 2022 is looming my friends. Who will challenge these weak Tennessee Senators? Rep. Tim Burchett managed to stand his ground!!! We need to ask ourselves why it seemed these senators jumped on the chance to change their positions.

  2. Jose Jimenez

    Dear Senator Hagerty,

    It is with sadness that I write to you about your faintness of heart and desertion of President Trump. Your willingness to accept the election results in Arizona, in the presence of blatant vote theft, boarders on treason. Your career will likely reflect this in the future. There are thousands of Tennesseans who still love our country over ourselves. Apparently you are not one of them. I wish you well as you fade from the public view. Someone will arise to replace you and actually represent us, for surely you have become part of the swamp you promised to help drain.

    Yours Truly,

    Nick Augenstein

    1. Cheri Hall

      Well said!

  3. Ashamed

    Cannot wait until 2022, that is if this country as we know it is still standing. Neither one of you, Blackburn and Hagerty, will have my support. I will see to it that my circle remembers your cowardice on Jan 6th. Also, I will be changing my political affiliation to independent. I am no longer a republican. Not one red cent will ever be contributed to a campaign again!

    1. Jeffrey Hedberg

      Agree looking how to get them out sooner so they can’t screw anything else up
