Governor Lee Joins Blackburn and Hagerty, Questions Biden Administration over Afghan Refugee Resettlement


Governor Bill Lee (R) on Wednesday joined Senators Marsha Blackburn(R-TN) and Bill Hagerty (R-TN) and demanded answers from the Biden administration over Afghan refugee resettlement.

Over the past several months, thousands of refugees from Afghanistan have been relocated across the United States after President Joe Biden’s chaotic withdrawal.

In Tennessee, approximately 400 refugees are to be resettled throughout the state. However, state leaders have received little information from the Biden administration about the refugees, according to the letter written to Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas.

In the letter, the trio of Tennessee elected leaders posed seven questions to Mayorkas in order to learn more about the refugees and the resettlement process as a whole.

“What is the timeline for resettling the 415 persons evacuated from Afghanistan and proposed for resettlement into Tennessee? Is this number the first group of evacuees to be resettled in Tennessee, or the complete total?” the group asked in one question.

Blackburn, Hagerty, and Lee argued for greater transparency in the process, detailing the federal government has provided little information to the public.

“We all ultimately answer to the American public, and the public deserves transparency and information regarding how this resettlement process is working so that they can understand and accurately judge its efficacy. We look forward to a detailed response that addresses each of the above questions and subsequently welcome an open dialogue on these issues,” the leaders wrote.

All three leaders have repeatedly called on the Biden administration to increase transparency levels. Earlier this year, the Department of Homeland Security relocated dozens of migrants to the area, providing no information to state leaders.

“These experiences sow seeds of mistrust in our communities, and work to intentionally subvert the will of the people for a secure border and a clear, lawful immigration process,” Governor Lee wrote in a letter after the incident. “Additionally, the lack of transparency places an undue burden on our law enforcement partners to determine whether these types of flights constitute a criminal act of human trafficking or the federally-sponsored transport of vulnerable children.”

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for The Star News Network. Follow Cooper on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].


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8 Thoughts to “Governor Lee Joins Blackburn and Hagerty, Questions Biden Administration over Afghan Refugee Resettlement”

  1. Elected representatives/officials – QUIT “demanding answers”. Round up these illegal invaders and lock them up. While the US Govt is in charge of “immigration”, you are charged with protecting the integrity of our state. Election time approaches … …

  2. Jay

    Send them all to Delaware

  3. Karen

    Could we have at least ONE representative that does something more than write stern letters! Why are these terrorists being allowed into our state? I would urge all the families of the people that are about to be murdered bring lawsuits to ALL that allowed it to happen! Enough is ENOUGH!

  4. RobertG

    Umm Mr Lee, read The Constitution of the United States and then DO YOUR FREAKIN’ JOB!

    The states have more power than the Federal government. Stop this abuse of power from the Biden regime.

  5. Kitty Lenoir

    What ‘charities’ are forcing the ‘well vetted’ middle east refugees on our state? Let’s find out more about them also….

    1. Catholic Charities is one of the largest NGOs in the U.S. behind all this immigration resettlement nonsense. If any of you, or anyone you know donates to this organization, you need to put a stop to it ASAP. There are many far-better organizations you can support that are doing great work.

    2. 83ragtop50

      I figure the lead “charity” in all of this is the same one that has literally dumped thousands of foreigners onto Tennessee citizens, that is Catholic Charities. This “charity” gets a wad of government money for every person they import into Tennessee. They set the foreigners up with government benefits and dump them on us. All the while keeping loads of money for itself. Remember, just because a group calls itself nonprofit does not mean that those operating the “charity” do not pocket large sums of money. In this case my money and your money.

  6. Not much need for questions, but plenty for condemnation and denigration and demands to stop Biden the Insane’s destruction by Diversity/Multiculturism importation of.Problems including terrorism into the US and putting the burden of taking care of them on our budgets, raising our taxes and inflation and devaluating our dollar….intentionally!…And demand he resign!
