Majority of Arizona Voters Support Secure Borders Referendum, Including Democrats: Poll

Illegal Immigrants

A poll released Tuesday found an overwhelming majority of Arizona voters back the effort that would allow state law enforcement to arrest and deport illegal immigrants, which will appear on the November ballot as a referendum titled Proposition 314.

The survey, conducted by Noble Predictive Insights, found that 63 percent of Arizona voters support the referendum while just 16 percent said they were opposed. An additional 16 percent of respondents said they would not vote on the referendum, while 6 percent said they were unsure.

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Conservative Group Spends $2.3 Million to Flip Virginia U.S. House Seat Sought by Democrat Involved with Trump Impeachment

Derrick Anderson and Eugene Vindman

A Tuesday report revealed an influential conservative political fund has spent $2.3 million to flip Virginia’s 7th Congressional District in November. Republicans are trying to help Derrick Anderson secure a victory against Eugene Vindman, who featured prominently in the first impeachment of former President Donald Trump.

Anderson will benefit from $2.3 million in spending from the Congressional Leadership Fund (CLF), which exists to elect Republicans to the U.S. House, according to a Tuesday report by Punchbowl News.

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Arizona Clean Elections Refuses to Let Green Party Candidate Participate in U.S. Senate Debate

Eduardo Heredia Quintana Fernandez

The Arizona Citizens Clean Elections Commission (ACCEC) is refusing to allow Arizona Green Party (AZGP) candidate Eduardo Quintana to participate in the U.S. Senate debate scheduled for October 9 with Republican Kari Lake and Democrat Ruben Gallego, even though Libertarian Party candidate Marc Victor was allowed to participate in the 2022 U.S. Senate debate with Republican Blake Masters and Democrat Mark Kelly. Since Libertarians tend to take away more support from Republicans than Democrats, and Green Party candidates take away support mainly from Democrats, the ACCEC is coming under fire for skewing the debate to favor Gallego. 

Turning Point USA CEO Charlie Kirk pointed out the discrepancy in a thread on X. He cited a statement from Arizona Media Association, the broadcast partner for Arizona Clean Elections debates, which said that “candidates must receive at least 1% of the total ballots cast in all the primaries for their race to be included.” 

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Pennsylvania Sheriff Endorses Dave McCormick After Losing Son to Fentanyl Overdose

James Ott and Dave McCormick

The Dave McCormick campaign for U.S. Senate released a video on Monday featuring the endorsement of Blair County Sheriff Jim Ott, who revealed his son died following a fentanyl overdose and condemned Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) and other Democrats for their inaction at the southern border.

In the video, Ott gave details about the loss of his son, Josh, who he said died following a battle with addiction that culminated in a fatal fentanyl overdose.

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Commentary: The Fading of Freedom in the Western World

Telegram CEO Pavel Durov

The recent arrest of Telegram CEO, Pavel Durov, has been in the news. Anti-Russian westerners cheered these events on, even though Durov had fled Russia years ago in order to pursue his techno-libertarian dreams in peace. Adding to the intrigue, the arrest may have included an element of treachery, as some reports say he was invited to visit France by French President Emmanuel Macron, only to be arrested on the tarmac. Mon Dieu!

The ostensible basis for Durov’s arrest is criminal responsibility for various unsavory things that have happened on his Telegram platform. This kind of vicarious liability for hosting websites, particularly those involving user communications and forums, is not entirely new, but it is controversial and always applied very selectively.

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Conservative Group to Monitor Arizona’s Ballot Drop Boxes, Democrats Doubtful

ballot dropbox

A conservative grassroots organization has sent letters to election officials in every “major jurisdiction” asking what measures are being taken to ensure the security of Arizona’s ballot boxes and calling for the right to monitor those boxes during the general presidential election.

According to reporting by the Arizona Republic, one of these letters was received by Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes on Aug. 15, just days after a Maricopa County Superior Court judge ruled that Fontes had overstepped when crafting the Elections Procedure Manual.

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Support for Kamala Harris Declines After Democratic National Convention

Kamala Harris

Vice President Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) has seen her support go down after the Democratic National Convention (DNC), a rare occurrence in modern American politics where the party’s convention did not provide the nominee with a polling bump.

As reported by Breitbart, the poll from Redfield & Wilton Strategies, taken on August 29th and featuring a sample size of 2,500 likely voters, shows just 44% in favor of Kamala and 42% in support of former President Donald Trump. Another 8% of respondents remain undecided, while 4% would vote for one of the remaining third-party candidates.

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Professor Paid $2.4 Million to Settle First Amendment Retaliation Suit Goes After HR Chief’s New Contract

Matthew Garrett

A month after Matthew Garrett secured a $2.4 million settlement from the Kern Community College District over termination proceedings for the “dishonesty” of disagreeing with colleagues on diversity issues and “unprofessional conduct” of questioning the data used to create a “racial climate task force,” the former Bakersfield College tenured history professor isn’t done yet. 

He has started a campaign to pressure the KCCD Board of Trustees to rescind a contract extension and pay boost for the human resources official who oversaw his proceedings, citing newly obtained sworn testimony of the colleague who he says sicced students on Garrett with racially charged complaints that were “ultimately found to be baseless” – and used class time to do it.

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Tennessee Receives $35 Million Federal College Readiness Grant

Tutor helping kids study

Tennessee’s Higher Education Commission received a $35 million grant aimed at promoting college readiness in underserved and at-risk communities.

It will mean that 9,000 students will receive support throughout the seven years of the grant, starting with 1,600 seventh-graders from the class of 2030 who will receive support through their first year of college.

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Commentary: Thank You Congresswoman Harshbarger for Opposing the Inflation Reduction Act

Congresswoman Diana Harshbarger was right to vote against the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) – which ironically enough has caused record and historic inflation. According to the Heritage Foundation year-over-year inflation reached a 40-year high at 9%. This hurts everyone, but especially seniors living on fixed incomes.

All Americans are feeling the pinch of the IRA with real spending power declining at rapid rates. According to the U.S. Inflation Calculator $1,000 in 2020 now takes $1,215.33 in 2024 dollars to have the same amount of purchasing power – this is a 21.5% cumulative rate of inflation since President Biden won election. No wonder the American people are suffering over the past four years. 

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Michigan U.S. Senate Candidates Clash on Electric Vehicles in Labor Policy Visions

Electric Vehicle charging station

Michigan’s U.S. Senate candidates are running on their records regarding labor and economic policy, but they are opposed on the role of electric vehicles. 

Democrat Rep. Elissa Slotkin’s approach to labor policy focuses primarily on supporting domestic manufacturing. Her campaign page says she is focused on “creating jobs with dignity, bringing our supply chains back to America, and protecting the rights of workers.”

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Georgia Public Service Commission Could Issue Ruling This Week in Railroad Case

Sandersville Railroad

The Georgia Public Service Commission could decide a high-profile case this week that pits long-time property owners against a railroad looking to seize land for a new rail spur.

The Sandersville Railroad, a Class III short-line railroad, petitioned the PSC to condemn land for a 4.5-mile-long spur. Regardless of how the PSC rules, its decision will likely be appealed to Fulton County Superior Court and beyond, possibly even to the U.S. Supreme Court.

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Poll: Harris’ Lead Cut in Half in Minnesota After Adding Walz to the Ticket

Kamala Harris

Is it possible that a two-time elected Democratic governor of Minnesota is a drag on his presidential running mate in his own state?

That’s one takeaway from a poll conducted late last month on the race between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump in Minnesota, which shows Trump cutting Harris’ lead in half since she tapped Tim Walz to join her ticket as her vice presidential nominee.

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