Garland Vows to Thwart Foreign Election Interference Ops as DOJ Charges Iranians over Trump Hack

Merrick Garland

Attorney General Merrick Garland on Friday vowed to thwart foreign efforts to interfere in the U.S. election after the Justice Department brought charges against a group of Iranians who allegedly hacked the Trump campaign.

The DOJ on Friday filed an indictment of three Iranian nationals for hacking the Trump campaign and distributing its emails to news outlets. All three individuals charged are reportedly members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, NBC News reported.

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Sens. Blackburn, Hagerty Among Senators Seeking to Close ‘Loophole’ Biden-Harris Used to Grant Amnesty to Illegal Immigrants

illegal immigrants

New legislation introduced in the U.S. Senate on Thursday by a group of lawmakers, including Senators Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) and Bill Hagerty (R-TN), would eliminate the “loophole” used by the Biden-Harris administration to grant legal status to more than 500,000 illegal immigrants.

Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) is joined by the Visa Integrity Preservation Act by 13 other Republican senators, including Blackburn and Hagerty, in an effort they argue “ould close a loophole in current law that the Biden-Harris administration took advantage of in a June 2024 executive action to grant amnesty to illegal immigrants who entered the United States without inspection or overstayed a visa.”

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Threat Against Arizona High School Came from ‘Outside of this Country,’ Law Enforcement Confirms

Chaparral High School SUSD

Scottsdale Police Chief Jeff Walther confirmed on Thursday the threat that required Chaparral High School to lock down on Wednesday came from outside the country during an appearance on KTAR News 92.3 FM.

Walther told The Mike Broomhead Show host Mike Broomhead the threat “was from outside the country,” but called police in Scottsdale claiming he had taken hostages in a high school bathroom in Arizona after making a “series of 911 calls.”

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Commentary: Contaminating Children’s Minds and Ruining Their Future

Students Learning

In parts one and two of this series, we’ve examined how Democrats and their poisoned ideology have declared war on America’s children. If anyone has any doubt as to the intention of the Progressive left to poison the minds of children and ruin their future, look no further than America’s teachers’ unions, especially Randi Weingarten’s American Federation of Teachers.

Historically working in tandem with the Democrat Party, teachers’ unions are intense advocates for curriculum that does not include basic knowledge to get ahead in life. Rather than actual education, its agenda includes social justice propaganda, racial division, climate change dogma, and promotion of sexual deviancy.

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Springfield Has Cut Police Radio Access as City Descends into ‘Absolute Turmoil,’ Says Police Chief of Nearby Town

Chad Duncan

An Ohio police chief says his access to Springfield’s police radio frequency was cut off after the beleaguered city became a political lightening rod over its Haitian immigrant crisis.

Tremont City Police Chief Chad Duncan told Blaze News’ Julio Rosas that Springfield has fallen into “absolute turmoil” since being inundated with up to 20,000 Haitian nationals, and said the lawlessness is spreading to nearby towns, including his own. Tremont City is located approximately eight miles north of Springfield.

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Michigan Bills Would Prevent State Funding of Companies Using Slave Labor

Bryan Posthumus

Two identical bills introduced to the Michigan House and Senate would prohibit the state from entering economic development deals with companies tied to forced Chinese labor in the global supply chain.

HB 5959, sponsored by State Rep. Bryan Posthumus, R-Cannon Township, and SB 1015, sponsored by State Sen. Joe Bellino, would forbid the Michigan Strategic fund from subsidizing or providing tax incentives to companies that appear on the national Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act Entity List.

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Prop. 312 Would Give Tax Refunds to Property Owners Hit with Homeless Costs

Homeless Person

Arizona voters will have the opportunity to decide if property owners should be allowed to receive a property tax refund to cover “reasonable” costs accrued by unmitigated public nuisances related to homelessness, vandalism, property crime and drug use.

The property owner – either commercial or residential – would need to document the expense and be able to prove that it was a direct result of the government failing to enforce relevant public nuisance laws.

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Virginia Poll Shows Tied Gubernatorial Race, Nearly Tied Presidential Race

VA GA Poll

Virginia’s current political contests could hardly be closer, according to the University of Mary Washington’s Center for Leadership and Media Studies Fall 2024 poll.

A little over a year out, the poll showed Rep. Abigail Spanberger, D-07, and Republican Lt. Gov. Winsome Earle-Sears, the leading candidates for the commonwealth’s 2025 gubernatorial race, in a dead heat. When respondents were asked who they would vote for between the two “if the election were held today,” 39% indicated Spanberger, and 39% indicated Earle-Sears. Twelve percent didn’t know who they’d vote for.

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Angie Craig Voted Against Bill to Establish Protections for Babies Who Survive Attempted Abortions

Angie Craig

Republicans in Congress are working to add new protections in federal law for babies who are born during attempted abortions.

In January of 2023, the Republican majority in the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. According to the bill’s chief author, Congresswoman Ann Wagner, the bill “will provide commonsense protections for innocent children and their mothers and will ensure all babies receive the essential care they need at an incredibly vulnerable moment.”

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Lawmakers Want Answers After Revision to Job Numbers

People Working

Lawmakers are launching an inquiry into the Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics after it significantly overestimated the number of jobs created last year, creating a far rosier picture of the U.S. economy than was actually the case.

The federal government announced earlier this year that its previous jobs data had far overestimated how many jobs the U.S. economy created last year. In fact, the federal data was revised down by a third, or roughly 800,000 jobs, the largest revision since 2009.

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