Arizona Corporation Commissioner Urges County Officials to Nix Electronic Voting Machines for November Election

Leaders in the America-First movement and grassroots activists concerned about voter fraud in Arizona are taking steps to put as many security measures as possible for the November 8 election. Jim O’Connor, a member of the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) and a leader in the grassroots community who brought patriots together to sign an “Arizona Election Integrity Declaration” demanding secure elections in May, is now taking his efforts a step further.

O’Connor sent a letter to all Arizona county supervisors, recorders, election directors and sheriffs on August 30, requesting they refrain from using electronic voting machines to tabulate ballots. O’Conner alluded to his responsibilities on the ACC, where the commissioners “find bad actors operating in our state causing harm to our state’s investors,” then “perform examinations and investigations, hold hearings, determine guilt,” and “refer criminal activity to our Attorney General’s office for prosecution.

He said, “I cite that judicial role as the basis for my strongest admonition and encouragement for all of our Counties to immediately cease use of all electronic voting machines for this November’s General Election and beyond.”

O’Connor referenced A.R.S. 16-442, which authorizes county supervisors to make that decision. Section (E) provides, “The governing body of a city or town or the board of directors of an agricultural improvement district may adopt for use in elections any kind of electronic voting system or vote tabulating device approved by the secretary of state, and thereupon the voting or marking device and vote tabulating equipment may be used at any or all elections for voting, recording and counting votes cast at an election.”

O’Connor went on, “In your capacities as County Supervisors under A.R.S. 16-442 you have permissive authority from the Secretary of State in that you MAY choose to use electronic voting machines. There is NO REQUIRED authority mandating you to do so. Each County may choose for themselves.”

O’Conner told The Arizona Sun Times that watching “The Moment of Truth Summit” earlier this month, which was put on by My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell, stirred him to write the letter. The summit featured “teams of presenters giving updates to the election maladministration conducted nationwide” from all 50 states. Speakers included national leaders on election integrity, including Trump attorney Jenna Ellis as well as Arizona leaders Shelby Busch of We the People AZ Alliance, former Sheriff Richard Mack, and “canvass queen” Liz Harris.

O’Connor’s letter also cited a recount in El Paso County, Colorado, where Mesa County Clerk and Recorder Tina Peters stated that a recount of over 4,000 paper ballots revealed a possible voting-machine error rate of 50-plus percent.

In his letter, O’Connor warned, “I am convinced beyond the shadow of a doubt, no one can make a legitimate claim that our election machines and equipment are exempt from a cyber-attack creating an election outcome that cannot be trusted.”

O’Connor’s May declaration also demanded that electronic voting machines be disallowed, but nothing changed after it was issued. Trump-endorsed Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake filed a lawsuit along with Trump-endorsed State Representative Mark Finchem (R-Oro Valley), who is running for secretary of state, to prohibit their use earlier this month. However, a judge appointed by former President Barack Obama dismissed it last week for various reasons including a supposed lack of standing.

Lake told The Sun Times she is very concerned about their use. “Leaders from both political parties have raised concerns over the use of electronic voting machines and their vulnerability to cyberattacks,” she said. “I applaud Jim O’Connor for his work to rid Arizona of easily corruptible voting machines. Even if we do the hard work to correct all of the issues with our elections — as long as we continue to allow our sacred vote to be counted by electronic voting machines with corruptible software that is easily manipulated and whose components are manufactured by our adversaries then we will never truly have honest elections. The voting machines simply must go.”

Read the letter:

[wonderplugin_pdf src=”” width=”650px” height=”800px” style=”border:0;”]

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Rachel Alexander is a reporter at The Arizona Sun Times and The Star News Network. Follow Rachel on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Jim O’Connor” by Jim O’Connor. Background Photo “Voting Booths” by Tim Evanson. CC BY-SA 2.0.



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